So NT Let Me Tell You About My Night

Whatever with getting punked.. if you aren't about that life, than you did the right thing.. better than fronting and getting your head crackeddd. Now if you were about that life and ready to go all out, than best of luck.. but still you chances are you weren't going to win anyway.. especially if they jumped you.

You made the right choice

Do me a favor call a girl over .. get it poppin
Let this be a lesson to you OP

U should always be at least 3 deep at all times when partying

Then you could've immediately swung on dude.
Honestly, weighing out the pros & cons. I woulda went out guns a blazin'. If your friends didn't help you break/ back-up the fight, they are wussies.

You gon' be the clown on campus now OP.

Definitely gon' suck for the next four years
Originally Posted by supa vegetto

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

islandfeeling wrote:
This cant be what college is like, surely people have more sense than this.

I probably would have said some smart $!$ comment just to hold my respect though. Wouldnt have just walked away with my head down soaked in beer. Dude would have known that if he EVER tried some +#%* like that in a fair scenario, it would go down.

You have to demand respect.

I would've hurt his feelings with my words

thats awesomeee lol
With all due respect man, you must look like a joke if the dude decided you of all people he was going to poor a beer on that night. But unless you have MAJOR backup.....never....ever pick a fight with a frat dude in his own house surrounded by like 20 of his other frat friends. I don't give a damn if half of them are frail, chances are you're going to get !@*@#+ up one way or another with a baseball bat or something crazy. I wouldn't go and chill with those dudes anymore if I was you. You're talking about going and talking to dude tomorrow on some "hey man it's cool" type steez.......those dudes are never going to respect you. They're going to make you their %!%$+ for the year.
man...freshman year i wouldve been like 

NOW...i would've been probably been in jail. as well as everyone i was with.

i'm sorry man, i've taken too many steps to build respect than to let someone poor a +$##%@% natty ice over my head.

and you wanna TALK TO HIM TOMORROW??? c'mon man. you took the step to being a bigger man tonight, but if you approach him tomorrow on some cool *+%!...
DON'T. you learn as you get older that pride/respect is one of the only things you have...don't let yourself lose that man.
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

and you wanna TALK TO HIM TOMORROW??? c'mon man. you took the step to being a bigger man tonight, but if you approach him tomorrow on some cool *+%!...
DON'T. you learn as you get older that pride/respect is one of the only things you have...don't let yourself lose that man.
This is on point.

That is a tough situation and i would have done the same thing.  But i probably would have said something along the lines of "you're lucky all your boys are here if you were by yourself this would have a different outcome" and walked out.

I would never speak to the kid again and if i did it would be so he could apologize to me.  If he doesn't i wouldn't want to see him or talk to him.  Even if no one was watching or it was kinda in a playful manner that is straight disrespectful for a grown man to pour beer on another grown man on purpose. 
Being that your in school not fighting was the best choice, because if authorities get envolved you can't just lay low, you have to go to your classes. But at the same time you dont have to get into a full on fight in a situation like this, I would've at least grabbed up said beer and told dude to chill out.
But anyway good decusion op.
Originally Posted by islandfeeling

I wouldnt say its a known fact that im a %@*** for this haha. Dude seemed embarrassed 15 minutes or so after it happened. His girlfriend was all mad at him for it. So I guess
I got punked, sorta. Be the **** pouring beer on someones head or be the one getting embarrased, pick your poison. And I feel like yall think im some loser or something from my post.
I just got blindsided, and i'm not the confrontational type. Who knows what the reprucussions would have been had I reacted differently.

Wait. So you were still there 15 min later, all dejected and natty soaked? Why? If you werent gonna fight you shouldve left.
Why would you want to still be around? And now you are talking about choppin it up with dude, on some forget about it steez?
You have to understand. College is just like high school on a bigger scale. You will still encounter the same type of immaturity as you did then.
So forget respect/pride, because it does not matter what others think of you. What you need to focus on is self respect and self pride.
Respect yourself first then other will do so.
Nah for real, go for the eyes. Quickly poke and scratch all of the dudes eyes as quickly as you can, in between dodging punches etc. Wait til you get the right chance and try to put your thumb behind someone's eyeball and tell everyone "Don't move" as you threaten to dislodge it from the socket.

It's a win every time.
It is what it is.

Move on and learn from it.

Stand up for yourself next time though. Don't have to be physical.
OP let dude pour %#%! on him like a big booty video model & then stayed after it happened? I cannot compute this %+!!+*++
yeah bro, you either pop off right there and then, take your L, or you leave right away and take your L. These would have been the two right ways to take your L, but staying and then maybe acting cool with him next day, 
Everybody is gonna think ur soft now and that they can pick on you. U failed the test op
personally I probably would of fought dude and his homies...but in your situation, if I would of seen dude we fighting on site no questions asked
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