Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by AME416

I'm about to try the ALL FRUIT diet starting tomorrow for 2 weeks. Has anyone done this?

where is ur protien?
yeah where is your protein?... you need protein for you to maintain your lean body mass. If this is for losing weight I dont think its gonna help you. If you think fruit is some kind of magical food you can eat unlimited of because its healthy well then thats not true. Because if you eat 5000 calories of fruit or 5000 calories of reese's for several days you're going to gain weight either way.
really? I LOVE oatmeal. I eat 1 cup (and a little more) of Rolled Oats. I prefer Rolled to Steel Cut oats because the cooking time is shorter (about 5 mins). I put some cinnamon in it and a teeny amount of sugar. It's the best tasting thing I eat on any given day. Plus, it's got tons of fiber, which can lead to you craving a toilet session during squat reps. It's all good though.
I'm going to get back on this workout grind after about a year of so and so lifting.

Used to lift hardcore freshman year of college and halfway through soph year (german volume, rep pacing, supersets, tried a lot of different workouts; protein, glutamine, white blood and green bulge, fish oil and multi for supps).

I am in NY for the summer and don't have as many distractions (hard to believe, I know) and decided to try to get back into the really good shape I was in. (Max squat 295, Max Bench 215, leg press around 800 a couple times, pretty good definition, almost able to dunk a ball at 5' 11"). I play a lot of basketball so these are good numbers to me. I don't really focus on max lifts. I could 225 squat 8 times back in the day and bench 185 6-7 times (not that good I know, but it was a huge advantage on the basketball court)

I'll try to track my progress on this thread. I'll put up "Before" pics hopefully tomorrow. I have 11 weeks until I head back home to IL. Let's see where it gets me. Good luck to everyone else in this thread, whatever your goals are.

I signed up to a local gym today . I'm going to take this week to settle myself in, figure out my max and rep weights and just get used to lifting daily again. I'm not going to be on many supplements. Protein, multi, and maybe fish oil.
Originally Posted by AME416

I'm about to try the ALL FRUIT diet starting tomorrow for 2 weeks. Has anyone done this?
I've heard arguements for and against this one...

People aren't really meant to eat +%## loads of fruit all year round. It's only due to modern farming that we even able to do so. Plus i've read a fair few things about large amounts of fructose being detrimental to the body.

Considering your only looking to do it for 2 weeks you should be okay. If it goes well for you though i'd do some thorough research before thinking about taking it up long term.
Quick question my bad if its already been asked..

ima start taking creatine and i was looking in some brand such as 1MR, Jack3d and N O Xplode.. i just need to know which one is better.
Can't go wrong with Ginseng, I take it daily but the boost is not major like coffee or green tea. I like to take Gingko Biloba before my workout it helps me focus.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Alright guys I need you to school me on resistance strength training...I seriously am in need of good info on this. I'm tired of doing 8-12 reps with about the same weights i've been using for a year now with a little increase here and there.

I just want to know all there is to know about strength training because right now I think it would be a good move for me to switch things up:

1. I've heard of bill starrs, rippetoes, stronglifts, and other which one would be a good program to start with that would help me add strength while maybe gaining some lean mass in the process?

2. Should I stick to compound lifts or is it okay to mix compound with isolation excercises.

3. Should now be a good time to start taking creatine, because i've heard that it supposedly helps with the strength gain's among other things.

4. how many days a week/whats a good split to do each week...full body couple times a week or different muscles groups each day?

5. I've heard that strength training makes your muscles more dense or there any truth to this? It would be something i'm looking for...

any strength training advice would be appreciated.
Any strength-based routine should allow you to add weight to your frame fairly easily as long as you eat enough. Seriously look into Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. Get the book, it's absolutely worth the money, and that's an understatement. I've said this before, rank novices don't have much business with isolation moves. Stick to heavy weights and low reps with compound moves. You'll get pretty strong and larger with basically any program that works with linear progression(adding weight to the bar every session). It doesn't matter too much which one you pick, but I would recommend Starting Strength just because it's so easy. Squat and drink your milk. If you train more than 3 times a week while strength training as a novice, you'll probably run into issues. As long as your sleep a lot, eat a lot, add weight to bar every time, and don't skip workouts, it's basically fool-proof. Seriously, don't worry so much about the look that you'll get. It's true that lifting in lower rep range (1-5) has a bias to myofibril hypertrophy(muscle fiber). Higher reps (8-12) contribute moreso to sacroplasmic hypertrophy. It's impossible to have only hypertrophy in one area. With myofibril hypertrophy, you will experience a bit of sacroplasmic hypertrophy as well. 
Creatine wouldn't hurt, but make sure you use it right. You've got to cycle off of it otherwise your body will stop naturally producing it. When you cycle off it, expect to see a decrease in strength as well. I'd also recommend supplementing with Vitamin D. Many, many people are deficient in it, and it is a very important nutrient. Get your levels checked. Since I've began supplementing it, I've slept A LOT better. Sleep is extremely important in recovery.
anyone from or very familar with barcelona know the best gym in the city? preferably with power racks/squat racks etc.??

i go there a lot and hotel gyms don't cut it. neither do the random gyms i've found when i rent an apartment. i'll be there for all of july i think and i don't want to put off lifting for a month.
Drinks: always with captain morgan + cola... but I try to stick with vodka+water for health alternatives. (so much damn sugar).

oatmeal: 1/2 cup in the morning and 1/2 cup PWO.. no cooking or anything, just blend it up raw in a shake.
Tweaked something in my shoulder yesterday, wasn't during my workout though I started feeling it like four hours after I finished.
The pain is towards the back of my shoulder, did I do something to my rotator cuff (or however you spell it)?

I'm pissed, now I have to take a pretty long break until I don't feel any pain.
Messed my elbow up yesterday playing ball. Do not remember how it happened but it was on the first play of my first game.

I did legs today @ the gym.

I don't know what I will do until I am healthy. Yea right @ cardio.
I have about 5-7 more scoops of Jack3d left. My question is: Do i have to cycle? Or can i just buy another one and continue on?

If i do have to cycle it, what would you(people that have cycled/know info. about it) recommend to take?

Any help is appreciated.
I'm gonna frequent this thread more often for some motivation for the weeks to come. I'm currently on a cut, starting my 9th week today. I started off at 205 and I'm down to about 195. I still got a ways to go even though I've lost 10lbs. Since I was on a dirty bulk before. But I hit my first plateau weight/body fat loss wise. I've been at 195 for 2 weeks now, so I'm finally going to cut my calories and incorporate some cardio into my routine, probably some interval training even though I hate it.

But I'm hoping to get down to 10% bf during the next month or so.
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by AME416

I'm about to try the ALL FRUIT diet starting tomorrow for 2 weeks. Has anyone done this?
I've heard arguements for and against this one...

People aren't really meant to eat +%## loads of fruit all year round. It's only due to modern farming that we even able to do so. Plus i've read a fair few things about large amounts of fructose being detrimental to the body.

Considering your only looking to do it for 2 weeks you should be okay. If it goes well for you though i'd do some thorough research before thinking about taking it up long term.
Eh. I don't think it's wise to do either. There are many reasons that I wouldn't do it/recommend anyone to do it. Look up fruitarians. They're extremely sick looking with almost no muscle mass. They exclusively eat fruit, no vegetables even. Before you do this, it's best to ask why you want to do it. If it's for detox purposes, you can do so in better ways. The food industry adds loads of pesticides/herbicides/insecticides on fruits and vegetables, so unless you're eating food from your garden, you're probably not doing good for detox purposes. I would imagine it being hard to fill up on fruit and the amount of sugar that you'd get would be absolutely insane.
fruit only ? not even heathy, all that fructose is terrible for you and ou're gonna be missing a lot of macro- and micro-nutrients.
Just got back from vacation, need some solid exercise & detox to flush out the narcotics & booze in my system so I can get back at it this weekend. The gym is going to be a struggle tonight but I will make it.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Alright guys I need you to school me on resistance strength training...I seriously am in need of good info on this. I'm tired of doing 8-12 reps with about the same weights i've been using for a year now with a little increase here and there.

I just want to know all there is to know about strength training because right now I think it would be a good move for me to switch things up:

1. I've heard of bill starrs, rippetoes, stronglifts, and other which one would be a good program to start with that would help me add strength while maybe gaining some lean mass in the process?

2. Should I stick to compound lifts or is it okay to mix compound with isolation excercises.

3. Should now be a good time to start taking creatine, because i've heard that it supposedly helps with the strength gain's among other things.

4. how many days a week/whats a good split to do each week...full body couple times a week or different muscles groups each day?

5. I've heard that strength training makes your muscles more dense or there any truth to this? It would be something i'm looking for...

any strength training advice would be appreciated.
Any strength-based routine should allow you to add weight to your frame fairly easily as long as you eat enough. Seriously look into Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. Get the book, it's absolutely worth the money, and that's an understatement. I've said this before, rank novices don't have much business with isolation moves. Stick to heavy weights and low reps with compound moves. You'll get pretty strong and larger with basically any program that works with linear progression(adding weight to the bar every session). It doesn't matter too much which one you pick, but I would recommend Starting Strength just because it's so easy. Squat and drink your milk. If you train more than 3 times a week while strength training as a novice, you'll probably run into issues. As long as your sleep a lot, eat a lot, add weight to bar every time, and don't skip workouts, it's basically fool-proof. Seriously, don't worry so much about the look that you'll get. It's true that lifting in lower rep range (1-5) has a bias to myofibril hypertrophy(muscle fiber). Higher reps (8-12) contribute moreso to sacroplasmic hypertrophy. It's impossible to have only hypertrophy in one area. With myofibril hypertrophy, you will experience a bit of sacroplasmic hypertrophy as well. 
Creatine wouldn't hurt, but make sure you use it right. You've got to cycle off of it otherwise your body will stop naturally producing it. When you cycle off it, expect to see a decrease in strength as well. I'd also recommend supplementing with Vitamin D. Many, many people are deficient in it, and it is a very important nutrient. Get your levels checked. Since I've began supplementing it, I've slept A LOT better. Sleep is extremely important in recovery.
Alright thats a nice start I appreciate it.  I read the same stuff you posted from what Rusty put out in his visual impact e-book and I agree with what your saying.  I just didn't feel too sure about his strength program over people like rippetoe's  I actually went to a couple book stores in the city and they didnt have it so I guess i'll have to order it online. 

As for the creatine...since I only want to take it at the most for 3 months what is the best form to take it in...ethyl ester or the classic powdered version if anybody wants to fill me in on this?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

nealraj006, what are the most efficient detox methods?
From what I understand, losing excess body fat is good at ridding yourself of toxins. Toxins are stored in adipose tissue(body fat). I remember reading a study about weight loss in older folks. When they tested their blood, they found remains of pesticides that hadn't been in use since the 70's. You've got to be patient and don't lose too much too quickly because it can overload your system. That's partially why drinking a lot of alcohol makes it hard to lose the beer belly. Beer is estrogenic in nature and estrogen makes it hard for your body to burn the fat.
Another good thing is Intermittent Fasting. It allows your body to return to homeostasis for a longer amount of time and it becomes more efficient.

But obviously the best way is to avoid the toxins in the first place. If you do a detox crash diet and then start eating McDonalds and doing drugs, then you're not doing yourself any good.

Grim, you won't be able to find the book in local stores. You've got to order it online. Order the book, don't just read it on the internet. It's worth the money with all the detail that Rippetoe goes into with the technique.
Forgot to ask, does anybody have an opinion on weight vests vs. weight belts? Is one better than the other? I just want to use it for weighted pull ups and dips. Using a backpack doesn't seem too safe when adding a lot of weight. Is there any benefit about how each places pressure on the body?
just cut alcohol out of my diet... gonna go for at least a month since i have hit a plateau with weight/fat/body physique
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