• It's a Masterpiece!!! (kiLLerisLame was right)

    Votes: 46 26.3%
  • Not the Best but Top 5 Easily (like Lebron)

    Votes: 44 25.1%
  • Above Average, Maybe Top 10 (butF4notBYKE)

    Votes: 50 28.6%
  • Average (like Duff and Milana and M5s)

    Votes: 27 15.4%
  • Terrible (this will get 1 vote and it's from AmeL w/ another L)

    Votes: 8 4.6%

  • Total voters
This movie was terrible

1) Spiderman cried like 5 times, FIVE

2) Harry is super saiyan version EMO Peter Parker in Spiderman 3

3) Not even Emma Stone can redeem this POS of a movie.
Yeah I was holding off on seeing it that way but from early reviews/opinions this is looking like MOS again but not as heated.

Seems to me if you liked the first one, you'll like the sequel.

For me MOS had stand outs like the action, Faora, visual but everything in this movie is just bland, and i actually thought the first was aite
I guess for all the hype behind the movie and high expectations, best way to put it is, the movie is very forgettable, specially the villains, Harry as Harry was cool, but you only get the Goblin for about 5 minutes....there was no build up to him becoming the goblin, he just did, all of a sudden he's an expert with the hover board too...lol but I'm assuming the villains will get more development in the 3rd film, it was cool for them to throw in Black Cat into the mix

I hate movies that do this. Green goblin is a major character and they just skip his development into becoming the goblin.
Sony already promoting carnage (venom movie)


Saw the movie.... 3/5
It's base on ultimate Spider-Man so all the focus is on oscorp. Green goblin barely touch peter. Only 2 min scene. Sinister-six is going to be dope (hopefully) but it's octopus whom brings everybody together, so I dunno why green goblin is in it... When he is added later on after the death of kraven.

Spider-Man 3
Sinister 6
Spider-man 4
i couldnt help it and clicked the spoiler :smh:
should i just wait for netflix????

I thought that "spoiler" was common knowledge like Uncle Ben's fate in every movie he's in
You'd be surprised at how many people don't know that spoiler. You'd have to be a legitimate comic book fan of spidey and not just a fox40 afternoon cartoon spidey fan. :lol:

Just got back from the movie. Just like the first one, I thoroughly enjoyed it. So far, with the exception of Spider-man 2 :pimp:, I like this series better than the first movies. Definitely not a perfect movie. But not a bad one either. It was enjoyable for me.

This series's Spider-Man and Peter Parker portrayal is perfect.

The Goblin fight was pretty awesome and had my heart pounding despite it only being like 2 minutes long. :frown:

Dane Dehaan is fantastic in everything he does. :pimp:

Electro fight visuals were :wow:

Honestly Electro was not needed in this film and his removal could have fixed a lot of the overstuffed feeling it was getting. You get into his arc and character at the beginning of the movie while he's still Max, and his initial Electro appearance in Times Square, giving you a feeling he'll have an big character arc you'll see progress throughout the movie, but then after that he just becomes a shallow villain character, overshadowed by Harry's transition into Goblin.

Also could have done without the whole Peter's parent's subplot, it honestly didn't further the movie and wouldn't change much if that whole plot was missing.

I'm pretty happy to see they had the balls to go with this death of Gwen Stacy as well and in the same manner with the web snapping her neck from the impact. :smokin Or did she actually hit the ground in the movie? I forgot in all the excitement. :lol: Her death was VERY well done though.

I'm also pretty ticked that all the Rhino we got to see was pretty much what was fully shown in the trailers. They need to tone it down on their trailer exposure next time around.



the only thing you get is a mid-credits tease of X-Men: DOFP
Last edited:
A+ movie.

Garfield killed the role again as expected. Emma stone was great.

That ending tugged at my heart.


I really really enjoyed it and like the direction it's heading in.

Dane dehaan did really really well also
Yeah, Electro was pretty dumb in this movie. He reminded me of Jim Carey in Batman Forever except at least Edward Nygma had a reason to really dislike Bruce Wayne whereas Jamie Fox's reason was a little too contrived as was with the events that led up to him even becoming electro in the first place :rolleyes
Sony already promoting carnage (venom movie)


Saw the movie.... 3/5
It's base on ultimate Spider-Man so all the focus is on oscorp. Green goblin barely touch peter. Only 2 min scene. Sinister-six is going to be dope (hopefully) but it's octopus whom brings everybody together, so I dunno why green goblin is in it... When he is added later on after the death of kraven.

Spider-Man 3
Sinister 6
Spider-man 4

It's most likely gonna be the Man In The Shadows that brings them together
Actually what I thought was cringe worthy was how the big fight scenes had an audience, with barricades and all as if it was some parade or something and people scared yet posted up rooting for Spidey, I thought that was beyond corny, let's not forget the terrible parenting of the mom at the end with little man in the Spidey costume who let's him slip out of her hands to stand in the middle of a 14ft mechanical rhino shooting 50cals and police firing back....yeah the crowd killed the scenes everytime.
Morning after thoughts:

Garfield and Emma stone really have great chemistry.
I really appreciate both of there acting. The scene in the end tugged at my heart cuz I didn't think it was going to happen in this movie.

Excited for where they take the story next.
Yea the end scene when he "caught" her was done well.
The film frame by frame looks like a comic book.

I thought the guy that played harry osbourne did a good job too.
Jaime fox character was ehhhhh...
I really want to type an in depth review but I spared you guys :lol:

Literally getting ready to watch the film again but :wow: I'm blown away at how beautiful this movie was. The theme of the movie was so beautiful. Needing people that can't or won't always be there for you. I mean that scene with Sally Fields and Andrew Garfield in his room talking about his father :wow: when have you ever seen that level of emotion in a superhero film. I can't talk about Emma Stone enough in this movie. She may have the best portrayal in this movie. If her being absolutely beautiful and looking like as if Gwen Stacy jumped out the pages of a John Romita illustration then you certainly fell in love with her and Andrew Garfield's romance on screen. It's ever apparent that those two are a real life couple because the authenticity of those scenes are truly movie magic. It's truly as if you were a fly on the wall watching two love birds being corny as ever yet heartwarming anytime they embrace or even have a convo for that matter. You to often get the selfish superhero girlfriend in superhero who wants more time from there superhero boyfriend or is always in constant fear for her boyfriends life but this film you get a true homage to the character that is Gwen Stacy. She was more than Peter's girlfriend, she was his first love. She was his balance in an unbalanced world. He needed her more than the city needed a superhero because of his past. He was scared of abandonment and easily wore his heart on his sleeve because of his parents being missing, and his uncle dying. But had a promise to keep to his Gwen's father. A promise that required great power and responsibility. Couple that with teenage boy that doesn't know what he wants out of life and a teenage girl that does and you have a dynamic that we're all to familiar with. A girl that's almost like in a abusive relationship that keeps trying to leave but keeps going back...until it's too late :wow:

I can go on for days. I'll watch the movie again in an hour and be back with more spoilers (Harry looked up secret oscorp files and had info on Mark-III :wow: )

Anybody dissing this movie just doesn't understand.
Actually what I thought was cringe worthy was how the big fight scenes had an audience, with barricades and all as if it was some parade or something and people scared yet posted up rooting for Spidey, I thought that was beyond corny, let's not forget the terrible parenting of the mom at the end with little man in the Spidey costume who let's him slip out of her hands to stand in the middle of a 14ft mechanical rhino shooting 50cals and police firing back....yeah the crowd killed the scenes everytime.

There are crowds watching Spidey fight in so many of the comics
The script was AWFUL!!!!!!!!!

It was like an episode of friends. What is this a ROMANCE COMEDY!!!??? I almost walked out. The next Peter Parker should be latin and have a different Mary Jane in each borough. Like Zoe Saldana in Washington Heights, Scarlett Johansen in SOHO, Rosario Dawnson in the Bronx, that's a Superhero!8)

The older I get the more intelligent I like my films, like the 007 & Star Trek series. Looking forward to Planet of the Apes to make up for this basura.
I really want to type an in depth review but I spared you guys

Literally getting ready to watch the film again but
I'm blown away at how beautiful this movie was. The theme of the movie was so beautiful. Needing people that can't or won't always be there for you. I mean that scene with Sally Fields and Andrew Garfield in his room talking about his father
when have you ever seen that level of emotion in a superhero film. I can't talk about Emma Stone enough in this movie. She may have the best portrayal in this movie. If her being absolutely beautiful and looking like as if Gwen Stacy jumped out the pages of a John Romita illustration then you certainly fell in love with her and Andrew Garfield's romance on screen. It's ever apparent that those two are a real life couple because the authenticity of those scenes are truly movie magic. It's truly as if you were a fly on the wall watching two love birds being corny as ever yet heartwarming anytime they embrace or even have a convo for that matter. You to often get the selfish superhero girlfriend in superhero who wants more time from there superhero boyfriend or is always in constant fear for her boyfriends life but this film you get a true homage to the character that is Gwen Stacy. She was more than Peter's girlfriend, she was his first love. She was his balance in an unbalanced world. He needed her more than the city needed a superhero because of his past. He was scared of abandonment and easily wore his heart on his sleeve because of his parents being missing, and his uncle dying. But had a promise to keep to his Gwen's father. A promise that required great power and responsibility. Couple that with teenage boy that doesn't know what he wants out of life and a teenage girl that does and you have a dynamic that we're all to familiar with. A girl that's almost like in a abusive relationship that keeps trying to leave but keeps going back...until it's too late

I can go on for days. I'll watch the movie again in an hour and be back with more spoilers (Harry looked up secret oscorp files and had info on Mark-III

Anybody dissing this movie just doesn't understand.
Actually what I thought was cringe worthy was how the big fight scenes had an audience, with barricades and all as if it was some parade or something and people scared yet posted up rooting for Spidey, I thought that was beyond corny, let's not forget the terrible parenting of the mom at the end with little man in the Spidey costume who let's him slip out of her hands to stand in the middle of a 14ft mechanical rhino shooting 50cals and police firing back....yeah the crowd killed the scenes everytime.
That was honestly dumb but the whole time I'm like no way the kid dies or anything so it's w/e:lol:
I think stone and garfield dated once before

They're dating now.
They never stopped once they first met on ASM. Been together for a while now.
The script was AWFUL!!!!!!!!!

It was like an episode of friends. What is this a ROMANCE COMEDY!!!??? I almost walked out. The next Peter Parker should be latin and have a different Mary Jane in each borough. Like Zoe Saldana in Washington Heights, Scarlett Johansen in SOHO, Rosario Dawnson in the Bronx, that's a Superhero!8)

The older I get the more intelligent I like my films, like the 007 & Star Trek series. Looking forward to Planet of the Apes to make up for this basura.

Umm… okay. I find it hard to think those films are intelligent to begin with but I guess you could say they're smarter than ASM to begin with but really it's just the same science babble and jargon thrown in before the action starts. 007 being something different but it's been heavily watered down over the years.
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