Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by I3

Love your advice bro.

Just to clarify, the concentric part of the squat is going up correct? So i'd go down slow then explode as much as I can.. the same goes for a bench press, military and deadlift?

What do you recommend for sets? i've been on 5x5 for most of my major lifts for the past 1.5 years

Concentric is when the muscle shortens, like coming out of the hole in squats. Using a deliberate tempo to lower the weight, anywhere from 1-10 seconds can be used, depending on the stimulus wanted.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. I don't recommend keeping a particular rep/set scheme for too long. After you adapt to a routine, gains stop/slow down. Change the program regularly, and this includes alternating between intensification and accumulation cycles. No, I don't advocate 'muscle confusion' a la P90X or any of those gimmicks. I'm talking about strength training.
There are so many variables and you need to vary the stimulus in order to continue to make gains. If you can't figure out how to do it, educate yourself or hire someone else to do it for you. I've recommended Charles Poliquin's "Modern Trends in Strength Training' in the past. A new edition recently came out. I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet, but the previous edition was a VERY good read. HIGHLY recommended book that spells out the basics of program design in a simple, easy to digest manner.

Here's a post I wrote a few months back:
The one thing I hate seeing is that very few people get away from 3-5 sets of 5 and 3 sets of 10-12. If you want to make progress, you need to work through more rep/set combinations. 6 sets of 2-4, for example, works well. As does 10 sets of 1. So does 7 sets of 5 and 8-12 sets of 3. Very few people pay attention to tempo, and a lift with a 4 second eccentric will elicit a different response than a lift with a 1 second eccentric and bounce at the bottom. I'm not saying one is necessarily better than the other, but that you need to vary your stimulus in order to keep making progress.

Exercise selection, time under tension, grip width, tempo, reps, sets, weight, pauses, extra ROM, equipment used, rest periods, order of workout, frequency, etc. are all variables that can and should be changed. There is no 1 magical lift to develop a particular characteristic. Back squats alone are not the undisputed king of leg training. Front squats are great and better than back squats in certain instances. Olympic lifts are great too. So are deadlifts. Too many people close their minds in a bad way, limiting the amount of progress they can make. As Bruce Lee said, “"Absorb what is useful, Discard what is useless."
NT, help me out before I pass out and die of starvation

So I went to one of those calorie calculator sites, these 2 specific (links from BBF) and

Now to lose the fat, I need to eat at a calorie deficit, anywhere between 500 - 1000 cals per day. It came back saying my BMR: 1848, my daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE): 3188. So my question is, do I need to maintain that 500 - 1000 cals less from my BMR or TDEE?

For example the last 3 or 4 days Ive been eating a total of 900-950 calories a day (that includes 3 shakes per day). 900 cant be right?
. Can somebody help me out? BTW I met my bulk goal, weight myself the other day and im 174lbs (goal was 175), so now im cutting.
IHeartBoost wrote:

NT, help me out before I pass out and die of starvation

So I went to one of those calorie calculator sites, these 2 specific (links from BBF) and

Now to lose the fat, I need to eat at a calorie deficit, anywhere between 500 - 1000 cals per day. It came back saying my BMR: 1848, my daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE): 3188. So my question is, do I need to maintain that 500 - 1000 cals less from my BMR or TDEE?

For example the last 3 or 4 days Ive been eating a total of 900-950 calories a day (that includes 3 shakes per day). 900 cant be right?
. Can somebody help me out? BTW I met my bulk goal, weight myself the other day and im 174lbs (goal was 175), so now im cutting.

def not 900
  if your 175 and cutting youre prob gonna need 2500-3000s cals depending on activity
Originally Posted by itzbooranss

Can anyone help me out with carb cycling?

You should google it.
It depends how much fat you have, depends what your body can handle.

Some people only  carb on days they do heavy workouts. 

Some m-f low carb, then sat -sun carb up

I feel its something you should intensely look through because a lot of people get it wrong
Cs and Zyzz, yall both giving me 2 different numbers, lol. My workout consist of 2x a day, morning and night. 1hr each session. I do strength and cardio. Another question, I see people saying eat whatever you want, as long as it fits into your daily cals, is that correct? I dont eat junk food btw, but maybe a hamburger or burrito or pbj sandwhich would one of those be bad to add on?
If i were at that weight, I'm guessing youre 5'10? I would cut at 2250, or around there. I don't know why you would cut at 900 Lolz, what is that 2 bananas, eggs and cheese, bagel and a protein shake? That's crazy, I'm bulking till either the end of next month or the beginning, whenever it starts getting warmer for me to run outside.

Don't deadlift for any beginners, goodbye sweet v taper. I never knew how one exercise can widen/thicken your waist permanently.

just getting back into this, pretty serious now..

if you have any questions hmu through a pm ill answer them..

ik a bit about things..
Originally Posted by NjCollector

If i were at that weight, I'm guessing youre 5'10? I would cut at 2250, or around there. I don't know why you would cut at 900 Lolz, what is that 2 bananas, eggs and cheese, bagel and a protein shake? That's crazy, I'm bulking till either the end of next month or the beginning, whenever it starts getting warmer for me to run outside.

Don't deadlift for any beginners, goodbye sweet v taper. I never knew how one exercise can widen/thicken your waist permanently.

what other exercises widens and thickens your waist permanetly?
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Cs and Zyzz, yall both giving me 2 different numbers, lol. My workout consist of 2x a day, morning and night. 1hr each session. I do strength and cardio. Another question, I see people saying eat whatever you want, as long as it fits into your daily cals, is that correct? I dont eat junk food btw, but maybe a hamburger or burrito or pbj sandwhich would one of those be bad to add on?
Get some all natural peanut butter and eat it on whole grain/wheat bread.
Recently, I have been playing basketball 3-4 consecutive days in a row.  I've noticed a lot of fatigue, and tightness around my back.  Granted, I started to lift free weights during this time as well.
I realize that nutrition and rest is important.  But given my activity, when would I see some muscle building and fat burning?

I don't really weigh myself, and I don't count calories, but I do notice a great increase in my appetite.

My goals are to get stronger, especially with my upper body.  My stamina has increased a bit, but I am rather slow.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Cs and Zyzz, yall both giving me 2 different numbers, lol. My workout consist of 2x a day, morning and night. 1hr each session. I do strength and cardio. Another question, I see people saying eat whatever you want, as long as it fits into your daily cals, is that correct? I dont eat junk food btw, but maybe a hamburger or burrito or pbj sandwhich would one of those be bad to add on?
Get some all natural peanut butter and eat it on whole grain/wheat bread.
Gross, but I yeah, gotta roll with the punches 
Why is it soo hard to get rid of stubborn belly fat? I have seen dramatic changes in my whole body but my lower stomache is not tone at all, I have been eating clean foods and most that have been reccomended to target the stomache (almonds, avocado, etc.), avoided carbs, any tips?
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Why is it soo hard to get rid of stubborn belly fat? I have seen dramatic changes in my whole body but my lower stomache is not tone at all, I have been eating clean foods and most that have been reccomended to target the stomache (almonds, avocado, etc.), avoided carbs, any tips?

Usually the last place for fat to leave. Just keep at it and stay consistent. It's a gradual process. 
Hey guys could use some info on my situation right now. Yesterday had injury on my hand, index finger more precisely. Weight crushed it and got a deep gash and ripped off my entire nail off. Got stitches and hand is covered with bandage. I am in a 5 day workout routine and its obvious I wont be able to lift for a while or any sort of weights. So my question is what can I do in the meantime. I can do legs and cardio but im afraid of loosing progress im been making and or get weaker by the time i return. Any tips ??
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