STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Bro, the absolute worst :smh: especially when you tell them specifically don't touch it smh. I had a random old man come over and pull the bar up on my last rep when I was benching for reps without a spot one time. I was nowhere near failing it was just going up slow but I easily had it. I got up and asked dude bruh what you doing? He nearvously laughed and was like sorry man I thought you needed help smh

Bro i was so hype to go for 295 and this guy fked it all up :smh:

I hate that ****. Anyone ever asks me for a spot i dont do anything until the bar stops moving ans even then im not lifting it. I put my hands under the bar and make u think im lifting it unleas you really gassed and got nothing left then ill lift it.
Bro i was so hype to go for 295 and this guy fked it all up :smh:

I hate that ****. Anyone ever asks me for a spot i dont do anything until the bar stops moving ans even then im not lifting it. I put my hands under the bar and make u think im lifting it unleas you really gassed and got nothing left then ill lift it.

Bingo. I think a lot of the time when I spot people on that last rep they'll think for like a split second I can't lift it or something, because I'll let you struggle before I'm giving you help :lol:
Bingo. I think a lot of the time when I spot people on that last rep they'll think for like a split second I can't lift it or something, because I'll let you struggle before I'm giving you help :lol:

I shoulda just thrown on 3plates and done a set of 10 if he was gonna do half the work :lol:
Like incline and decline bench as well? Do you have a bench that you can change the level on? Do you have dumbbells?

until further notice, do dips. and then weighted dips.
Yeah, Ive been doing dips but I cant have too much load on my shoulders anymore.
the Barbell for now, but eventually bench press altogether.
Yeah, Ive been doing dips but I cant have too much load on my shoulders anymore.
What's the deal with your shoulders?

You can do board presses to decrease the ROM, depending on what's going on with your shoulder. Or floor presses like @ahat20   mentioned. Cable crossovers, pushup variations, pullovers.

All of that is contingent upon the condition of your shoulders though.
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What's the deal with your shoulders?

You can do board presses to decrease the ROM, depending on what's going on with your shoulder. Or floor presses like @ahat20   mentioned. Cable crossovers, pushup variations, pullovers.

All of that is contingent upon the condition of your shoulders though.
I used to work construction and other heavy manual labor jobs. Over time the the bone joints in my shoulder that connected the clavicle and collarbone eroded and there was a space forming between my shoulder joint and the ball joint. I used to lift and it would be extremely painful. It got so painful to the point that I could barely move my arms.

It got bad to the point that I had to have surgery and the doctors informed me that I wouldn't be able to weight train the way I used to again as it would effect not just my shoulder health but my overall health. So I had to look for alternatives. I had rehabilitation for a few months and I've been cleared to lift weights again but it can't be too intense on my shoulders.
What about floor press?
Never tried it before.
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I used to work construction and other heavy manual labor jobs. Over time the the bone joints in my shoulder that connected the clavicle and collarbone eroded and there was a space forming between my shoulder joint and the ball joint. I used to lift and it would be extremely painful. It got so painful to the point that I could barely move my arms.

It got bad to the point that I had to have surgery and the doctors informed me that I wouldn't be able to weight train the way I used to again as it would effect not just my shoulder health but my overall health. So I had to look for alternatives. I had rehabilitation for a few months and I've been cleared to lift weights again but it can't be too intense on my shoulders.

Never tried it before.

Its a good one. Been doing it a few weeks now, alternating barbell and db. Ive been doing it to help with lock out but since you laying on the ground your elbows cant go far so it limits the ROM and is less stressful on the shoulder
If you have a history of shoulder problems I wouldn't do dips at all. That's just me because when mine bother me, dips are a no go.

Speaking of chest I saw this video on my youtube home page and I was bored. This dude Jujimufu(
) is hella athletic from previous vids I've seen. Obviously guy has to be on gear. He does talk about fascia releasing and increasing ROM with a lot of lifts especially for chest. They talk about how the Arnold used to almost touch the floor with DBs doing flys.

Today was chest for me so I gave it a shot with DB flys and cable flys and 
. I have good ROM to  begin with but pushing that extra part really felt sore and good. Been awhile since I felt my chest sore intra workout like that. Of course you do the ROM with lighter weight because you're stretching the chest more than normal so go heavy and you risk a tear
I used to work construction and other heavy manual labor jobs. Over time the the bone joints in my shoulder that connected the clavicle and collarbone eroded and there was a space forming between my shoulder joint and the ball joint. I used to lift and it would be extremely painful. It got so painful to the point that I could barely move my arms.

It got bad to the point that I had to have surgery and the doctors informed me that I wouldn't be able to weight train the way I used to again as it would effect not just my shoulder health but my overall health. So I had to look for alternatives. I had rehabilitation for a few months and I've been cleared to lift weights again but it can't be too intense on my shoulders.

Never tried it before.
Sounds like the AC joint ligaments? Avoid dips completely. When/if you bench press, do not allow your elbows to break parallel at the bottom of the lift (concentric phase). You can buy one of these to help decrease your ROM:

I've actually read that incline press and overhead press is easier on the AC joint.

Try the dieselcrew shoulder rehab. Always gets good feedback and applies to almost every common shoulder condition

Also, read this. Tony Gentilcore is great.
What exercises did they tell you / not to do? I would use those to start.
All of my rehab was resistance training with medicine balls and the bands. They told me to avoid exercises that would put an overload or stress on my shoulders.
Its a good one. Been doing it a few weeks now, alternating barbell and db. Ive been doing it to help with lock out but since you laying on the ground your elbows cant go far so it limits the ROM and is less stressful on the shoulder
That sounds like a plan. I'll try and go light the first time and see if it fits me. Thanks alot.
If you have a history of shoulder problems I wouldn't do dips at all. That's just me because when mine bother me, dips are a no go.

Speaking of chest I saw this video on my youtube home page and I was bored. This dude Jujimufu(
) is hella athletic from previous vids I've seen. Obviously guy has to be on gear. He does talk about fascia releasing and increasing ROM with a lot of lifts especially for chest. They talk about how the Arnold used to almost touch the floor with DBs doing flys.

Today was chest for me so I gave it a shot with DB flys and cable flys and 
. I have good ROM to  begin with but pushing that extra part really felt sore and good. Been awhile since I felt my chest sore intra workout like that. Of course you do the ROM with lighter weight because you're stretching the chest more than normal so go heavy and you risk a tear

Good look breh, I'll take a look at the vid. I'm gonna avoid dips.
Sounds like the AC joint ligaments? Avoid dips completely. When/if you bench press, do not allow your elbows to break parallel at the bottom of the lift (concentric phase). You can buy one of these to help decrease your ROM:

I've actually read that incline press and overhead press is easier on the AC joint.

Try the dieselcrew shoulder rehab. Always gets good feedback and applies to almost every common shoulder condition

Also, read this. Tony Gentilcore is great.

Yeah, it's a combination of the AC joint ligament and the clavicle. I'll take a look at these videos and read the link. Thanks for all your help. I appreciate it.
Good look breh, I'll take a look at the vid. I'm gonna avoid dips.

Yeah, it's a combination of the AC joint ligament and the clavicle. I'll take a look at these videos and read the link. Thanks for all your help. I appreciate it.
Np bro. And yea you got provided other good info too. Guys at my gym who have shoulder problems only bench with a block and are doing floor presses for the most part. They're great and I don't do em as much as I want to. That lat activation when you do em 
Yeah dude don't do dips if you have shoulder problems. That like the #1 rule of dips.

What about push-ups? You can always add weight.
DC posted this in the Vice's an interesting watch.

Dude is so insecure and out of breath :lol:
Yeah, it's a combination of the AC joint ligament and the clavicle. I'll take a look at these videos and read the link. Thanks for all your help. I appreciate it.
No problem. The shoulder is the most complex joint in the body. Don't want to mess around with it. Do your research. Subscribe to Eric Cressey on all social media. He's one of the best shoulder guys on the planet. Works with major league pitchers. Mike Reinold is another. Keep a shoulder prehab routine as a staple on off days or at the end of workouts.
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