Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by chino905

Are there any suppliments or methods to recover quicker from soreness? I've realized that i've been getting overpowered in my Judo classes, so i decided to hit the weights to get stronger with my martial arts. I've been weight training for about a month now, and i feel much stronger. But it sometimes takes me 4-5 days before one muscle group isnt' sore anymore. Any suggestions?
glutamine will help with recovery, but i think the more you do it the less sore you will be also.
Originally Posted by chino905

Are there any suppliments or methods to recover quicker from soreness? I've realized that i've been getting overpowered in my Judo classes, so i decided to hit the weights to get stronger with my martial arts. I've been weight training for about a month now, and i feel much stronger. But it sometimes takes me 4-5 days before one muscle group isnt' sore anymore. Any suggestions?

I heard Amino Acid supps are suppose to help as well as that stuff called Pink Magic. I think I'm gonna try that soon too..
Anyone got some good shoulder exercises?

I dont want no D12 %%**, but Rondo would do

Right now, all i do is military presses, flys and raises. Any suggestions?
Originally Posted by BangDak

Anyone got some good shoulder exercises?

I dont want no D12 %%**, but Rondo would do

Right now, all i do is military presses, flys and raises. Any suggestions?
Front raises, Arnold Press, Shrug, Upright row (also great for forearms) 
How's your progress coming along brett? I havent checked this thread in a while. The last time I saw one of your updates was before page 500
Originally Posted by Andrew630

How's your progress coming along brett? I havent checked this thread in a while. The last time I saw one of your updates was before page 500

Pretty slow but steady.. I weighed in at 178 yesterday. MADDD bodyfat lately but I ain't even mad. I'm really focusing on strength lately and I need a lot of calories.
Weighed in at 191 today and thats the least i've been in abt 6 months, I normally stay btw 193-197 but im trying to get below 190 which was hard in season but I should be there shortly.
Weighed in at 191 today and thats the least i've been in abt 6 months, I normally stay btw 193-197 but im trying to get below 190 which was hard in season but I should be there shortly.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Wheat bread or 100% whole grain??

which one is better
you should look at the ingredients to see which one would be better .

Personally I look at the ingredients then nutrition facts and go with the one with the most amount of fiber per slice. FTW!!!
Originally Posted by nealraj006

The gym was packed today. But 1 of the 2 squat racks was still empty when I walked in

I've noticed this of some of the heavier deadlifters at the gym I go to. Most of them don't do full range of motion during their sets. They'll load the bar up with 405 lbs and hyperextend their backs. Then they'll lower to just below their knees and come and hyperextend their back again.
About a month ago I was DLing at the gym and this dude comes over and asks if he can work in. I said sure and this guy asked me to help him lift the bar off the ground and onto the bottom part of the squat rack. This guy would start with the bar on the squat rack and bring the bar down to his knees and then come back up. After I did my set from off the ground (normal DLs) this guy has the nerve to ask me why I lift the weight off the ground.
I explain to him that doing so utilizes more muscles and is more challenging and this guy starts talking about lifting off the ground is too hard and its easier to lift the weight from waist level
. I just told him we'd have to agree to disagree and that to each his own. This guy was actually trying to convince me its better to DL using his "technique"
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by nealraj006

The gym was packed today. But 1 of the 2 squat racks was still empty when I walked in

I've noticed this of some of the heavier deadlifters at the gym I go to. Most of them don't do full range of motion during their sets. They'll load the bar up with 405 lbs and hyperextend their backs. Then they'll lower to just below their knees and come and hyperextend their back again.
About a month ago I was DLing at the gym and this dude comes over and asks if he can work in. I said sure and this guy asked me to help him lift the bar off the ground and onto the bottom part of the squat rack. This guy would start with the bar on the squat rack and bring the bar down to his knees and then come back up. After I did my set from off the ground (normal DLs) this guy has the nerve to ask me why I lift the weight off the ground.
I explain to him that doing so utilizes more muscles and is more challenging and this guy starts talking about lifting off the ground is too hard and its easier to lift the weight from waist level
. I just told him we'd have to agree to disagree and that to each his own. This guy was actually trying to convince me its better to DL using his "technique"
I've heard from different trainers that if you're tall (6'2+) you shouldn't lift off the ground, but rather should start with the bar at mid-shin level. But it seems like you're saying the guy was just holding the weight throughout the exercise, which sounds stupid/dangerous. 
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by nealraj006

The gym was packed today. But 1 of the 2 squat racks was still empty when I walked in

I've noticed this of some of the heavier deadlifters at the gym I go to. Most of them don't do full range of motion during their sets. They'll load the bar up with 405 lbs and hyperextend their backs. Then they'll lower to just below their knees and come and hyperextend their back again.
About a month ago I was DLing at the gym and this dude comes over and asks if he can work in. I said sure and this guy asked me to help him lift the bar off the ground and onto the bottom part of the squat rack. This guy would start with the bar on the squat rack and bring the bar down to his knees and then come back up. After I did my set from off the ground (normal DLs) this guy has the nerve to ask me why I lift the weight off the ground.
I explain to him that doing so utilizes more muscles and is more challenging and this guy starts talking about lifting off the ground is too hard and its easier to lift the weight from waist level
. I just told him we'd have to agree to disagree and that to each his own. This guy was actually trying to convince me its better to DL using his "technique"


Hardest part about 2010 is the fact that I won't be drinking.
Gotta take it to the next level, though. Weighed in today @ 205.
I don't know if it makes sense but I gain more by not drinking. (What am I talking makes perfect sense).

Bout to go hit it hard right now.
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by nealraj006

The gym was packed today. But 1 of the 2 squat racks was still empty when I walked in

I've noticed this of some of the heavier deadlifters at the gym I go to. Most of them don't do full range of motion during their sets. They'll load the bar up with 405 lbs and hyperextend their backs. Then they'll lower to just below their knees and come and hyperextend their back again.
About a month ago I was DLing at the gym and this dude comes over and asks if he can work in. I said sure and this guy asked me to help him lift the bar off the ground and onto the bottom part of the squat rack. This guy would start with the bar on the squat rack and bring the bar down to his knees and then come back up. After I did my set from off the ground (normal DLs) this guy has the nerve to ask me why I lift the weight off the ground.
I explain to him that doing so utilizes more muscles and is more challenging and this guy starts talking about lifting off the ground is too hard and its easier to lift the weight from waist level
. I just told him we'd have to agree to disagree and that to each his own. This guy was actually trying to convince me its better to DL using his "technique"
I've heard from different trainers that if you're tall (6'2+) you shouldn't lift off the ground, but rather should start with the bar at mid-shin level. But it seems like you're saying the guy was just holding the weight throughout the exercise, which sounds stupid/dangerous. 
I wish I had your height problem (
) but I think that generally speaking, the DL is a safe lift regardless of height. People run into problems when the weight gets heavy and they start compromising their form but I dont see how the DL is any more dangerous to tall people than it is to folks of average height. When you think about it, the DL is a pretty normal range of motion...people bend over to pick things up 100x each day. I have a friend at the gym that is 6'4 and his DL form is perfect. I dont think being tall has a negative effect on DL form and as long as your form is correct you shouldnt experience injuries or pain. To be honest I think barbell squats are more un-natural and dangerous than DLs. If you're tall then I think you're at a disadvantage and more susceptible to injury when squatting.

QUESTION: How much protein can a bodybuilder or athlete absorb in one meal?
ANSWER: The amount of protein an athlete (or non-athlete) can absorb/metabolize is referred to as the protein threshold and is very specific. The storage capacity of proteins, also called the protein threshold, relates to the maximum amount of protein the human body can process without negative consequences. The protein threshold in humans has been well established in the scientific literature and in current research. One of the most interesting aspects of protein research is that, no matter how much a human weighs, the protein threshold is still the same: 30 grams of elemental protein. For example, in world class powerlifters (who weigh up to 400 pounds) the protein threshold does not exceed 30 grams within a 2-3 hour period. During the time I worked with Mr. Universe Ron Coleman (Editor’s Note: Just for clarification there are two champion bodybuilders named Ron Coleman – one is Mr. Universe and the other is eight-time Mr. Olympia) and the World Powerlifting Federation, my research team experimented with different forms of protein and varying levels of protein intake. Women powerlifters were squatting 650 pounds, and the men were lifting 1000 pounds! This gave us the perfect test subjects to determine the maximum amount of protein a human could metabolize at one time.
Additionally, the Glycemic Research Institute just completed a two million dollar research project on protein thresholding, which reflects the same findings as the study published in the February 2010 issue of the journal of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, in which researchers concluded that there is “Significantly reduced loss of lean body mass with increased protein compared with a normal protein diet in healthy lean athletes.
Yo if you're too tall to do normal DL wouldn't you do sumo style? or is it the other way around??

I read a protein study that says:

Researchers in France have found that eating protein all at once can be just as well absorbed as spreading it out over your day. A group of 26'year old women were given either 80% of their protein for he day at one meal or spread over multiple meals. After two weeks, there was no difference between the subject and control groups in terms of nitrogen balance, whole-body protein turnover, whole-body protein synthesis, or protein breakdown.

Not sure if true?

Durden, you mention it is wise to have higher carbs than protein after a workout. what is the reasoning behind that? I've never understood that aspect
My question wasnt answered before so I might as well ask again. 

3 days rest for a particular muscle group is enough? So basically I would be training that particular set (shoulders/triceps for example) twice a week. 

I basically just listen to my body, if I dont feel rested enough ill take another day off.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by swooshdude

I'm finna go no carb for 30 days and murder me some P90X. This should get me through till I can get some bills eliminated so I can afford to join a gym. I've been takin notes on the suppliments though. thanks to the NT fam!
No carbs for 30 days? You are gonna die.
you gon pass out trying to get up out the bed in the morning let alone work out.

nah, i'll be ok. i'm following the nutrition guide that came with it, and if I feel like I'm hurting myself, I'll go back to a more balanced diet. I read that the key is to get your body to live off of its fat stores for a little while to lean out.
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