So I Hit my Sister.... smh

i didn't read the thread but...

just smash bro
I support you homie. I always hear that hitting your kids is not the right way to discipline your kids but I think otherwise. I do not think that taking awaythe kid's playstation, internet, etc will have the same impact as a spanking. People fail to realize that kids nowadays will not just LISTEN and try totalk things out! If you guys actually think that, then you're living in a different world than mine. If I was a kid, I would care less if they took awayall my stuff, but you best believe that I would not want to get spanked or whipped by my dad.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You hit her... to make her respect others.

That's counterproductive on 2 levels.

#1. Hitting is disrespectful in itself, so it makes little sense for me to hit someone and tell them 'I'm hitting you to try and get you to be respectful to others, dammit!'

#2. You're not going to 'make' her do anything. The only person you can 'make' do something... is you.

I only lived with my sister and my dad for a couple years (from 18-20), and my sister was 9 kinds of disrespectful to my dad. We both resented him, but I just paid him no mind, paid him rent, stayed out of his hair, etc. She would go crazy on him... but I never hit her over it. It accomplishes nothing. Matter of fact, I've shared on here before that I've even fought for her when I saw my dads put his hands on her, pushing her or what not.

Yeah, my sister ended up going down a self-destructive path, and she's currently failing at life,'bout to get all 3 of her kids taken away by the state and everything, but would I have changed her life's path by hitting her when she was disrespectful to my dad?

perhaps had you hit her she wouldn't be in the position she now is.As long as you dont "beat" her like on some gangsta !*@! andexplain to her aferwards why you did what you did i see nothing wrong
I think it all starts with how you build a relationship with your child. If you build a strong trusting relationship with communication, then it maybe possibleto talk things out with children. But that starts at a VERY young age. You have to make your children see at a very young age that what you want for them is intheir best interest.

Trust works both ways IMO. If the child trusts the parent, then I think the child would listen if you did sit down and talk to them. Being their friend is alsoanother thing that can help. Growing up I saw a lot of my friends who were very cool with their parents, and had close relationship with them where they wereable to talk things out, and listen.
Shouldnt have hit her, you made a mistake so let her know sooner than later, but try to TALK to her about the situation.

Cussing is verbal abuse no matter the situation, it only escalates things.

You have to build trust with her, not with words but with actions, then she'll probably actually listen to what you have to say. Give it time, you have tounderstand situations and dont act on whim.

good luck
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Edit: I've seen this too, beating your kids to the point of oblivion will make them even scared to run to you for advice when they are f-ing up. I believe in hitting your kids and then telling them WHY they got it. Ska you talking about every time they acting up small or big, it's an impulse on the parents to start beating them. THAT is ABUSE. The WHY u hitting them is important. Parents automatically hit and think the discipline is over. You got to explain WHY.
I agree with this. You have to approach your sister on a more sympathetic level and explain to her why you did it. You NEED to get back her trust.She might be feeling alone right now since she was arguing with her mom and then you hit her. Let her know that your with her AND your mom and get back hertrust. Don't say it was the right or wrong thing to hit her but explain to her why you did it. If you can get back her trust now and become someone she canrely on in her life then she will respect you but also trust you.

Dont let her feel like she cant depend on her family. Make sure your not only a son to your mother but also a big brother to your sister.

EDIT:You cant always be disciplining her when you see her, you have to be a friend to her also. Hang out with her and play video games or whatever kids aredoing at her age.
yeah its in the bible man, a little smack aint bad at all... it shows that you love your fam.
seems she doesn't know how to respect her elders. a little discipline is necessary. if she can talk that way to her older brother and mother withthat candor, who knows the kinds of trouble she thinks she can get away with at school...

p.s. an open hand to the leg is not the same as a hit to the face. i don't think you were wrong.
i give my kids a knock on the head, gets their attention real quick ...........
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