• It's a Masterpiece!!! (kiLLerisLame was right)

    Votes: 46 26.3%
  • Not the Best but Top 5 Easily (like Lebron)

    Votes: 44 25.1%
  • Above Average, Maybe Top 10 (butF4notBYKE)

    Votes: 50 28.6%
  • Average (like Duff and Milana and M5s)

    Votes: 27 15.4%
  • Terrible (this will get 1 vote and it's from AmeL w/ another L)

    Votes: 8 4.6%

  • Total voters
I think a better ending would have been Peter meeting MJ and then cut to the credits, something as quick as "oh hi, I'm Mary Jane Watson" that would have been 10 times better than that BS clip with Rhino.
I think a better ending would have been Peter meeting MJ and then cut to the credits, something as quick as "oh hi, I'm Mary Jane Watson" that would have been 10 times better than that BS clip with Rhino.

Rhino scene was so garbage. Best thing was the little kid lol
I think a better ending would have been Peter meeting MJ and then cut to the credits, something as quick as "oh hi, I'm Mary Jane Watson" that would have been 10 times better than that BS clip with Rhino.

I was half expecting something like this in the movie


But I think it would've been tacky and backfire. Peter (and the audience) needed time to deal with Gwens death and ending it with him putting the mask back on was a good choice.

The scenes with Rhino would have definitely been accepted better if the trailers didnt make a point of showcasing him. Everybody expected a fight coming off the trailers,but I think his c-level villainy worked pretty well in the movies. Kinda like scarecrow in TDK and TDKR
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I mean it looked cool, but check out the stupidity of Spidey smacking missiles into a crowd of civilians :rofl:
I think a better ending would have been Peter meeting MJ and then cut to the credits, something as quick as "oh hi, I'm Mary Jane Watson" that would have been 10 times better than that BS clip with Rhino.

Throwing in MJ would've been kinda disrespectful.
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You being serious? For some reason people in this thread seem to like it even with the bad reviews so my sarcasm meter might be abit off

Very serious. I went into this movie a bit skeptical because of all the reviews I was reading early on but as usual the critics were just finding something to hate because they don't get it. They're the same type to ask why isn't their a zipper on spiderman suit, how does he get in and out :rolleyes

:lol: :smh:

This is really one end of the extreme.

You talking like this best superhero movie ever.

...I'll put it like this. Avengers is a 10, this is a 9

You making this out to be the Schindler's List of superhero movies.

You need to work for Marvel's PR team :lol:

Would honestly love too. I think a lot of the negative reviews left a lasting impression on some of you because I honestly don't see how people didn't get this movie. Blame the dark knight. People have been in this trend of expecting superhero movies to be so realistic and dark that they don't remember that the source material is a COMIC BOOK.
So I guess this movie story wasn't based on the comics at all?

In the original comics, Gwen Stacy is always the first girlfriend that Peter has.

She also gets killed by the Green Goblin too (Norman though)
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Only spoiler is the one we all know:

Love stories don't sit well with me cuz I don't believe in love. But since it aint happily ever after it gains the point it lost from being a love story. Garfield is by far the better peter. I don't know her name but the actress in this movie is the better Aunt May. I really enjoyed the dynamic between these two. I like how she isnt stupid. (like how most people with secret identities family members are clueless). I thought all the Parkers were done correctly.

Dahan is also very good at his role. His emo look is not his fault. I think he killed the part. Electro tho.... His character was about as memorable as whiplash. It's about time to stop making villains henchmen. Rhino.... He would have worked in the Batman Returns era of superheroes. Like I said they should have just copied the ultimate version. Don't see why they would try to legitimize a character in a cinematic unviverse that has a bipedal 7 foot lizard.

The foreshadowing in the beginning suffered from the fact that it was unnecessary. In all honesty they should've had her around for one more movie

Why did the spider silk break so easily in the clock tower even tho in the first movie it was shown as strong enough to tug a jumbo jet?

Verdict: It's a solid superhero flick but not on Marvel's level (like I thought this would be) but still a solid movie that's worth the watch. Seems like superhero flicks do not know what to do with the villains /: It did not do a good job of getting me hype for the S6 movie. Hell, I felt like at this pace this franchise will be fatigued by ASM4 (which is confirmed to release AFTER S6 and Venom). Which makes me hope ASM 4 is a Miles Morales movie.
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I can def see Felicity Jones being Spider-mans love interest for a while before they bring in whoever will play Mary Jane. We haven't seen black cat on the screen and Felicity Jones is :wow: :evil: so that could work

Did anyone peep the Mark III file on the oscorp data bank that Norman gave to Harry :nerd:
Only spoiler is the one we all know:

Love stories don't sit well with me cuz I don't believe in love. But since it aint happily ever after it gains the point it lost from being a love story. Garfield is by far the better peter. I don't know her name but the actress in this movie is the better Aunt May. I really enjoyed the dynamic between these two. I like how she isnt stupid. (like how most people with secret identities family members are clueless). I thought all the Parkers were done correctly.

Dahan is also very good at his role. His emo look is not his fault. I think he killed the part. Electro tho.... His character was about as memorable as whiplash. It's about time to stop making villains henchmen. Rhino.... He would have worked in the Batman Returns era of superheroes. Like I said they should have just copied the ultimate version. Don't see why they would try to legitimize a character in a cinematic unviverse that has a bipedal 7 foot lizard.

The foreshadowing in the beginning suffered from the fact that it was unnecessary. In all honesty they should've had her around for one more movie

Why did the spider silk break so easily in the clock tower even tho in the first movie it was shown as strong enough to tug a jumbo jet?

Verdict: It's a solid superhero flick but not on Marvel's level (like I thought this would be) but still a solid movie that's worth the watch. Seems like superhero flicks do not know what to do with the villains /: It did not do a good job of getting me hype for the S6 movie. Hell, I felt like at this pace this franchise will be fatigued by ASM4 (which is confirmed to release AFTER S6 and Venom). Which makes me hope ASM 4 is a miles morales movie.

They already shot down Miles Morales appearing any time soon.
I shouldnt say the franchise itself will be fatigued but peter parker will be, just like he is in the comics. So fatigued that both Doc Ock and Miles Morales are better spidermen. So is Flash Thompson (if that counts) and Scarlet Spider.
Also I forgot to give it a rating. 7.5/10. My main issue was electro. Despite the movies flaws, it couldve been an 8.5 (which is a huge difference to me) if electro was done better. Sony is definitely second best when it comes to superhero flicks. Which I think is a compliment.

EDIT: But I still don't mind Sony having this franchise. Wish they had gotten X-Men instead of Fox
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I shouldnt say the franchise itself will be fatigued but peter parker will be, just like he is in the comics. So fatigued that both Doc Ock and Miles Morales are better spidermen. So is Flash Thompson (if that counts) and Scarlet Spider.

By that logic, all these heroes will eventually be fatigued.
By that logic, all these heroes will eventually be fatigued.

No I mean in my personal opinion. Not in the opinions of the masses.

And no not really. Most other characters are interesting

EDIT: Most other Marvel characters are interesting.
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also feel the same way about superman(should've put my thoughts together before speaking on this page). Every super character is much better than he is except for maybe Superboy. Supergirl being my favorite followed by WW. The rest are okay at best. Superman is such a trash character even Wondergirl and Powergirl are better characters than him (and yes Wonder characters are just offshoots os Supes as well).

Still intrigued by a Venom movie just so we can have someone on screen other than peter
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I wonder if one of these days a studio will just have dual running Franchises...

Like a regular 616/Ultimate Spider-Man series and Spider-Man 2099 or Batman/Batman Beyond

We won't reach true fatigue until that day :lol:
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