So i watched Taken the movie

Originally Posted by wanksta23

its a shame they delayed this movie to open in U.S

Werd..thats why the copy i saw was so clear..I was like wooow this is early but then i read the movie has been out for the longest..

Movie was
Liam was on some Vintage Segal %@@ in this movie. Dude was laying people out left and right. Good movie very slept on Fox messed up with the release.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

This was one of the most terrible, offensive films I've seen in a long time. I mean, really, tastelessly, disgustingly awful. A man's daughter and estranged wife don't listen to him, so he show's them who's their daddy by killing a bunch of people in poorly choreographed fight scenes. Repressed divorcee revenge porn. Ugh.

it must be horrible going through life with that type of rationale.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Can anyone tell me why the daughter runs like a ****** in the movie?




Honestly.. she runs at full pace everytime.. its insane,.
This movie is now known as, "whoopin $@# movie" around my home. I usually don't like these type of films but I really liked this. Me and my girlwere high fiving like idiots
not usually the type of films i watched, but it was definitely enjoyable
didnt think liam neeson kicked ##@ like that

got me doing hand to hand combat
he said he had a special particular set of skills...and that was it for them albanians...lulz...
I thought it had a good concept, but the execution (acting wise) was horrible.

Its sad thought, human trafficing still goes on today.

@ her friend wanting to get her smash on, but ended up smashed on the bed
I made a post about this movie a month or two ago. I gave someone the hook up on it too. One of the best movies I saw last year. The Scene FTW
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