Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

im super pissed, i bought TWO different pull up bars for my door way today and neither fit.

they both fit the width of the door, but the molding along the top of my door was too tall and wouldnt let it mount in place.

fail fail fail.

anyone have any other suggestions for any other pull up bars?
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Alright guys I need you to school me on resistance strength training...I seriously am in need of good info on this. I'm tired of doing 8-12 reps with about the same weights i've been using for a year now with a little increase here and there.

I just want to know all there is to know about strength training because right now I think it would be a good move for me to switch things up:

1. I've heard of bill starrs, rippetoes, stronglifts, and other which one would be a good program to start with that would help me add strength while maybe gaining some lean mass in the process?

2. Should I stick to compound lifts or is it okay to mix compound with isolation excercises.

3. Should now be a good time to start taking creatine, because i've heard that it supposedly helps with the strength gain's among other things.

4. how many days a week/whats a good split to do each week...full body couple times a week or different muscles groups each day?

5. I've heard that strength training makes your muscles more dense or there any truth to this? It would be something i'm looking for...

any strength training advice would be appreciated.
Any strength-based routine should allow you to add weight to your frame fairly easily as long as you eat enough. Seriously look into Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. Get the book, it's absolutely worth the money, and that's an understatement. I've said this before, rank novices don't have much business with isolation moves. Stick to heavy weights and low reps with compound moves. You'll get pretty strong and larger with basically any program that works with linear progression(adding weight to the bar every session). It doesn't matter too much which one you pick, but I would recommend Starting Strength just because it's so easy. Squat and drink your milk. If you train more than 3 times a week while strength training as a novice, you'll probably run into issues. As long as your sleep a lot, eat a lot, add weight to bar every time, and don't skip workouts, it's basically fool-proof. Seriously, don't worry so much about the look that you'll get. It's true that lifting in lower rep range (1-5) has a bias to myofibril hypertrophy(muscle fiber). Higher reps (8-12) contribute moreso to sacroplasmic hypertrophy. It's impossible to have only hypertrophy in one area. With myofibril hypertrophy, you will experience a bit of sacroplasmic hypertrophy as well. 
Creatine wouldn't hurt, but make sure you use it right. You've got to cycle off of it otherwise your body will stop naturally producing it. When you cycle off it, expect to see a decrease in strength as well. I'd also recommend supplementing with Vitamin D. Many, many people are deficient in it, and it is a very important nutrient. Get your levels checked. Since I've began supplementing it, I've slept A LOT better. Sleep is extremely important in recovery.
Alright thats a nice start I appreciate it.  I read the same stuff you posted from what Rusty put out in his visual impact e-book and I agree with what your saying.  I just didn't feel too sure about his strength program over people like rippetoe's  I actually went to a couple book stores in the city and they didnt have it so I guess i'll have to order it online. 

As for the creatine...since I only want to take it at the most for 3 months what is the best form to take it in...ethyl ester or the classic powdered version if anybody wants to fill me in on this?


I've been doing StrongLifts - im seeing results in overall strength

Like *@*@, i've been getting my bounce back, becoming really explosive.  Im not too concerned with what I look like (its winter here) - so i've been eating relatively clean, trying to add mass.  I still don't think I eat enough, probably around 3000cals, but coupled with a fast metabolism and constant activity, im finding it difficult to gain mass. I am also scared of gaining too much fat in the process, but its welcomed.

I haven't done any bicep curls or tri pull downs in  weeks, yet im more defined.

I really recommend a strength or compound workout for those athletes looking to increase their performance.  Don't worry about others doing isolation exercises in the gym, chances are they're bodybuilding or just misguided.  Compound/fullbody workouts are the way to go for athletes, do them if you want to gain mass, explosivity and quickness.

Myofibril hypertrophy, you will experience a bit of sacroplasmic hypertrophy - could you explain these further? Im quite interested to know what my body does with a 5x5 programme.

And when is it a good idea to switch to/incorporate isolation exercises?

I workout 3x a week, play ball at least 3x a week, plus try aim for an HIIT session a week.  Am I overkilling myself? I started squatting at a low weight first, to make it easier and practise my technique, however.. when the weight gets heavier I know i'll feel the pain.

Edit: PVL Mutant Mass anyone? Thinking of giving this a shot.. 1050cal per servings, on top of what i'd eat daily.
So the last 2-3 weeks I been eating pretty decent and jumping rope for about an hour or so and I can see the changes already.I lost about 13 lbs so now I wanna get the weights involved to build muscle while still burning fat so how should I go about it without killing my self .
Originally Posted by I3


I've been doing StrongLifts - im seeing results in overall strength

Like *@*@, i've been getting my bounce back, becoming really explosive.  Im not too concerned with what I look like (its winter here) - so i've been eating relatively clean, trying to add mass.  I still don't think I eat enough, probably around 3000cals, but coupled with a fast metabolism and constant activity, im finding it difficult to gain mass. I am also scared of gaining too much fat in the process, but its welcomed.

I haven't done any bicep curls or tri pull downs in  weeks, yet im more defined.

I really recommend a strength or compound workout for those athletes looking to increase their performance.  Don't worry about others doing isolation exercises in the gym, chances are they're bodybuilding or just misguided.  Compound/fullbody workouts are the way to go for athletes, do them if you want to gain mass, explosivity and quickness.

Myofibril hypertrophy, you will experience a bit of sacroplasmic hypertrophy - could you explain these further? Im quite interested to know what my body does with a 5x5 programme.

And when is it a good idea to switch to/incorporate isolation exercises?

I workout 3x a week, play ball at least 3x a week, plus try aim for an HIIT session a week.  Am I overkilling myself? I started squatting at a low weight first, to make it easier and practise my technique, however.. when the weight gets heavier I know i'll feel the pain.

Edit: PVL Mutant Mass anyone? Thinking of giving this a shot.. 1050cal per servings, on top of what i'd eat daily.

Not doing GOMAD?
It's crazy how some dudes put down that much milk AND all that food.
Like I said, heavier loads with lower reps(1-5) focus on myofibril hypertrophy. Some people describe it as having "dense muscles". It hypertrophies the muscle fibers.

Sacroplasmic hypertrophy happens at higher rep ranges (8-12). The sacroplasm is the cytoplasm of the muscle cell. It's fluid filled. So when you train at higher rep ranges, the fluid filled volume of the cell increases. That's why people that train in the higher rep ranges tend to have less 'dense' muscles. They can also be described as 'squishy'.

It's impossible to isolate which one that will happen, just like if you gain weight but don't see any increases in body fat. You will have gained both fat and lean body mass to keep the Fat : LBM ratio the same. 5 reps is more for myofibril hypertrophy. Mark Rippetoe describes it sort of as the best of both worlds.

Just curious, why did you pick 5x5 instead of 3x5? What's the major difference between StrongLifts and Starting Strength?
all right, so my primary goal is to lose this last 5-10 pounds in my gut.
I switched up my diet and upped my output (running, taekwondo - parimarily cardio based) and I lost enough without much effort (the habits were terrible to begin with).

I did want to add some strength, but I wanna stay within my current weight range (I don't want to bulk) because I'm at a perfect weight to compete -  I was thinking of restricting myself to body weight exercises, if I were to do weights/elastic bands is there anything I should avoid or concepts I should read up on? 
So i turned up my cardio even more since i have been in and out of town with work trips(been eating like junk, and having beers). I came back last week to see i was 188 pounds which is 5 pounds heavier then what i usually am...So i did my usual 7 mile runs for the week, and then added a quarter mile swim after every workout, and i am down to 178 in about 9 days...I never liked it, but if you are looking for an intense and difficult work out, added some swimming to your routine...Its hard but worth it
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Originally Posted by BangDak

I decided to change up my cardio workout.

Would biking about 10 miles 2 days a week be good enough?
If i could go back in time and change something about my workout, would be less cardio/hiit. It led me to have a disproportionate body(torso? and legs are too thin compared to arms), which i am slowly fixing.

In other words, just do light cardio, but keep at it. Good results take time, remember to focus on everything not solely one single part of your body.
So im assuming 2 days a week is enough?

Biking also exercises many different parts of your body as well. Any other opinions?
2007 I was 185 5'6
I'm 250 5'8 today, my stomach doesn't really show, I wear a size 38 and XL in shirts as opposed 3 years ago I had to wear 3XL and size 42 pants.
It still concerns me I'm WAY overweight for my height.
I remember last year I went 6 months without eating fast food and I was 285 last year and after all that it brought me to my current weight.
I want to lose all this weight and go back down to AT LEAST 160.
I'm starting today by dropping soda (Which I tend to drink in excess), start doing 20 min on the treadmill this week and gradually going up, stop eating fast food again, and start benching again.
'08 I could bench 180 but then I started going downhill and stopped working out.
I need a routine that fits my lifestyle.
Does it just take time to loose fat? My lovehandles and thighs store a good amount of fat and even though my diet is good and I run hard 3-4 times a week its going away but slowwwwwwwwwwwly.
^yeah, burning fat is probably the least fun of all the things to do....persistence is key. Don't give up...just think of the results....and all the poon you'll get, etc....
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Forgot to ask, does anybody have an opinion on weight vests vs. weight belts? Is one better than the other? I just want to use it for weighted pull ups and dips. Using a backpack doesn't seem too safe when adding a lot of weight. Is there any benefit about how each places pressure on the body?
weight belts definitely. you can easily adjust the weight, weight vests are more $$ and have a much smaller range in terms of weight.
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

So the last 2-3 weeks I been eating pretty decent and jumping rope for about an hour or so and I can see the changes already.I lost about 13 lbs so now I wanna get the weights involved to build muscle while still burning fat so how should I go about it without killing my self .
jumping rope for an hour? the hell?? i can barely go 15 minutes
Started back working out today
I felt pretty damn good after (35 minutes on the treadmill, 20 on the bike, 10 on the cross-trainer) I'm a big guy, so that was pretty decent for me (1st time working out all summer) Trying to do this 5 days a week. Any tips on meals/snacks/drinks? Any would help
When I do overhead press (standing) I feel as if my spine is about to fold. I'm able to put up more weight than my spine is allowing me to. I understand this issue pertains to my 'core' being weak...

What can i do to really strengthen my core as efficiently as possible?
I barely isolate my core anymore these days, I've found that squats, deadlifts, rows, etc. have strengthened it a lot. If that's not enough, try weighted crunches from a machine where you can hang down and hold the weight (try a 10lb to start) behind your head or neck not on your chest

These are killer for me
which should i do? p90x or insanity?

im looking to trim down and lose the fat on my stomach and chest. im skinny everywhere else so i need that *** gone ASAP.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

When I do overhead press (standing) I feel as if my spine is about to fold. I'm able to put up more weight than my spine is allowing me to. I understand this issue pertains to my 'core' being weak...

What can i do to really strengthen my core as efficiently as possible?
I have the exact same problem, today was my heavy day and after I finished my sets I had pain in my back. I'm going to to start doing it seated on the adjustable bench with the back straight up.
I think that will help, I feel like I'm cheating myself sometimes towards the end of my sets when I start "feeling" it, I tend to arch my back to help...
We'll see... (I do dumbell btw)
Quick question: does workin out in the day or late night make a difference?
My work schedule changed and it basically threw me off my whole regimine.
I haven't been 2 the gym in about a month and feenin 2 get back in. I used 2 go 2 the Y when I got off @ like 4, but now I don't get off til later and we have a 24 gym round the corner
Cycling off of Jack3d for the next 4 weeks. This is my first week without it and the only difference I'm seeing is that I'm getting worn out quicker(pause) through my exercises. Strength is still on a steady incline, so I can deal with the rest.

Trying to take in only 2K cals right now, hoping to drop some BF through this week.
rck2sactown, how the hell do you stand this effing weather?! My plan was to do HIIT today but instead I ate, napped, woke up 2 hours later and still couldn't bring myself to do it. It's about 8 pm right now and still hot as hell. I think ima just load up on white flood and hit the gym and see if that'll give me the jump i need.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

Does anyone remember a website that maybe was posted in this thread that had a guide to cutting to the extreme before a big event such as a beach? It was a downloadable to a link that may have been posted. It was to be used only a few times a year to look good at a particular time.
Yah I'd like to see this too.  There was a diet posted that was from that dude with the REDONKULOUS triceps who lived day to day with like 5% bf. Can someone re-post that? I remember it was ******ed amounts of protein.

Are you talking about Vacation Body Blueprint?
Can anyone tell me the different advantages drop sets, pyramid, reverse pyramid have. Is one better for strength and the other better for lean mass gain or something like that or is it just a preference.

been asking alot of questions lately...i'm getting bored in the gym.
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