Serious Question: Do you wear a t-shirt under your polo?

seeing sounds

Jun 20, 2009
I used to always, and I noticed alot of people with no tee under it, and I tried and I like the way it looks and feels. Whats your take/style?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I haven't worn a Polo shirt in years, but when I did, I always wore a whitecrew neck underneath.[/color]
Originally Posted by Seeing Sounds

How bout during the summer, it gets to hot to have multiple shirts

I still rock a white t under my polo. It's 90 here in the Chi today and I still got on a white t under my polo.
yes, i do. usually just a white shirt, but every once in a while i'll get fancy and wear the same color undershirt and pony.
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