STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Huh? what kinda gibberish is this.

It's calories in/calories out, so it boils down to work. 10 reps at 300lbs is infinitely more work than 100 pushups. So no it doesn't sound insane, it's actually pretty logical. It's gonna take around 2 mins and no sweat off my back, no real fatigue for me to do 100 pushups.

Essentially like you said though, it boils down to diet no matter what you do, should've just stopped there.
You can do 100 push ups in 2 minutes? Its much easier to do a 300 pound bench press than 100 push ups.


the majority of the population will never be able to bench 250+ lbs for 1 rep, let alone 300..for 10 rep. you silly man.
^nice work rck2, how long has your bulk been?

Side note, who prefers lifting in the morning as opposed to afternoon-evening? I tried an early morning session before work and I still have enough energy to move heavy stuff while i hit this keyboard. In other words- kind of like.
All this high reps/low weight VS. Low reps/high weight? Isnt it better to do a set at low weight (maybe 12-15) then a couple sets at 8 and 6 at higher, and then a 4th back at 12 or so lowered again? Theres a guy that trains and does pro bodybuilding at my gym (benches 5 plates with no spotter), and everybody he trains and works out with- for the most part, he has them do higher reps (10-15) and only has them max out weight on bench and a couple other exercises, but even on those does some high rep sets with lower weight (he does 2 plates, then 3, then 4, finishes on 5). Which translated to me is 1 plate, then add 10, then 10 more, and then max

High reps: low weight

Low reps: high weight.

Its best that way.

The issue in this thread is 99 percent of you guys are over training and not reaching your true potiental
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That doesnt answer what i asked at all. I asked if a combo of lower weight and high reps with a couple sets of high weight and lower reps (to max) is the best way to go about working out different muscle groups and maximizing growth
I see what youre asking. And actually have asked a trainer at my gym this and he told me that for smaller muscle groups - biceps, triceps the low weight hi rep routine is the way to go. Larger groups like back and legs are low rep high weight type of training
That doesnt answer what i asked at all. I asked if a combo of lower weight and high reps with a couple sets of high weight and lower reps (to max) is the best way to go about working out different muscle groups and maximizing growth

HEre is my routine

100 push ups(4 different variations)

Dumbell press: 12:45, 10:55, 10:65, 8:75, 5:85

Thats a small portion of my chest routine. Always do your TOP 4 workouts + 1 free weight excersise with a good # of reps + cardio.

You should not be in your gym for more than 1hr. You got misinformed guys in here spending so much time doing 8 workouts(3 of which work the same muscle in the SAME WAY!!!! WHY YOU DOING DUMBELL PRESS, THEN CHEST PRESS THEN BARBELL PRESS IF THEY WORK THE SAME MUSCLE THE SAME WAY!!!!!! THERE ARE MOre parts to your chest than just the front. YOUR TOP 4 excersises should work each part of that muscle group.

Scicene to the masses. Sorry, just hate seeing the people in here who think BB makes them a personal trainer, cause it don't. Nobody needs 9 workouts in one whole setting, its not healthy for your body at all.
That doesnt answer what i asked at all. I asked if a combo of lower weight and high reps with a couple sets of high weight and lower reps (to max) is the best way to go about working out different muscle groups and maximizing growth

HEre is my routine

100 push ups(4 different variations)

Dumbell press: 12:45, 10:55, 10:65, 8:75, 5:85

Thats a small portion of my chest routine. Always do your TOP 4 workouts + 1 free weight excersise with a good # of reps + cardio.

You should not be in your gym for more than 1hr. You got misinformed guys in here spending so much time doing 8 workouts(3 of which work the same muscle in the SAME WAY!!!! WHY YOU DOING DUMBELL PRESS, THEN CHEST PRESS THEN BARBELL PRESS IF THEY WORK THE SAME MUSCLE THE SAME WAY!!!!!! THERE ARE MOre parts to your chest than just the front. YOUR TOP 4 excersises should work each part of that muscle group.

Scicene to the masses. Sorry, just hate seeing the people in here who think BB makes them a personal trainer, cause it don't. Nobody needs 9 workouts in one whole setting, its not healthy for your body at all.

HEre is my routine

100 push ups(4 different variations)

Dumbell press: 12:45, 10:55, 10:65, 8:75, 5:85

Thats a small portion of my chest routine. Always do your TOP 4 workouts + 1 free weight excersise with a good # of reps + cardio.

You should not be in your gym for more than 1hr. You got misinformed guys in here spending so much time doing 8 workouts(3 of which work the same muscle in the SAME WAY!!!! WHY YOU DOING DUMBELL PRESS, THEN CHEST PRESS THEN BARBELL PRESS IF THEY WORK THE SAME MUSCLE THE SAME WAY!!!!!! THERE ARE MOre parts to your chest than just the front. YOUR TOP 4 excersises should work each part of that muscle group.

Scicene to the masses. Sorry, just hate seeing the people in here who think BB makes them a personal trainer, cause it don't. Nobody needs 9 workouts in one whole setting, its not healthy for your body at all.

In all the three versions there has been of this thread, I have yet to see anyone say you should exceed an hour. Everyone pretty much agrees its 3,4 or 4,5 sets of exercises.

Just gonna reiterate this: compounds, compounds, and compounds. Everything else is just secondary.
Thanks ^ I dont do a bunch for the same group though. Unless i'm wrong for doing decline press, flat with dumbbells, incline with barbells, and then pec flys for my chest workout. I usually work in some shoulders and legs in between exercises on my chest day too. Along with cardio, i'll be at the gym 90 minutes to 2 hours
Whats your main goal? You want mass? You want to be ripped? Wanna just cut some fat?
Whats your main goal? You want mass? You want to be ripped? Wanna just cut some fat?

Hes a quick month plan, do it for a month

Monday: Chest/Triceps + 30 minutes BEST CARDIO CHOICE(could be treadmill running as hard as you can or anything you like, but give it your ALL)

Tuesday: Leg/Ab + 30 BEST CARDIO

Wed: Shoulder/Back + 30 BEST CARDIO

Thursday: Rest

Friday: Arms + Abs + 30 Best CArdio

Saturday: 30 BEST CARDIO + LEGS(yes work your legs twice a week, your quads burn most of your fat, bigger quads, more fat burning)
Thanks ^ I dont do a bunch for the same group though. Unless i'm wrong for doing decline press, flat with dumbbells, incline with barbells, and then pec flys for my chest workout. I usually work in some shoulders and legs in between exercises on my chest day too. Along with cardio, i'll be at the gym 90 minutes to 2 hours

why? lack of time to workout during the week? why waste strength and stamina on chest day to work legs and shoulders?
Pretty much lack of time, I usually have 2 days or 3 at the most. So i do a chest and shoulders day with some legs, and a back and arms day with some abs (if i just have 2 days). If i have a 3rd day, I'll do chest and shoulders, then back and legs, and then arms and abs/obliques
Its gonna burn you out bro.

If your like most people that work 9 to 5,  try to wake up early in the morning, eat a HUGE breakfast, then go to the gym a hour afterwards, workouts should not be more than a hour.

Wake up: 5am eat

Gym:6 am

home: 7am(plus tax)

Be at work at 9
^ I'm a terrible morning person, but i think doing that would be a great change to my schedule and a positive thing all around. I may have to give it a try in the next week. Thanks for the input fellas
No doubt bro. If you wanna get the results, your gotta sacarifice. I was never a morning person, but workout before work made me feel more energized. I knew if I didn't workout in the morning, then I wasn't gonna have energry to workout in the evening.
No doubt bro. If you wanna get the results, your gotta sacarifice. I was never a morning person, but workout before work made me feel more energized. I knew if I didn't workout in the morning, then I wasn't gonna have energry to workout in the evening.
Thanks ^ I dont do a bunch for the same group though. Unless i'm wrong for doing decline press, flat with dumbbells, incline with barbells, and then pec flys for my chest workout. I usually work in some shoulders and legs in between exercises on my chest day too. Along with cardio, i'll be at the gym 90 minutes to 2 hours

why? lack of time to workout during the week? why waste strength and stamina on chest day to work legs and shoulders?

Pretty much lack of time, I usually have 2 days or 3 at the most. So i do a chest and shoulders day with some legs, and a back and arms day with some abs (if i just have 2 days). If i have a 3rd day, I'll do chest and shoulders, then back and legs, and then arms and abs/obliques

oh ok I can dig it, I've definitely been there. It sucks, but ya gotta do whatcha gotta do. keep with it. maybe your schedule will open back up again one day like mine did.
^nice work rck2, how long has your bulk been?

Side note, who prefers lifting in the morning as opposed to afternoon-evening? I tried an early morning session before work and I still have enough energy to move heavy stuff while i hit this keyboard. In other words- kind of like.
Not too long, like maybe 2 weeks 
 I only started at 208-210ish, the last 10 lbs is gonna be tough, but I should get there by around Thanksgiving

I try to lift whenever I can fit it in, don't have the luxury of having a set schedule 
What's up guys I'm trying to gain a little bit of weight since I'm not able to eat as much as I'd like due to my work schedule and was wondering if a weight gainer would be a good option. If so which one would you recommended? Or would I just be better off taking a protein shake and throwing in some oats, fruits peanut butter and some yogurt to get more calories?
I'm currently at 205 and would like to get around 215 by the end of the year
Any suggestions or advice?

:nerd: any advice?
Only do 10 minutes of cardio(HIT) + LIFT LOW REPS: HEAVY WEIGHTS, EAT 3 HUGE MEALS AND 2 TINY SNACKS. No supplments
I have a quick question about the Culver City Stairs... I'm trying to build muscle(I'm 5'10 and a skinny 145) and looking to add the stairs to my routine. Would that be too much cardio if I go 5 days a week? 
I have a quick question about the Culver City Stairs... I'm trying to build muscle(I'm 5'10 and a skinny 145) and looking to add the stairs to my routine. Would that be too much cardio if I go 5 days a week? 

short answer....yes.

long answer....hell yes.
I have a quick question about the Culver City Stairs... I'm trying to build muscle(I'm 5'10 and a skinny 145) and looking to add the stairs to my routine. Would that be too much cardio if I go 5 days a week? 

short answer....yes.

long answer....hell yes.

Just do it. No such thing as over training, only under eating. Do it and just eat more and youll be fine
I have a quick question about the Culver City Stairs... I'm trying to build muscle(I'm 5'10 and a skinny 145) and looking to add the stairs to my routine. Would that be too much cardio if I go 5 days a week? 

short answer....yes.

long answer....hell yes.

Just do it. No such thing as over training, only under eating. Do it and just eat more and youll be fine

oh really? he weighs 145lbs and is trying to gain muscle and you're advising him to run stairs 5 times a week? oh ok cool. great advice.

and there is such a thing as 'over training'. most people new to training do it. please wash your face.
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I have a quick question about the Culver City Stairs... I'm trying to build muscle(I'm 5'10 and a skinny 145) and looking to add the stairs to my routine. Would that be too much cardio if I go 5 days a week? 
If you wanna get skinnier sure.... you best bet would be to just keep lifting and dirty bulk. 

I'm guessing you're the skinny dude that eats a ton right? Keep eating tons, don't worry about what you're eating and just gain weight.
I have a quick question about the Culver City Stairs... I'm trying to build muscle(I'm 5'10 and a skinny 145) and looking to add the stairs to my routine. Would that be too much cardio if I go 5 days a week? 

short answer....yes.

long answer....hell yes.

Just do it. No such thing as over training, only under eating. Do it and just eat more and youll be fine

Nah. stop giving bad advice, if you want to gain weight and muscle then its stupid to do cardio 5 times a week. your just burning more calories and you arent gonna gain weight unless your eating a crazy amount of calories which i highly doubt he is.

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