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20% off sale on

strong sleeves for $64...don't really want to spend that right now...but how often do they really go on sale
Can you expand
Want me to explain..

Has to do with Grip, Bar Path, Feet setup and position setup, and what muscles you are activating:

Clean Pull: You're using hook grip, the bar path is sweep back towards the hips; trying to create a slight angle with the bar. You want to have your chest over the bar and your knees are going to initiate the movement. Feet under the hips but slight wider.  The Bar and Butt should travel at the same time. You want your knees to clear so you're activating different muscle groups once you come from the second pull.  Your lifting shoes is mean to provide ankle mobility, also give you an advantage on your 2nd pull power. You are activating not only your hamstrings but your abductor muscles.

Deadlift: You're using a open had grip or mixed grip, you're trying to get the bar path up straight as fast as you can but driving your hips  to lock. Your feet is setup under your hips but narrow. Your want your chest upwards as much as possible (shoulder slightly behind the bar), shoulders and hips imitate the movement.  The bar and butt should be the same but depending on the weight your back is doing a lot of the work. You're activating your hamstrings mostly.

Biggest thing is why would you want more inches add to your deadlift, that's more of a longer way to go. You should be shorten the distance and driving through the heels.

M Boiz, what your input in this?
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I'll take the Romaleos off you
Hit me DM.
Got 3plates on deadlift after a week off. Bench was mad rusty tho. I did bent over rows for the first time, alternating between pronated and supinated grip.

Now im eyeing 4plates :lol: soon come
Do Ed coen dl program for back day papi.

Short and straight to the point and my upper back is on fire today. Hella dl reps and the accessory work is good.
20% off sale on

strong sleeves for $64...don't really want to spend that right now...but how often do they really go on sale

Black Friday they go on sale but if you have the $$$ cop em.

Sleeves influenced my lifting more than my belt and shoes.

i've dislocated my knee twice outside of lifting and it mentally ****** me up. I didn't have the confidence to squat, let alone go up in weight.

I forced myself to squat and everything but it wasn't till I used sleeves that I felt more confident and could tweak form etc. My knees click like crazy still but I can't really imagine squatting without sleeves.
Sweet. Thanks. I'm going to see if I can program it into my current routine
Those of you that have done just-the-bar bench reps, do you use the same cadence as normal bench, or do you crank out the reps as fast as possible. I just did 2 sets of 50 as fast as possible and I got like a cardio buzz going on. I'm winded as **** :lol:
we haven't had anyone do that challenge completely yet as no videos have been posted.
I bought my first pair of Nike pro tights. found them at Ross for 20.

im Deadlifting, buying tights. looking for lifting shoes............................ :x :smh: am I turning in to a ..................."BRO"
you gone be one of them funny boys who wear just tights to lift? 
I bought my first pair of Nike pro tights. found them at Ross for 20.

im Deadlifting, buying tights. looking for lifting shoes............................
am I turning in to a ..................."BRO"
I use the gym to show off some kicks if I'm not squatting or deadlifting 

Really thinking about busting out the 350s to bench in one night just for the gram.

I use the gym to show off some kicks if I'm not squatting or deadlifting :lol:

Really thinking about busting out the 350s to bench in one night just for the gram.


I swear you've posted pics of you lifting in Jordan's :lol:
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