Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Appreciate the effort, watched that whole last vid. Dude seems like a cool cat. I been meaning to check out his site.

More on the numerology and manifesting reality?/ritual?/manipulating energy? stuff you've spoken on. This is essentially magic is it not?

On another note
This also reminds me of the cop in FL who shot the unarmed guy on the ground with his hands up and when asked why he said, "I don't know".
Longtime lurker on this thread...

Spent the remaining hours of last Friday laying on the roof of my car in secluded southern Maryland for the Perseid meteor shower; virtually zero light pollution. After my eyes adjusted, the Milky Way was visible without help, and seeing all those suns stare back at me was overwhelming. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was gazing at stars the way they appeared long before I took my first breath, and wondered how many more are so far away that their light has not had sufficient time to reach us yet.  I thought about the stars and galaxies that we'd never see and was briefly disappointed that I was born 500-1K years too soon.  I wondered if Earth appeared as a distant speck of light to someone or something light years away, and hoped that if so, they were thinking the same thing about their home.

To think that we are on this tiny blue ball alone in our section of a great void that has no walls and no end is very humbling.  Very little mattered at that moment.  Not possessions, work, or everyday stresses that plagued me just an hour earlier.  I've never felt smaller and more alive.

That the masses don't marvel at the great unknown above us is troubling (to me).  I hope that one day, our race has the ability to understand what for now can't (and maybe shouldn't) be understood.

*goes back to lurking*
nah our planets are too far to see to how far we are from other galaxies. one thing about stars tho is that some could've burned out thousands of years ago but the light is still traveling. oh and if you ever see orions belt, many old religions that never communicated with each other as in from Africa to native Americans say that's were we came from

You have any vids/links that discuss that?
What part?

About how old religions say that we came from orions belt.
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Longtime lurker on this thread...

Spent the remaining hours of last Friday laying on the roof of my car in secluded southern Maryland for the Perseid meteor shower; virtually zero light pollution. After my eyes adjusted, the Milky Way was visible without help, and seeing all those suns stare back at me was overwhelming. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was gazing at stars the way they appeared long before I took my first breath, and wondered how many more are so far away that their light has not had sufficient time to reach us yet.  I thought about the stars and galaxies that we'd never see and was briefly disappointed that I was born 500-1K years too soon.  I wondered if Earth appeared as a distant speck of light to someone or something light years away, and hoped that if so, they were thinking the same thing about their home.

To think that we are on this tiny blue ball alone in our section of a great void that has no walls and no end is very humbling.  Very little mattered at that moment.  Not possessions, work, or everyday stresses that plagued me just an hour earlier.  I've never felt smaller and more alive.

That the masses don't marvel at the great unknown above us is troubling (to me).  I hope that one day, our race has the ability to understand what for now can't (and maybe shouldn't) be understood.

*goes back to lurking*
nah our planets are too far to see to how far we are from other galaxies. one thing about stars tho is that some could've burned out thousands of years ago but the light is still traveling. oh and if you ever see orions belt, many old religions that never communicated with each other as in from Africa to native Americans say that's were we came from

You have any vids/links that discuss that?
What part?

About how old religions say that we came from orions belt.
heard it on ancient aliens when they were around the grand Canyon studying the natives rituals there. how there's this ritual ground and part of it has a opening in the wall where it was said it would send them there and make them a man or somethin
but here's this
9-11 was just Performance ART


John Baldessari
Two Highrises (with Disruptions)/Two Witnesses (Red and Green)
John Baldessari’s Two Highrises (with Disruptions)/Two Witnesses (Red and Green) explores the way viewers construct meaning when confronted with disparate images that interact together. Using film-still fragments, the artist organizes them to suggest a narrative. The work was made eleven years prior to the September 11th terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York City, an event that now adds layers of association to its meaning.

Just who is behind this Re-Organization of Civilization?

BY JC Collins

While out for dinner last night with some good friends our conversation turned to discussions around the loss of individuality in a consolidated global governance structure. Such a New World framework carries with it the potential for human greatness and alignment, but also brings with it the threat of non-individuality, or the promotion of sameness.

This New World Order, as it has been referenced in previous official announcements, and across the wide spectrum of alternative media and conspiracy theory productions, is in fact the inevitable evolution of humanity. The consolidation, or re-organization of civilization, is taking place throughout the socioeconomic and cultural spheres. The mass conditioning and social engineering which has been taking place since at least the late 1800’s is building the architecture of this new world.

The question is often asked about the power behind this transformation. This is not a simple question to answer, and was also a part of our conversation over chicken and salads. The assumption has always been made that the international banking interests have full control of the process and are enacting these changes in the world for personal gain and benefit.

For a deeper insight into this question and answer we need to better understand the purpose of this world. Such a lofty objective does not mean delving deep into the religious and spiritual texts of the ages. Nor does it require the vast wisdom which is assigned to the great teachers and prophets of the past or present. It simply requires basic human observation.

As such, we see that this world provides opportunity. No other observations can contradict this one fundamental truth. This world provides opportunity for learning and equally provides the opportunity for non-learning. Each day we are born anew and each day provides new opportunity. Much like we are born in each life with renewed opportunity, each sunrise signals the beginning of another opportunity.

Today is not Sunday. Today is a new opportunity, as yesterday was, and tomorrow will be.

The learning of self which takes place in this world is the one common denominator which we all share. This opportunity for personal discovery and awareness is a large part of that which makes up the purpose of this world. Most sense this on a subconscious and spiritual level.

But within the framework of this learning tool which we call ‘world’ also exists strategically placed challenges and obstacles which are meant to promote development and enhance learnings. Some of these challenges and obstacles take the form of temptations and grow in strength when fed human weakness. This oppositional force of non-light will punish the expression of human weakness through hard life lessons, but will also reward hard lessons learned. Some learn while others require repeated lessons over repeated opportunities.

The importance placed on capital and labor by the human mind in this world are not aligned with the larger purpose of self-discovery. I have stated before that unearned wealth is extremely destructive. This is tangibly proven in the actions and spiritual despair expressed by those who inherit fortunes (which are the accumulation of time and labor of others) or win lotteries.

In both situations the “individual” does not appreciate the lessons which come with that so-called wealth and will usually squander it away through expressions of human weakness, or become more encased in hardened matter and seek to accumulate more capital and labor to themselves through a fear of not understanding the purpose of world. This fear and lack of understanding then uses the accumulated wealth to make sense of the world and provide a false security from self-discovery.

From these basic observations we can determine that the accumulation of wealth in this world is not the driving force or foundation upon which the architecture is built. Though it may appear unfair to those who do not have access to this wealth, the so-called elite who are blamed for conspiring and ruling the world are no more in control of its true governing mechanisms than those who have little means.

Those at the supposed top of the food chain who consider themselves the rulers of men have fallen into one of the oldest traps which has been woven into world. The mechanism of world, and the power which has engineered such, has used these temptations for the larger purpose of spiritual evolution.

Understanding this mechanism requires abstract consideration. Men dislike control and limited opportunity within the false-world, but do little to explore the opportunities which exist within the real translucent world, where no controls and limitations exist.

Imagine a world where everyone could get everything they wanted without earning those things from a process of self-discovery. This complete lack of spiritual control mechanisms would push world into chaos and it would become the opposite of what it was intended to be. Order implemented to prevent chaos in world and continue the dynamic of self-discovery within world is a fundamental requirement.

But the so-called material wealth which accumulates at the top does not just serve the purpose of learnings and opportunity for those at this top. It also serves a larger purpose which those elites are likely not aware of. This purpose is to direct civilization and engineer the new age mechanisms which will establish a translucent power architecture.

Material wealth is used, willingly or unwillingly, for the purpose of inaugurating the new world and re-organizing civilization, while at the same time serving it’s more intimate purpose of self-discovery and awareness.

For clarity, the accumulation of material wealth is not the purpose of world. World serves the purpose of directing opportunity towards the objectives of self-discovery and awareness. As such, those who accumulate, or whose purpose is to accumulate, material wealth, have little or no influence upon the management of world, or the re-organization of civilization.

The threat of loss of individuality has been realized through the resistance to world lessons. The loss of individuality has never been more pronounced in world than it was throughout the 20th Century. The mechanisms of translucence are at work re-organizing civilization within world. This will promote more individualism than humans have previously experienced. Earning this transformation requires hardship and challenges which will test and allow for self-judgement upon the altar of shared world.

True individuality can only be expressed when the spirit is free from the constraints of matter. This world is real and not illusionary as some would profess, but its natural form is translucent, as opposed to the hardened encasement which most allow to build upon their outer shell like mud.

The translucent nature of the world is intertwined with the forces of gravity and magnetism. All are managed by the symbiosis of spirit and matter. This oneness between spirit and matter allows for the translucent nature of world to become visible. The more translucent the world, the less effect gravity and magnetism have upon it. Through this manner large stones have been moved and massive monuments build in the past. More translucence means less mass and weight. This will be proven by science in time.

We bemoan not having the equal opportunity to accumulate material wealth while remaining ignorant to the fact that the purpose of world is not the accumulation of material wealth. The purpose of world is the evolution and symbiosis of spirit and matter. This is completed through a process of self-discovery and awareness.

If such is true, and I believe it to be, than those who consider themselves at the top in the false material world are nothing but pawns used in the larger re-organization of translucent world. The translucent nature of world dictates that it remains invisible to those who have not walked far enough down the path of self-discovery. The nature of translucent world dictates that no rulers are required. But there is a force at work which encourages the re-organization and evolution. It is only the non-learning mind of the undiscovered which seeks out rulers to blame. As in all cases, the answers to our questions must be found from traveling inwards upon the waves of translucent light. This process will force the dry hardened mud to crack, fall away and allow our light to shine forth in world. – JC
Bro can someone please explain where people get this **** from? It doesn't even sound like a conspiracy just rumors and BS

Sorry, don't know how to embed
Probably from CIA affiliated propaganda companies.

Or its an ego booster for people who want to feel superior to others based on some unconventional "knowledge" they've acquired. Basically an intellectual inferiority complex.

But it could come from an innocent and truthful place of intuition. Knowing that there is something incredibly wrong with society, and they want to know what, why and who is responsible. And the romanticism of those types of conspiracies is quite sexy.

All of the above.
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Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering The Truth

Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering The Truth explores the role that The United States allies, Rwanda and Uganda, have played in triggering the greatest humanitarian crisis in the 21st century.


How The World Runs On Looting The Congo

Every drone flown by the U.S. military has inside a piece of the Democratic Republic of the Congo-a valuable mineral, of which the DRC has trillions of dollars worth buried underground.

For five centuries, the continent of Africa has been ravaged by the worlds Empires for its vast untapped treasure. Today, the U.S. empire is increasing its massive command network, AFRICOM, carrying out several missions a day.

With the Congo being the biggest prize for imperialist powers, Abbey Martin is joined by Kambale Musavuli, spokesperson for Friends of the Congo, to take a look at the Empire's role in their history and current catastrophe.

[h1]Mind Glow Media[/h1]

Opening Eyes and Illuminating Minds

[h2]Sunday, September 18, 2016[/h2]
http://[h3]Eye on the Throne III: Mothers of the Flame[/h3]

"The magical sword that slays the dragon is the knight’s steely emotional metal that is able to withstand the dragon’s flame.   This blade is forged in a fire that is much higher in temperature than the dragon’s flame. The fiery ore smelted and hammered into permanent form by the blacksmith must COOL before it can become a magical sword.  This sword is also a phallic symbol denoting the emotional firmness of masculinity."
Taken from Adam Kokesh free e-book "Freedom!"

III. The Police State
Modern governments have entered a self-destruct cycle. Policies
are enacted on behalf of special interests. Governments convince
enough of us that the policies are well-intended. We figure out
that a particular policy is intended to take advantage of us. We get
upset and resist. Rather than give in to the pressure, politicians (and
their sponsors) find it more profitable to minimize the impact of the
resistance while they create a new policy to distract us. This creates
a seemingly endless cycle of creation and suppression of discontent.
Old discontent piles up as politicians, special interests, and other
criminals respond to very short-term incentives because they are
removed from accountability for long-term consequences. As
tension grows, governments must increase direct control over their
citizens. Effective governments have carefully cultivated enforcement
classes full of police who will not question orders. A government
of runaway enforcement, or a police state, is a predictable result of
Police officers provide many legitimate services. They provide
public safety by patrolling and occasionally intervening in real crimes
in progress. They help stranded motorists. Sometimes, they even
solve crimes and apprehend people who should be held accountable.

However, as far as government is concerned, providing services is
only a justification for the real purpose of police: enforcing the will
of politicians on behalf of special interests.
The primary function of police is much easier when they
are intimidating. Because war is the most destructive application
of government force, when governments need to increase the
intimidation effect of their police, they become militarized –
adopting the fashion, tactics, advanced weaponry, excessive force,
and criminally irresponsible spending of the military. As the
relevance of providing legitimate services decreases, the need to
control populations through intimidation increases. The mechanics
of police militarization are the same as general military spending: an
imagined need is fulfilled by a contractor who has bribed a politician.
Police forces are somewhat accountable to their communities, so
the pressure for militarization isn’t local, but rather from central
authorities with large grants that people can be tricked into thinking
they aren’t paying for.
We inherently fear police because of the power they wield over
regular citizens. Most police departments exhibit all the critical
elements of violent street gangs: they are territorial, violently
enforce their monopolies, and have distinct identifying features.
Police are feared in a way that normal people are not because they
have arbitrary power, low accountability, and often behave violently
without concern for others. When ordinary citizens commit violent
crimes, they are often jailed without any legal proceedings. When
police commit violent crimes, they are often given a paid vacation
while their employers “investigate” and pretend to be concerned to
the extent necessary to maintain their credibility.
One element of a police state is an excess of laws making
noncriminal behavior illegal. Most governments have passed so
many laws that if they want to go after someone who challenges their
power, refuses to be exploited, or represents a political inconvenience,
it’s not difficult to come up with a legal excuse to detain, charge, try,
and sentence them. This also makes police especially intimidating
because they have an incredible amount of discretion about who
they arrest and why. This power enables horrific expressions of
racism and other personal biases. Once a police state reaches the
point at which most people feel incapable of precisely following the
law, respect for the government plummets.

The more a government seeks control over its citizens, the more
it needs to spy on them. All government surveillance is wrong, but it
is especially wrong when the property rights and privacy of citizens
are violated. In a free society, a balance will be struck between
security needs and privacy rights, and no one’s property ever needs
to be violated. When you are being recorded in public by a fellow
citizen, they are collecting sound waves or light particles coming
from you and there is no violation. But if that person taps your phone
line, or puts a bug in your home, or in any other way physically
inserts anything where it is not welcome, they are violating your
property and your privacy. The reason governments need to violate
your property in observing you is if you had true privacy, you would
have a space in your home that they couldn’t control. The current
extent of surveillance clearly shows there is another motive besides
catching bad guys. Government surveillance is not about keeping us
safe. It’s about keeping us under control.
The most important way to hold police accountable is by
recording them. A police state will not be defeated by individual local
actions, but recording police can educate others, hold individuals
accountable, and eliminate the most reckless officers. Recording
technology available in most smart phones allows almost anyone to
record police. Those same phones can be used to upload data, and
the internet provides distribution that is difficult for governments
to cut off. These technologies are game-changers and should be
used to hold everyone accountable, not just police. As technology
continues to improve, it will become much more difficult to be
violent in secret.
In some places, it’s illegal to record police, but in some places
where it’s technically legal, it’s not always practical. It is important
to look out for each other and sometimes even protect an officer by
recording the interactions of others when we can. We should always
know our rights and assert them as much as we can, but it also helps
to know specific local laws and our rights “under the law” to deal
with enforcers more effectively.
While the term “police state” may apply to varying degrees,
and some government apologists will always declare the amount
of control to be insignificant, any organized violent control is just
as wrong as a “total police state.” Subjecting people to systematic
violence traumatizes them and helps keep them submissive. Do not give in! There are many important ways to fight the police state to
improve our communities, but until we defeat statism, it will always
be there, and even the slightest degree of a police state is too much.
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