Saw SHUTTER ISLAND tonight- vol. yes, it's better than The Departed **Spoilers within**

What if he was crazy, and then was cured, then realizing that if he played into his "role" again, he would infact get to see if they were such things like lobotimizing going on... 
I don't know my mind is all over the place...But the whole die a good man theory works for me, I'm going to bed.
^ I only saw part of it coming (SPOILER) which was him being crazy. I had no idea he murked his wife or that Chuck was working with the hospital (/[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]SPOILER[/color]).
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

^^ lady in cave is a hallucination...talkin about nazi experiments that werent happening and *+@@. i thought the fire between them as they spoke was great symbolism

Just saw it a couple hrs ago. I was wondering what the significance of the fire,water,and smoke was. I know early on in the film he said something about how his "wife didnt die from the fire, it was the smoke and thats the worst way" or something. Also in one of the scenes with the Ben Kingsley when he and Leo were speaking there was alot of smoke in the screen in front of Kingsleys face. And maybe the lighthouse relates to all the symbolism with smoke as well? I thought maybe the smoke was just the lie/deception they were playing on Leos character and the lighthouse represents the clearing of the smoke/mind. Like the crazy lady in the cave said how they were trying to erase their mind. And also when he would have those headaches and bright flashes its kind of like the lighthouse shining on him which could be seen as him having a difficult time retracting certain memories because of the experiment they did in the lighthouse. But then again that was pretty early so maybe not unless they already did the experiment prior to that. Also didnt that crazy patient at the staircase talk about the nuclear bomb or something and how its so much worse because it implodes, which can be looked at as Leos character being destroyed from the inside out? And then the "dont you get it your a rat in a maze" and all those rats coming out of the crevice tied to that little cave with the crazy lady, i dont get what exactly that meant.
Retro23J wrote:

Originally Posted by recycledpaper


the reason why i believe he was actually a patient and that everything was acted out to fulfill his treatment plan was because during the interrogation with the axe-lady, when chuck brought back the water glass and she drank from it, there is a second or two where it shows her holding NOTHING but still making the drinking motion. but the scene right after that (leo's point of view) it shows a glass of water on the table.
I peeped that too I was like......what? Imaginary cup?? Wait but there's the cup....

saw that too, i asked my girl did she even drink from the cup
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

^^ lady in cave is a hallucination...talkin about nazi experiments that werent happening and *+@@. i thought the fire between them as they spoke was great symbolism

Just saw it a couple hrs ago. I was wondering what the significance of the fire,water,and smoke was. I know early on in the film he said something about how his "wife didnt die from the fire, it was the smoke and thats the worst way" or something. Also in one of the scenes with the Ben Kingsley when he and Leo were speaking there was alot of smoke in the screen in front of Kingsleys face. And maybe the lighthouse relates to all the symbolism with smoke as well? I thought maybe the smoke was just the lie/deception they were playing on Leos character and the lighthouse represents the clearing of the smoke/mind.
on point. i didn't notice the bright lights being the realization of what he did.

smoke clouds have been used to show deception before. i remember seeing that in rosemarys baby and chinatown. whenever there is smoke or something blocking someones face or mouth it's usually symbolism for a lie or deception.
Just saw this movie, hated it comin out of the theatre. After reading through everyones responses I dont know what to believe now. And what was the exact quote at the end? "what do you think is worse, to live as a monster or die a good man"?
Definitely wasn't better than the Departed. Not a bad movie, although I did go in expecting more of a scary movie.
reading the book right now. hopefully i have time to go next weekend to watch it. book is really good.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Ehhh...saw the movie last night and y'all are hyping it wayyyy too much.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That said, imo, Teddy was NOT crazy...there's enough evidence in the final scene that suggests so.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]...[/color]
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Ehhh...saw the movie last night and y'all are hyping it wayyyy too much.

That said, imo, Teddy was NOT crazy...there's enough evidence in the final scene that suggests so.


I was thinkin the same thing, that it turned out he really wasnt crazy.
Originally Posted by xblker47

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Ehhh...saw the movie last night and y'all are hyping it wayyyy too much.

That said, imo, Teddy was NOT crazy...there's enough evidence in the final scene that suggests so.


I was thinkin the same thing, that it turned out he really wasnt crazy.
I thought it was he WAS crazy, but by the end he wasn't. The treatment actually worked.
Originally Posted by Hizzle


My whole take of the ending was that Teddy was in fact crazy. The whole thing about his wife killing their children and then him killing his wife because she killed the children was true. He mentioned how his wife had a mental illness and by not helping her, he actually indirectly aided his wife in killing his own children. He was then cured for the second time in the movie (the doctor told him of the time he was cured 9 months before, but relapsed).

Now that he has been cured, at the end it's made to seem that he has relapsed back again when his doctor comes up to him at the steps and he goes into the delusional role of a Federal Marshal again. But then he says the quote along the lines of "I'd rather die a good man than live a monster." This tells you that he's still aware of the truth, but now even though he's cured, he can't live knowing he aided in killing his children and killing his wife (this would be living as a monster) so he would rather get the lobotomy to erase his memory (this would be symbolism for death and with no recollection of the past he has a clean slate to be a good person).

Also, if you remember how the guards were on edge in the beginning of the movie, this would make sense because Teddy was one of their most dangerous patients and was essentially free to do whatever he wanted.

leo was crazy. (til the last 2 minutes).

- INTRO - coming off his meds, vomiting and having major panic attacks being around water (where he found his kids dead)
- ISLAND - guards all looking at him nervously, knowing he is potentially violent during a relapse
- ROOM - find "letter" placed by doctors to hopefully trigger his mind of the truth (name acronym), also the 2 pairs of shoes were not womens shoes (it was his room)
- INTERVIEW - lady with cup of water, didn't have water when he got the message to "run", he made that up, also he scribbled on the pad being very frustrated as his subconscious came into play as the patient (role playing actor) began talking bad of his wife (missing woman) and leo became very defensive of her
- GRAVEYARD - "chuck" his doctor played into Leo's theory and then tried to guide him into knowing that he was a patient to trigger reality
- LIGHTHOUSE - guard without loaded weapon asking "are you gonna kill me?" to persuade leo to not use the gun (which wasn't loaded)
- LIGHTHOUSE - flashback was placed for a reason. to show truth.
- FINAL SCENE - where leo is finally CURED. he realizes that with his flashbacks revert him into a conspiracy theory driven monster who has major potential to hurt people. instead he lies to his doctor knowing that his surgery (imagery for death) is certain and instead would rather "die a good man"

I totally see the other side of the argument though. That is what makes a film great, the post discussion. Reminds me of the District 9 "is christopher johnson human or not" argument (which is he human by the way lol...)

thanks for the awesome discussion niketalk
Yeah, the final 2 minutes really got me thinking when he said the die a good man line ... I know he had to be cured.

Then wouldn't his Doctor catch that?

Confused as hell.
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

^^ his doc did, as he walked away (in my opinion)
yep. the last 2 minutes was perfect. when he started talking crazy again on the steps and his doc telling the people he wasn't cured. everyone in the theater was like damn he was almost there. then when he says that line about being a monster. I was like 
The movie is seen through the eyes/mind of Leo's deranged character from the very beginning (the ride on the ship/boat) until the time he is told of his doings and reason for being at the asylum. He was never a Marshall sent to the asylum to investigate some sort of conspiracy.

The conspiracy, how and why he got there as well as everything he got into was all in his mind.
Every situation he got into and conversation he had as the Marshall was a creation of his mind as a result of the trauma suffered in the war and his family's demise. He was a patient at the asylum like everyone else.

He finally accepts how crazy he is and everything he's done at the end, but realizes there's no cure, as he's prone to relapse so he knowingly goes along with the lobotomy (he actually pretends to be crazy during a moment of clarity while he's on the steps with his psychiatrist who then shakes his head in hopelessness) in order to do way with all these horrible memories and hallucinations.
simple minded people should not see this movie, a female friend of mine just came out of it and said "the movie was good but the ending ruined it"

I said you dont know what your talking about and shut the phone on her
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

^^ lady in cave is a hallucination...talkin about nazi experiments that werent happening and *+@@. i thought the fire between them as they spoke was great symbolism

Just saw it a couple hrs ago. I was wondering what the significance of the fire,water,and smoke was. I know early on in the film he said something about how his "wife didnt die from the fire, it was the smoke and thats the worst way" or something. Also in one of the scenes with the Ben Kingsley when he and Leo were speaking there was alot of smoke in the screen in front of Kingsleys face. And maybe the lighthouse relates to all the symbolism with smoke as well? I thought maybe the smoke was just the lie/deception they were playing on Leos character and the lighthouse represents the clearing of the smoke/mind. Like the crazy lady in the cave said how they were trying to erase their mind. And also when he would have those headaches and bright flashes its kind of like the lighthouse shining on him which could be seen as him having a difficult time retracting certain memories because of the experiment they did in the lighthouse. But then again that was pretty early so maybe not unless they already did the experiment prior to that. Also didnt that crazy patient at the staircase talk about the nuclear bomb or something and how its so much worse because it implodes, which can be looked at as Leos character being destroyed from the inside out? And then the "dont you get it your a rat in a maze" and all those rats coming out of the crevice tied to that little cave with the crazy lady, i dont get what exactly that meant.
I read the fire between them as a kind of caution or warning...that there is something *off* about this conversation. The fire and smoke are all choices by the director to add mystery and style to the picture. Scorsese more than most directors treats films as "motion pictures" and really tries to create interesting frames and shots that can be read multiple ways. This goes for all or most of his films.

The rats are actually prominent in the book as well. I was thinking that Scorsese probably read the script and thought this would be a funny way to get "rats" into his movie (as he is always associated with mob/gangster films)
How did he know about the ice pick though? The character that told him about it wasnt real though??
watched the movie twice.

you notice when leo was asking the AX lady how the doctor that went in vacation was and she kept looking at leo's partner and saying he was real nice and handsome
and when the camera went to his partner he smiled and looked at leo when she said that.

just a lil thing i picked up lol
Originally Posted by xblker47

How did he know about the ice pick though? The character that told him about it wasnt real though??

Exactly...which is one of the many reasons, elucidated at the end of the movie, that leads me to believe that Teddy was actually NOT crazy.

Info of the glass pick was only revealed to him by that female Dr. in the cave. But if she was a figment of his psychosis, which is what Kingsley character states, implying thus that everything she told him was imaginary, how does anyone explain the very end of the movie when the orderly is seen bringing the glass pick, wrapped in linen, when Teddy's fate is finally determined.

Furthermore, recall that after this very scene, comes the last scene in the movie-- a shot of the Lighthouse. Think about this...the final two scenes in the movie show a very real glass pick, used for the "experiments" suggested by the imaginary doctor, immediately followed by a shot of the Light house, the place where these experiments occur.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Look at the time associated with each frame...[/color]

Shot of the glass pick...


followed by Teddy being led to his fate...


followed by a shot of the Light house...


Connect the dots y'all...


Also, that quote--"to live as a monster, or to die as a good man"...there's more to it...just think a lil harder...

As far as I'm concerned, those in the audience who actually believed that Teddy was crazy, are in fact, the real crazy ones. Once again, evidence of this can be found in the dialogue between Teddy and the doctor lady in the cave. Remember what she said (paraphrasing)--"we live in a world where once you're dubbed crazy, no amount of effort on your part to show otherwise, will clear your name. In facts, your efforts to prove otherwise will used to validate just how crazy you are"...and guess what, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE AUDIENCE IS DOING TO TEDDY, simply because the antagonists of movie already declared him to be crazy...


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