Now they're going to say ILLustRAYt photoshopped the product codes into real Nike catalogs. Ignorance!
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Now they're going to say ILLustRAYt photoshopped the product codes into real Nike catalogs
Plenty of new concepts on deck for next year but there will still be the plain Jane 511881 releases @ $70. I understand the negative reaction to the expansion of the line but it's the same solution as people upset with JB. If you don't like the concept, don't buy them, it's not that serious.

On a side note, obsidian floral pricing will not be a consistent $40. Clearance stores are cheaper across the board. Regular outlets should price GPX @ 65, still cheaper than $80 MSRP though

If anyone is looking for extra laces and you don't want to wait for shipping you can get these at target. They're roughly the same size and about $3
Now they're going to say ILLustRAYt photoshopped the product codes into real Nike catalogs. Ignorance!

Funny how the catalog pics are being disseminated... it hasn't been that long since the inaccurate Tarp/Gamma/V2 pics made it to the actual release page on NDC. Catalog pics are what they are, renderings for the most part and not finished product. The Carpe Diem Kobe IV still to this day has a translucent outsole in Nike's database (still pissed it didn't make production)

I can't post as much as I used to because I'm not going to risk things at my job but there are many who don't post simply because the constant critique, even though they're looking out for everyone else.

Ray, you do a damn fine job of maintaining the intro page of the Roshe & Flyknit threads among others. Much appreciated, if no one else tells you
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I find it funny that everyone is saying Nike is "ruining the Roshe" by creating all of these variants, yet no one bats an eye when Jordan Brand comes out with a new Jordan 1 variant.

If you don't like it, don't buy it. You'll still have plenty of 511881 Roshes to buy while all of these are dropping.
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You would think for a person that blogs about the roshe should know a thing or two before discrediting something and calling it fake.
@Il Ly, I might need to hire you to photoshop some of my photos.

Apparently you've been hiding some serious talent from all of us!!
I cannot believe the negativity in here. When has TeamRoshe misled our following? We are here to provide any kind of news we receive. I don't even want to repeat what very credible sources (d e beatup & Ray) have already said. Take it with a grain of salt. We all know NDCs catalog pictures are the worst anyhow.
I find it funny that everyone is saying Nike is "ruining the Roshe" by creating all of these variants, yet no one bats an eye when Jordan Brand comes out with a new Jordan 1 variant.

If you don't like it, don't buy it. You'll still have plenty of 511881 Roshes to buy while all of these are dropping.

I guess you don't frequent the JB threads. But then again, they have been a circus and a wreck for a while. The purist have left, with a newer crowd that "RoboCops" anything that comes down the JB pipeline. Atleast, we'll have decent Roshes.(For a lil while) :smile:
some cheap white ones guy said he would send after he found but never hit me back so i just put on some black ones.

Yeah, Niwreig already had the kiwi laces from Target which look almost identical slightly thinner, I got OCD though and put some regular roshe laces on em.

The black just gives it more of that "male" touch IMO
Yeah, Niwreig already had the kiwi laces from Target which look almost identical slightly thinner, I got OCD though and put some regular roshe laces on em.

The black just gives it more of that "male" touch IMO
Yeah I got them for a steal so I'm not tripping over getting those OG laces.
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