Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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What came first.

The chicken

Or da egg?
Chicken came first. We lack the ability to visualize it but it makers more sense than the egg (which requires a chicken to lay it and incubate it). If evolution says egg, then chicks would have devolved, going from self hatching to needing a chicken to so sit in it to hatch.
it had to have come from the egg. chicken didn't just come out of no where

This guys research has me digging and diving deep. He speaks highly of Manly P Hall amongst other enlightened individuals. Check him out if you havent. Definitely worth envisioning myths and truths from his perspective.
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I accept the "system of God" (Something out there unseen that controls the flow of things); I just said I don't believe in the human depiction of what God is (Selfish boyfriend dude that rules with an iron fist(

@DCAllAmerican Seems like you know religion is used as a tool of control but yet still get hung up on the specifics and definitions of the control mechanisms when thinking about the nature of "God".

This is a scratch on the surface of what I was referring to in that other thread. Perhaps it may help expand your thinking on the matter.

I appreciate the vigilante citizens links you've been posting as well.

Didnt know where else to put this...

But there was something in the sky tonight and I could not identify it. Got my mind all types of ****** up.

That is all.
Didnt know where else to put this...

But there was something in the sky tonight and I could not identify it. Got my mind all types of ****** up.

That is all.

Anything else to share about what you saw in the sky that night?
You're not abducted or dead are you?
It's tonight Yall!!!...

November's 'Beaver' Supermoon Will Be the Biggest In Almost 70 Years


November's Full Beaver Moon, which is expected to reach the peak of its full phase on the morning of Monday, Nov. 14, at 8:52 a.m. EST (1352 GMT), but it will appear full to the casual observer in the day before and after the main event.

This full moon will be not only the closest and brightest supermoon of 2016 but also the largest since 1948.

enjoy the full beaver moon! :nthat:
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