Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by Mr4thQuarter

About the decline? It isolates and builds the lower chest which gives the droopy chest look due to excessive lower chest build or lack of upper chest development.
Lol. Cool broscience bro.
There are only 2 parts to the chest. Pec Minor, Pec Major.

Only way to build a big chest...Heavy BB and DB Bench.
What if you dont have access to a gym all the time to do these, how else can you build your chest? 
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by Mr4thQuarter

About the decline? It isolates and builds the lower chest which gives the droopy chest look due to excessive lower chest build or lack of upper chest development.
Lol. Cool broscience bro.
There are only 2 parts to the chest. Pec Minor, Pec Major.

Only way to build a big chest...Heavy BB and DB Bench.
What if you dont have access to a gym all the time to do these, how else can you build your chest? 

Put 2 chairs together-!%+ and you can do dips.
Pushups. Any and every angle.
Best way to build mass in the upper body and at the same time keep a toned stomach? And any GNC supplements you guys suggest?

Appreciate the help NT.
Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09

Best way to build mass in the upper body and at the same time keep a toned stomach? And any GNC supplements you guys suggest?

Appreciate the help NT.

No such thing.
If you're going to bulk, you're bound to get a little fat.  My suggestion, bulk to the point where you're satisfied with your chest mass. Then cut to lean out.

No magical GNC Supplement will help you.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09

Best way to build mass in the upper body and at the same time keep a toned stomach? And any GNC supplements you guys suggest?

Appreciate the help NT.

No such thing.
If you're going to bulk, you're bound to get a little fat.  My suggestion, bulk to the point where you're satisfied with your chest mass. Then cut to lean out.

No magical GNC Supplement will help you.
Thanks for the advice Shady. Any recommendations for a bulking up  product from GNC?
Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09

Best way to build mass in the upper body and at the same time keep a toned stomach? And any GNC supplements you guys suggest?

Appreciate the help NT.

No such thing.
If you're going to bulk, you're bound to get a little fat.  My suggestion, bulk to the point where you're satisfied with your chest mass. Then cut to lean out.

No magical GNC Supplement will help you.
Thanks for the advice Shady. Any recommendations for a bulking up  product from GNC?
Best advice is don't go to GNC. Vitamin Shoppe or
Originally Posted by I3

For those scientific dudes..

Whats the effect on your vertical when one undergoes 2-3-4 cardio sessions a week; this could be on a bike, treadmill, jog etc.. I've read that continuous cardio will dampen your vertical or not recruit the fast twitch fibres.

The reason I ask, is I want to improve my stamina and conditioning on the court and after I lift weights, the cardio equipment is just downstairs and its convenient. I hear LeBron doing 20miles on the bike, but obviously his genes > mine.

In terms of improving my stamina and conditioning - would sprinting (HIIT) be better overall? Should I just lets say do 2x sessions of HIIT (sprints) a week on top of basketball? I really want to increase my stamina and fourth quarter (something LeBron lacks, so me > him).

Low intensity aerobic work can cause fast twitch(responsible for strength and power) muscle fibers to act like slow twitch fibers(weaker, not explosive, aerobic). There isn't much to be gained by doing long slow distance cardio unless that is your sport(marathoning, cycling, etc.). For power based sports, you're better off with anaerobic energy system work such as sprints. That is, if you want to be as strong and explosive as possible. When it comes to programming the sprints, you want to make sure you're introducing variety pretty regularly(intensity, distance, rest intervals, uphill/downhill/flat, etc.) to keep making gains. A sound anaerobic conditioning program with sound strength programming is the best combination. Also, keeping the reps during strength work to 6 reps or fewer with explosive concentrics and controlled eccentrics will help stimulate more motor units and further enhance your neurological efficiency. Higher rep sets are also another way to get the fast twitch fibers to act like slow twitch fibers
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Lol. Cool broscience bro.
There are only 2 parts to the chest. Pec Minor, Pec Major.

Only way to build a big chest...Heavy BB and DB Bench.

Pectoralis major has 2 heads. Preferential recruitment between the heads depends on the angle of the movement. Saying you can only build a big chest with bench pressing is like saying you can only build a house with hammers and nails
Don't get me started on pec minor...
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Lol. Cool broscience bro.
There are only 2 parts to the chest. Pec Minor, Pec Major.

Only way to build a big chest...Heavy BB and DB Bench.
Pectoralis major has 2 heads. Preferential recruitment between the heads depends on the angle of the movement. Saying you can only build a big chest with bench pressing is like saying you can only build a house with hammers and nails
Don't get me started on pec minor...

Other than Bench (Flat and incline) and Flys (flat and incline) and possibly dips.....What other exercises are there?
I am trying to cut, let me know what you guys think about my daily diet:

5 egg whites 1 whole egg 1 cup of oatmeal and 1/2 scoop of protein
banana and 1 cup of almonds
spinach salad w/ olives, 1 can of tuna, and fat free italian dressing
string cheese
(post workout)
two chicken breast and vegetable
protein shake
the food sounds ok but what are the total calories in comparison to your cutting needs? if that's too far under your maintenance cals, watch your strength plummet.
Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

the food sounds ok but what are the total calories in comparison to your cutting needs? if that's too far under your maintenance cals, watch your strength plummet.
Do you think thats not enough, I think I made add two slices of wheat bread and couple slice of lean turkey, didn't count out the actual cals tho will do that tonight.

lost about 60 pounds since last feb. Feels Great
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

anyone see benefits of one scoop isolate protein mixed one scoop casein for their postwo shake?

Depends when you take it.
Benefits are convenience if you can't eat whole foods containing protein to meet your macros.
Yea, this is in regards to right after workout or on the way home. 

I will generally have whole foods 45min- 1hour after a workout.

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by I3

For those scientific dudes..

Whats the effect on your vertical when one undergoes 2-3-4 cardio sessions a week; this could be on a bike, treadmill, jog etc.. I've read that continuous cardio will dampen your vertical or not recruit the fast twitch fibres.

The reason I ask, is I want to improve my stamina and conditioning on the court and after I lift weights, the cardio equipment is just downstairs and its convenient. I hear LeBron doing 20miles on the bike, but obviously his genes > mine.

In terms of improving my stamina and conditioning - would sprinting (HIIT) be better overall? Should I just lets say do 2x sessions of HIIT (sprints) a week on top of basketball? I really want to increase my stamina and fourth quarter (something LeBron lacks, so me > him).

Low intensity aerobic work can cause fast twitch(responsible for strength and power) muscle fibers to act like slow twitch fibers(weaker, not explosive, aerobic). There isn't much to be gained by doing long slow distance cardio unless that is your sport(marathoning, cycling, etc.). For power based sports, you're better off with anaerobic energy system work such as sprints. That is, if you want to be as strong and explosive as possible. When it comes to programming the sprints, you want to make sure you're introducing variety pretty regularly(intensity, distance, rest intervals, uphill/downhill/flat, etc.) to keep making gains. A sound anaerobic conditioning program with sound strength programming is the best combination. Also, keeping the reps during strength work to 6 reps or fewer with explosive concentrics and controlled eccentrics will help stimulate more motor units and further enhance your neurological efficiency. Higher rep sets are also another way to get the fast twitch fibers to act like slow twitch fibers

Thanks Neal.

I will definitely take on board what you said, especially about variety in HIIT, distance, rest interval, intensity etc.  I guess with the weightlifting aspect, 6 reps or less as heavy as you can with correct form?  I think that's as simple as it gets. 

I've never been a fan of the 10min cardio sessions after weightlifting.  I mean aesthetically it may help?  But im really after that explosivity and strength.  You don't necessarily have to have the biggest muscles in the world to be explosive - but you can tell if someone just has that 'spring' in their step whilst on the court.
how long is the ideal gym session?
i'm usually at the gym for an hour and a half.

i keep hearing that 45-1 hour is enough though. 

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

If you knew anything about running/footwear, you would ONLY wear your running shoes while running. And you should NEVER wear running shoes while DLing or squatting.. the compressible soles dont give you a stable base to press from. Get some Converses, dunks or weightlifting shoes (ideal) or just take your shoes off and do them in your socks, which is the route I take.

THIS, i bought some frees as well and take them off when i DL or squat. I used to squat barefoot a lot (but some employee at the gym said i couldnt be barefoot, +@*!)
Originally Posted by rafiki zeeki

how long is the ideal gym session?
i'm usually at the gym for an hour and a half.

i keep hearing that 45-1 hour is enough though. 


45 minutes. However, it's more about the workout themselves and it's effectiveness than it is duration. I workout during my lunch break so accounting for drive time and shower time I get a good 30 minutes to workout and completely bust my ***.
HIIT or I just jam through my workout with limited rest and it's been working for me just as good as my 45 minute long sessions I was accustomed to.
Everyone trying to cut


Even if you eat healthy your results will be slow if you are going over your daily calorie intake.
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