simp success stories...

Dec 11, 2010
are there any?
Bought my ex a macbook, took her to the jonas brothers show, sean kingston x justin beiber concert, lil wayne x ross, selena gomez. Basically made a lot of sacrifices for her because i loved her. Others ive shaved my beard, let her drive my whip first thing she does is hit the curb. Most recently spent a boatload on drake tickets smh. Im not into that romantic simp !%@#, more of that ill give her whatever she wants simp.
Originally Posted by megatron

Bought my ex a macbook, took her to the jonas brothers show, sean kingston x justin beiber concert, lil wayne x ross, selena gomez. Basically made a lot of sacrifices for her because i loved her. Others ive shaved my beard, let her drive my whip first thing she does is hit the curb. Most recently spent a boatload on drake tickets smh. Im not into that romantic simp !%@#, more of that ill give her whatever she wants simp.
And you still find time to post first.

Kudos to you, pal.
Megatron, you better be trolling. That's the dumbest *@%+ I've ever heard of
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by megatron

Bought my ex a macbook, took her to the jonas brothers show, sean kingston x justin beiber concert, lil wayne x ross, selena gomez. Basically made a lot of sacrifices for her because i loved her. Others ive shaved my beard, let her drive my whip first thing she does is hit the curb. Most recently spent a boatload on drake tickets smh. Im not into that romantic simp !%@#, more of that ill give her whatever she wants simp.
And you still find time to post first.

Kudos to you, pal.
Right, homeboy got a full schedule. Looks she got him in the kitchen instead 
@bkmac. I have a lot of time truebut im not with em 24/7 either. Smh.

why do you guys think in lying? Stubhub and craigslist always has good deals. Ive built a connection with this ticket broker too. Thats how i got my 3rd row Kanye tickets and 5th row lil wayne smh.
after my ex and i broke up, i took her up to nyc/atlantic city for new years as friends (i still had feelings for her). was supposed to be a 1 day trip but it turned into a 4 day mini vacation, and i footed the bill. at least i got some sex out of it though, but my bank accounts been hurting ever since. after we got back, we kinda got back together, but then we got into a huge fight and i havent heard from her since
thread title is hilarious for one

two, is a simping w really a w?

i mean dudes simp for sexual gratification so i'd hope that need is getting met otherwise why bother

to all the simps out there, keep your wallet strong

make your next swipe your best swipe

**disclaimer- these views don't necessarily reflect the mindset of such a mackisly young lad
Simp? succes? NahEDIT: on second thought I have a close friend who takes his gf out all the time , buys her nice stuff, and always tells her how much she means to him. They've been together for about a year and are happy... but he hadn't smashed
The words "simp" and any variation of the word "success" should never be used in the same sentence.
Originally Posted by Aqua 8s

The words "simp" and any variation of the word "success" should never be used in the same sentence.

lack of simping makes you successful?
Some of you have seen me post her before. But my entire relationship with this girl


dat p was powerful, but I @+%*%$ it up. Wow this isn't even a success story. I'm gonna go listen to Marvin's Room now.
kinda seems like an oxymoron... like what is being asked. are ppl saying have you been successful at being a lame, or being successfully comming up short.
I find myself simping from time to time.

And I also find myself being called a simp from time to time.
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Some of you have seen me post her before. But my entire relationship with this girl


dat p was powerful, but I @+%*%$ it up. Wow this isn't even a success story. I'm gonna go listen to Marvin's Room now.

I've told you this before but I love your girl
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