So I Finally Finished My Screenplay *TEASER EXCERPT PAGE 4*

Apr 4, 2008
After about 4 months of writing it I finally finished. Still have a couple of structural revisions to make, but the dialogue and story is complete. Next stepis writing my query and mailing it out to a bunch of agencies.

Without giving away too much, it's about a distraught Iraq War veteran who releases the frustration of his upcoming 10 year anniversary of his break upwith the woman of his dreams, by killing prostitutes and addressing their deaths poetically with calling cards left on their bodies. The movie pretty muchexploits the cynicism of mankind and irrational state love places people in.

And of course I know some douche is going to say who cares, so this is for you:

Spoiler [+]
Props for writing a screenplay and putting that much time into it. This recreational or what?
Congrats Johnny, thats definitely on my top ten list of things to do before im 6 feet deep. Good luck hope it gets picked up when you finally send it out.

4 months is about par to getting one done considering most screenplays are roughly about 120 pages. Its definitely a matter of getting in the habit of writing1-2 pages a day to knock one out in that amount of time. So definitely kudos.

I'm in the process of writing a 25 page play for one my classes this semester. something i've never done but should definitely be interesting hearingit read in front of an audience. Actors can be lethal to your baby 9 times out of 10.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

After about 4 months of writing it I finally finished. Still have a couple of structural revisions to make, but the dialogue and story is complete. Next step is writing my query and mailing it out to a bunch of agencies.

Without giving away too much, it's about a distraught Iraq War veteran who releases the frustration of his upcoming 10 year anniversary of his break up with the woman of his dreams, by killing prostitutes and addressing their deaths poetically with calling cards left on their bodies. The movie pretty much exploits the cynicism of mankind and irrational state love places people in.

And of course I know some douche is going to say who cares, so this is for you:

Spoiler [+]

Congrats currently Writing a goal in life is to write scripts for tv shows and commercials..I took script to screen in college..So i know howhard it is to write a script so hats off to you..if you want an opinion feel free to PM me and ill send you some of my work....
Sounds like an interesting concept. Good luck to you, sir.

I was in the process of writing a similar short story, only rather than an Iraq War Veteran the main character was a distraught pedophile who stalked younggirl's MySpace pages, but then I realized it's a terrible concept and that I can't write.
Yea, I'm not feeling the premise too much but congrats anyway. Writing anything that long is an accomplishment and after-all, it was only your firstattempt so no loss in that. Just keep writing and don't get too upset if you get denials.
Originally Posted by Datnggag

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

After about 4 months of writing it I finally finished. Still have a couple of structural revisions to make, but the dialogue and story is complete. Next step is writing my query and mailing it out to a bunch of agencies.

Without giving away too much, it's about a distraught Iraq War veteran who releases the frustration of his upcoming 10 year anniversary of his break up with the woman of his dreams, by killing prostitutes and addressing their deaths poetically with calling cards left on their bodies. The movie pretty much exploits the cynicism of mankind and irrational state love places people in.

And of course I know some douche is going to say who cares, so this is for you:

Spoiler [+]

Congrats currently Writing a goal in life is to write scripts for tv shows and commercials..I took script to screen in college..So i know how hard it is to write a script so hats off to you..if you want an opinion feel free to PM me and ill send you some of my work....
Thanks man, good luck to you 2. It's a tough field, but if you work hard enough you'll make it.
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