Say hello to the verse that knocked off Cole's "Beautiful Bliss" Verse Vol. Rise and Shine

@Luke couldnt have put it better!

and like u said its not even about attacking ppl likes and dislikes. Cats just be all over the place when it come to certain acts.
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

and like u said its not even about attacking ppl likes and dislikes.
Just to be clear, I've never entered the J Cole thread or posted in there once.  I'm not attacking the fans, I'm just sharing my opinion of him.

I might seem harsh at times, but it's only in the threads that deliberately state:
Is Cole the Leader of the New School?
Kendrick is so far ahead in my, and a lot of knowledgeable dude's opinions it's crazy.  Kid is a real artist and he knows exactly who he is.
Cats just be all over the place when it come to certain acts.
That's because Cole takes himself so seriously.  He talks about how great he is/how great he's gonna be/take over the game, blah, blah all the damn time.

Only dudes I want to hear saying that #%+# is Jay and 'Ye, cause guess what?  They've earned it and it seems real when they talk it.

He's not a singer like Drake.  If you're a lyracist and you're gonna make those claims time after time, you better back them up. 

He needs to stop telling us how great he is and just show us.

The fact that "Beautiful Bliss" is so hot makes it worse.

If he ever comes out w/ a truly near classic (I mean real, not hailed by his own fans
), I wouldn't be surprised - he has the talent.

Just show us and don't tell us.

That's all I ask.

P.S.: And I'm a Duke fan, so I'm partial on the Battier line.

How you gonna call one of the realest men in the L a lame, though?
Originally Posted by N ll K 3

Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

and like u said its not even about attacking ppl likes and dislikes.
Just to be clear, I've never entered the J Cole thread or posted in there once.  I'm not attacking the fans, I'm just sharing my opinion of him.

I might seem harsh at times, but it's only in the threads that deliberately state:
Is Cole the Leader of the New School?
Kendrick is so far ahead in my, and a lot of knowledgeable dude's opinions it's crazy.  Kid is a real artist and he knows exactly who he is.
Cats just be all over the place when it come to certain acts.
That's because Cole takes himself so seriously.  He talks about how great he is/how great he's gonna be/take over the game, blah, blah all the damn time.

Only dudes I want to hear saying that #%+# is Jay and 'Ye, cause guess what?  They've earned it and it seems real when they talk it.

He's not a singer like Drake.  If you're a lyracist and you're gonna make those claims time after time, you better back them up. 

He needs to stop telling us how great he is and just show us.

The fact that "Beautiful Bliss" is so hot makes it worse.

If he ever comes out w/ a truly near classic (I mean real, not hailed by his own fans
), I wouldn't be surprised - he has the talent.

Just show us and don't tell us.

That's all I ask.

P.S.: And I'm a Duke fan, so I'm partial on the Battier line.

How you gonna call one of the realest men in the L a lame, though?

On Kendrick Lamar. Thats your opinion. But where is your evidence? What are you basing this on? What are you discrediting Cole for? Finally Its not really a big deal to me who the "leader of the new school" is. 

But to address a couple of your comments:

Kendrick Lamar aint even hit the main scene yet so how the fugg is he leading anything? You know how much isssh he is gonna have to change to be heard, to create a larger following?? Come back to me in a year or two and tell me if he is doing some things u aint pleased with if he gets any more known bruh.

Cole's music has been true to himself from the jump! His fans are pleased with the album and he didnt stray away from his core at all. He is also still growing, arent new artists allowed to do that?

And Cole keep saying he great?!? Who doesnt say they are great?!? How is he not backing it up? Out sold all the newcomers except Drake with a rap album that he almost entirely produced, which so happen to be his best collection of work to date..IMO. Not to mention the album is better than the majority of his counterparts debuts. So quality and quantity, thats two checks. Charisma he may be lacking to you, but erybody aint on that back to Africa and im rocking naappy hair isssh Lamar be talking bout either!

What do u mean he doesnt know who he is? Ive seen this comment in regards to him too many times and I just dont get what u guys are looking at, or want the dude to do or be. Thats like the most bs statement ever what are yall talking bout?

People either hypocritical of one rapper or ignoring the #$%# out of ery other rapper. I know Cole got real stans and then ppl like Cole World 22 aka ___ frontin for lulz...but the scrunity he gets is od if u ask me. But i understand if u and others feel like he get more praise than he deserves on this message board, but in real life I dont think its that kinda deal where erybody on dude jock crowing him the next king.

and Tar Heels > Duke 
This is the verse that has ya'll all hot?

There was nothing remarkable about this at all. ...I really don't see the love for this guy... I've given up on trying to understand it.

Hes on Mickey Factz status to me.

Beautiful Bliss might as well be his best feature...and Too Deep for the Intro might be his best instrumental.
Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Yo Ace on some real +@%, some of these cats is either fickle or hypocritical when it comes to hip-hop. These same dudes sit here and post screwfaces over Em's cypher with all them multisyllablezzz about elbowing rappers in the penis and being Superman eating rat poison but when they hear a raw, real story about a rapper on the come-up they say he ain't saying nothing or he ain't lyrical? These dudes ain't even know what they want from their music

Naw, dudes on here with they whiny $%@$@, wondering where hip-hop went and how the game is messed up yet they co-signing Eminem %%+ and posting
and "Slim Shady back!" Son, that %%+ was hot in elementary school, how you still get excited about I liked that verse though. One of the better ones out IMO.
 im sayin!!! cats be having me tripped out on here!

Naw they rather get excited about rappers who rap about duct taping and Velcroing a fetus because it rhymes
Son that Slim Shady %$%+ was hot in elementary school when dudes was still prepping for Y2K, how you still think that's hot in 2011? Rakim uses internal rhymes too, you hear HIM saying that %*%+?

Meanwhile Cole giving you his story and that non-gimmick, real %%++ and fools on here is giving you the stoneface? Yeah they right, hip-hop is in the crapper, and NT dudes on here is supporting it
I ain't even hating on what they like, if they like it all the power to them, but they damn inconsistent with what they think is hot and what isn't. In one post it's subject matter, in another it's rhymes about squigees and acid. Ok.

It is about the art of it... All paintings are art... Just as all hip hop is hip hop... And there are different techniques, different subject matters between artists, and different ways to communicate their message...J. Cole's subject matter is way more relate-able.. Obviously...But as a craft what Eminem did in that cypher CANNOT BE duplicated...

I started to grow sour on Eminem when Relapse came out for the same reasons you state... But as I listened more throughout his discography.. I began seeing the art of what Eminem does.. And it is about the technique... And technique is what hip hop is all about..

Denying the genius of that cypher, and at the same time bigging up that J. Cole verse is pretty idiotic.. And then going on a weird rant about how hip hop is in the crapper... You were not listening to that verse..

Hip Hop would survive without the bull %@#! of what you guys arguing about real hip hop... It is not about the subject matter, nor the technique.. Because both are included in what is the major part of what makes hip hop, hip hop.. And that is the artist's genuine love for the art, and putting their soul in the confines of the instrumental..

Just for the record, While J. Cole's material tends to be more re-lateable.. There is really nothing re-lateable at all with this verse...
I think the problem here is that this sounds better spoken than written to be read in front of you.

BB >>> R&S
Originally Posted by Essential1

Shane Battier probably was like "Hey man what I do?" when he first heard the song..
Play for Duke.. the hate is warranted for NC heads like Cole lol
But no way is this better than Beautiful Bliss.
Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Yo Ace on some real +@%, some of these cats is either fickle or hypocritical when it comes to hip-hop. These same dudes sit here and post screwfaces over Em's cypher with all them multisyllablezzz about elbowing rappers in the penis and being Superman eating rat poison but when they hear a raw, real story about a rapper on the come-up they say he ain't saying nothing or he ain't lyrical? These dudes ain't even know what they want from their music

Naw, dudes on here with they whiny $%@$@, wondering where hip-hop went and how the game is messed up yet they co-signing Eminem %%+ and posting
and "Slim Shady back!" Son, that %%+ was hot in elementary school, how you still get excited about I liked that verse though. One of the better ones out IMO.
 im sayin!!! cats be having me tripped out on here!

Naw they rather get excited about rappers who rap about duct taping and Velcroing a fetus because it rhymes
Son that Slim Shady %$%+ was hot in elementary school when dudes was still prepping for Y2K, how you still think that's hot in 2011? Rakim uses internal rhymes too, you hear HIM saying that %*%+?

Meanwhile Cole giving you his story and that non-gimmick, real %%++ and fools on here is giving you the stoneface? Yeah they right, hip-hop is in the crapper, and NT dudes on here is supporting it
I ain't even hating on what they like, if they like it all the power to them, but they damn inconsistent with what they think is hot and what isn't. In one post it's subject matter, in another it's rhymes about squigees and acid. Ok.

I've addressed this multiple times.
The problem is that you're hearing Cole's music and comparing it to other rappers' music that these people (robots) are feelin'. You're looking at it from this perspective: "Why do they think _______'s +$+@ is THAT nice, but they think Cole is weak? How does that even make sense?"

Put aside the lyrics. They don't factor those into their "inconsistency with what they think is hot."

It's gimmicks. They're picking what's hot based on what gimmick rapper is gonna give them the most social acceptance points... so that's where the "consistency in what's hot is." It's whatever gimmick is hot (to them), that's whose lyrics are the best. Forget about the actual lyrics.

And the people who think his "Beautiful Bliss" verse is leaps and bounds ahead of anything else he's spit...

He has PLENTY of verses that are as hot, or better.

Y'all simply don't listen to lyrics. That's the only way to put it. You guys listen for gimmick and flow.

That's why most of y'all love his "Beautiful Bliss" verse (not that I don't). It's because the FLOW was so nice that you could overlook his lack of a gimmick.

If you listen to his freestyle on Grammy Family... +$+@ is  "Beautiful Bliss" on steroids. But since the flow isn't as demanding as "Beautiful Bliss." y'all overlook it and say it's boring.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by sillyputty

This is the verse that has ya'll all hot?
Depends what we're comparing it to.

Relative to Cole's previous material... naw, this %@@! ain't that hot. He's got a good 30+ verses better than this.

Relative to the album... then yeah, this is a top 3 verse on the album.

Relative to the %@@! these other rappers are "rapping" ? Yeah, this %@@! is heat rock as !##$.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

 im sayin!!! cats be having me tripped out on here!

Naw they rather get excited about rappers who rap about duct taping and Velcroing a fetus because it rhymes
Son that Slim Shady %$%+ was hot in elementary school when dudes was still prepping for Y2K, how you still think that's hot in 2011? Rakim uses internal rhymes too, you hear HIM saying that %*%+?

Meanwhile Cole giving you his story and that non-gimmick, real %%++ and fools on here is giving you the stoneface? Yeah they right, hip-hop is in the crapper, and NT dudes on here is supporting it
I ain't even hating on what they like, if they like it all the power to them, but they damn inconsistent with what they think is hot and what isn't. In one post it's subject matter, in another it's rhymes about squigees and acid. Ok.

It is about the art of it... All paintings are art... Just as all hip hop is hip hop... And there are different techniques, different subject matters between artists, and different ways to communicate their message...J. Cole's subject matter is way more relate-able.. Obviously...But as a craft what Eminem did in that cypher CANNOT BE duplicated...

I started to grow sour on Eminem when Relapse came out for the same reasons you state... But as I listened more throughout his discography.. I began seeing the art of what Eminem does.. And it is about the technique... And technique is what hip hop is all about..

Denying the genius of that cypher, and at the same time bigging up that J. Cole verse is pretty idiotic.. And then going on a weird rant about how hip hop is in the crapper... You were not listening to that verse..

Hip Hop would survive without the bull %@#! of what you guys arguing about real hip hop... It is not about the subject matter, nor the technique.. Because both are included in what is the major part of what makes hip hop, hip hop.. And that is the artist's genuine love for the art, and putting their soul in the confines of the instrumental..

Just for the record, While J. Cole's material tends to be more re-lateable.. There is really nothing re-lateable at all with this verse...

You're right, technique is a part of hip-hop. Wasn't out to say otherwise.

I don't favor nonsense rhymes OVER content though. Em can get away with this more than others because he came into the game under the crazy white boy rapper schtick, that makes him appealing to his listeners. It's not that other dudes can't write these rhymes if they actually wanted to, it's that they would look not be as appealing while doing it (especially for the purpose of selling records). And part of it's due to the perception of race combined with the bizarre rhymes.

Back to topic, Cole's $+@ displayed content (and also technique). It's why I prefer it over the cypher and some other verses I heard.
Originally Posted by Cole World 22

Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

 im sayin!!! cats be having me tripped out on here!

Naw they rather get excited about rappers who rap about duct taping and Velcroing a fetus because it rhymes
Son that Slim Shady %$%+ was hot in elementary school when dudes was still prepping for Y2K, how you still think that's hot in 2011? Rakim uses internal rhymes too, you hear HIM saying that %*%+?

Meanwhile Cole giving you his story and that non-gimmick, real %%++ and fools on here is giving you the stoneface? Yeah they right, hip-hop is in the crapper, and NT dudes on here is supporting it
I ain't even hating on what they like, if they like it all the power to them, but they damn inconsistent with what they think is hot and what isn't. In one post it's subject matter, in another it's rhymes about squigees and acid. Ok.

If you listen to his freestyle on Grammy Family... +$+@ is  "Beautiful Bliss" on steroids. But since the flow isn't as demanding as "Beautiful Bliss." y'all overlook it and say it's boring.
Can't leave Kanye out of any of your arguments eh?
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