Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Being doing keto diet for close to a week now. Trying to bulk on it, I know it's not the best, but whatever.

Been eating like 3500 calories a day, 250 g fat, 50 g carbs, 280 g protein

6'2" 195 btw
been wearing the Bodybugg for a lil bit now. It tells me how many calories I burned for the day once I upload on to my computer. It's supposed to be atleast 90% accurate and there's a lot of people who had success with it from what I've been reading on their Facebook page and forum. Tells me I burn around 3000 calories a day 
. Got it on sale for like $90

It's pretty cool how finding out like just doing the little things around the house add up in burning calories or just choosing to walk up the stairs/escalator than just standing, etc.
Originally Posted by Caerus

Originally Posted by Cheese Wagstaff

Originally Posted by ireminisce

how are you averaging 2,000 calories from eating three/four times a day?

i eat 7/8 times a day & i'm barely hitting 2,000 calories or i'm right below it.

Oh you skinny people and your problems 

Lol word, eating 7/8 times and under 2,000 cals? Watchu eating man? Tuna every meal?!?
1. protein shake
2. fruit
3. yogurt
4. mozzarella cheese stick
5. pasta
6. granola bar
7. peanuts
8. tilapia / chicken / salmon

tuna, salad, mac&cheese, wheat thins, pb sandwich.. could also be rotated in there somehow.

i'm barely getting 2,000.
Quick question: On the GNC site they break it up into categories for gaining weight or building muscle, I'm really trying to do both, so should I go with Muscle Milk to gain weight or something like Amplified Wheybolic to build muscle?  Sorry if it's a dumb question, but I've never taken any supplements while working out, so I don't know what to take to gain weight/build muscle
.  Thanks in advance...
Originally Posted by ireminisce

Originally Posted by Caerus

Originally Posted by Cheese Wagstaff

Oh you skinny people and your problems 

Lol word, eating 7/8 times and under 2,000 cals? Watchu eating man? Tuna every meal?!?
1. protein shake
2. fruit
3. yogurt
4. mozzarella cheese stick
5. pasta
6. granola bar
7. peanuts
8. tilapia / chicken / salmon

tuna, salad, mac&cheese, wheat thins, pb sandwich.. could also be rotated in there somehow.

i'm barely getting 2,000.
Try eating MEALS six times a day instead. 
don't buy from gnc unless stuff is on clearance.
look at some of the online sites like: sportsnutritiononline, nutra planet, getrippednutrition, lockout supplements etc and check wheycheap for the occasional steal (especially if you can catch the glitches)
Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

don't buy from gnc unless stuff is on clearance.
look at some of the online sites like: sportsnutritiononline, nutra planet, getrippednutrition, lockout supplements etc and check wheycheap for the occasional steal (especially if you can catch the glitches)

Thanks for the heads up
.  GNC is having a 30% off sale (GNC4YOU) for their brand, but I'm gonna check those other sites now to see if I can get a better price...
Originally Posted by ireminisce

Originally Posted by Caerus

Originally Posted by Cheese Wagstaff

Oh you skinny people and your problems 

Lol word, eating 7/8 times and under 2,000 cals? Watchu eating man? Tuna every meal?!?
1. protein shake
2. fruit
3. yogurt
4. mozzarella cheese stick
5. pasta
6. granola bar
7. peanuts
8. tilapia / chicken / salmon

tuna, salad, mac&cheese, wheat thins, pb sandwich.. could also be rotated in there somehow.

i'm barely getting 2,000.

IDK I probably eat about 4 times a day at least and I'll hit 2000 calories a day EASY.  During bulk periods I'll just eat tons or cheat with mass gainers and consume close to 4000.
Sidenote:  I was SO close to getting my first muscle-up last night.  Gunna try again tomorrow.  Way harder than they look, but from what I hear they're like 75% form and timing
Anybody jump rope? Im looking to add more to my cardio. Is this a good add-on? As of right now I'm just running, walking and doing jumping jack reps 
Originally Posted by cs02132

You can still lift just gotta eat more. I did mma while lifting for a while and when i ate good it was just another workout but when i didnt eat good it sucked

BJJ while being sore

Im about to start starting strength and i do bjj
Even when you're not sore, all that new muscle you carry around just gasses you
 I definately need to squeeze some cardio in their somewhere.

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Anybody jump rope? Im looking to add more to my cardio. Is this a good add-on? As of right now I'm just running, walking and doing jumping jack reps 
I researched several comparisons online and many sites give you mixed answers. Some sites claim running involves and develops more muscles than jump rope (Though, my bro claims he developed his traps through jumping rope), but I do believe jumping rope is far better on the knees than running.... I jumped rope yesterday for 5 minutes, and it got me more tired and sweatier than jogging for 20 mins. Once you get your rhythm and various types of footing, you'll love jumping rope. IMO jumping rope gives you better vibes than running, you'll enjoy it more than running once you find your rhythm. Plus, a lot of people will ask you if you're a boxer
Originally Posted by MINOTAURO NOGUEIRA

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Anybody jump rope? Im looking to add more to my cardio. Is this a good add-on? As of right now I'm just running, walking and doing jumping jack reps 
I researched several comparisons online and many sites give you mixed answers. Some sites claim running involves and develops more muscles than jump rope (Though, my bro claims he developed his traps through jumping rope), but I do believe jumping rope is far better on the knees than running.... I jumped rope yesterday for 5 minutes, and it got me more tired and sweatier than jogging for 20 mins. Once you get your rhythm and various types of footing, you'll love jumping rope. IMO jumping rope gives you better vibes than running, you'll enjoy it more than running once you find your rhythm. Plus, a lot of people will ask you if you're a boxer
Jumping rope really isn't going to develop muscles anywhere other than your calves and ankles and even then that's over a  long period of time. Your boy is on that extra pseudo bro science.

As far as jump rope being better on the knees, I'm gonna have to disagree again. From someone who's gone through reconstructive knee surgery, and who's "good" knee is/was #@+%%% up (patella tendinitis) from overcompensation, a serious jump rope workout leaves my knees far more sore than three miles on a track. (I don't run on concrete because of the aforementioned, if you're running everyday, you should avoid asphalt too...)

Jump rope is going to burn you A LOT more calories than jogging (not necessarily running) in the same amount of time.
Originally Posted by 4one5

Originally Posted by ireminisce

Originally Posted by Caerus

Lol word, eating 7/8 times and under 2,000 cals? Watchu eating man? Tuna every meal?!?
1. protein shake
2. fruit
3. yogurt
4. mozzarella cheese stick
5. pasta
6. granola bar
7. peanuts
8. tilapia / chicken / salmon

tuna, salad, mac&cheese, wheat thins, pb sandwich.. could also be rotated in there somehow.

i'm barely getting 2,000.
Try eating MEALS six times a day instead. 
some of us work 9 - 5s & barely have enough time to even eat, though.. so i don't really have much of a choice during the week.

my meals get a lot heavier during the weekend though since i have enough time to cook / cheat.
I understand man. In that case make sure at least your breakfast lunch and dinner are calorie dense. Things like adding olive oil to pasta and coconut oil on tea help a ton with reaching your caloric goals. Also try to find ways to up your protein.
Originally Posted by ireminisce

Originally Posted by 4one5

Originally Posted by ireminisce

1. protein shake
2. fruit
3. yogurt
4. mozzarella cheese stick
5. pasta
6. granola bar
7. peanuts
8. tilapia / chicken / salmon

tuna, salad, mac&cheese, wheat thins, pb sandwich.. could also be rotated in there somehow.

i'm barely getting 2,000.
Try eating MEALS six times a day instead. 
some of us work 9 - 5s & barely have enough time to even eat, though.. so i don't really have much of a choice during the week.

my meals get a lot heavier during the weekend though since i have enough time to cook / cheat.
Try an eat a decent sized breakfast, you could buy some healthy sandwiches or eggs or waffles and some OJ and you got about 400-500 calories. Then at work snack on some peanuts or bananas(or other fruits). Eat a good lunch on your lunch hour, and if you want you could just sneak in a protein shake in water at like 3 or 4. Then a good dinner when youre home.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Anybody jump rope? Im looking to add more to my cardio. Is this a good add-on? As of right now I'm just running, walking and doing jumping jack reps 
Of course.
I just a lot. Some things I do.

See how many jumps I can get to without stopping. My personal best is like 1300 something. I count in sets of 20. Quick jumps.

Jump on 1 leg for 100, other leg for 100, both legs 100.

Double Jumps for 100

High knees for 100

But kicks for 100

Criss crosses for 100

A lot of things you can do. 20 mins of going HARD 3 times a day should have you right.
Been battling with waking up early to workout vs. working out after 10 hour work days and found the best option...Neither.

Just got a membership in the town where I work. Best thing I ever did.
how is the gym always empty is he the owner of it or something?? im about to do strength shoes tomm, just gotta find the workout sheets for it
For those scientific dudes..

Whats the effect on your vertical when one undergoes 2-3-4 cardio sessions a week; this could be on a bike, treadmill, jog etc.. I've read that continuous cardio will dampen your vertical or not recruit the fast twitch fibres.

The reason I ask, is I want to improve my stamina and conditioning on the court and after I lift weights, the cardio equipment is just downstairs and its convenient. I hear LeBron doing 20miles on the bike, but obviously his genes > mine.

In terms of improving my stamina and conditioning - would sprinting (HIIT) be better overall? Should I just lets say do 2x sessions of HIIT (sprints) a week on top of basketball? I really want to increase my stamina and fourth quarter (something LeBron lacks, so me > him).

I just found out that I'm at 12.9% Body Fat at 5'6" and 148 Lbs.

Time to get that down to under 10% and 145 LBs in the next 2-3 months.

Any tips on how to do that? should I go look at a fat burner?
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