Steve Jobs Died...

Wow.... R.I.P Steve.

A true genius who changed the way we live, he will be missed.
This chick on my FB had no idea who Steve Jobs was. I literally convinced her he was the oldest man ever and created jobs in America and the word jobs is named after him.

+%!$%$ are lucky they are pretty.
RIP SteveGod, I feel like I've lost another bay area brother 

Cancer seems to just be taking everyone man

I will be buying the iPhone 4S in his memory.

P.S. - Don't feed the trolls that you know are gonna come in here just to say something for shock value. Let's just keep this peaceful for once yeah? If you don't have anything positive to say about dude, just don't post. Simple.

P.P.S - I just had to say, %$$* like this always @+%+@ me up for some reason. I mean look at all the photos of him, every single one this man is smiling no matter what trials he faced. If you didn't know his medical condition before, you wouldn't have been able to tell because dude always looked positive. It's just so messed up because I think he and the Docs new it was coming, that's why he resigned. He put out 4 game changing phones and continued to be just as innovative with technology today as we was 12 something years ago, and I'm so happy that he got to see the last of his inventions be released before he passed. Just seeing that in itself if motivation for me to live my life to the maximum and try to as much for not only my community, but for the planet that we all inhabit. I know his death shouldn't be the reason for that, but I dunno, it just hit that cord in me man. We gotta just come together and live positively man, because you never know when it's your time

Man...I need to go smoke and watch stuff from my iPad...this has me all kinds of depressed
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

here we go... gunna gas this man up all week like he invented the telephone...

what would the world be like w/o 2000 dollar laptops and iphones... thk jeebus for jobs


And your contribution to the World is...? Don't worry. I'll wait.


R.I.P. Steve Jobs. Innovator.
Pretty sure anybody that's a fan of technology, when they saw that Steve Jobs died yelled out OH !!*!!!!!!!!!!! Huge loss for the advancement of technology. Somebody needs to step up.

Posted from my Ipad2
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

This chick on my FB had no idea who Steve Jobs was. I literally convinced her he was the oldest man ever and created jobs in America and the word jobs is named after him.

+%!$%$ are lucky they are pretty.

Still so surreal.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

ill say it again... what would the world be w/o 2k laptops and iphones? surely Microsoft wouldve never created anything that apple pioneered...

i cant STANDDDD the way americans mythologize ppl the instant they die... let bill gates die tommorow and wed b in the 20th century w/o Windows let someone tell it

he was just a man...

i dont care ANY more about his death then anyone else who passes from cancer... sad yes but chill with all the slobbing, his success in life is commendable  but i promise u the world would be jus fine if he never existed
.......... you just explained this thread 
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

ill say it again... what would the world be w/o 2k laptops and iphones? surely Microsoft wouldve never created anything that apple pioneered...

i cant STANDDDD the way americans mythologize ppl the instant they die... let bill gates die tommorow and wed b in the 20th century w/o Windows let someone tell it

he was just a man...

i dont care ANY more about his death then anyone else who passes from cancer... sad yes but chill with all the slobbing, his success in life is comendable but i promise u the world would be jus fine if he never existed
we would arguably be better off.  RIP though
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

ill say it again... what would the world be w/o 2k laptops and iphones? surely Microsoft wouldve never created anything that apple pioneered...

i cant STANDDDD the way americans mythologize ppl the instant they die... let bill gates die tommorow and wed b in the 20th century w/o Windows let someone tell it

he was just a man...

i dont care ANY more about his death then anyone else who passes from cancer... sad yes but chill with all the slobbing, his success in life is comendable but i promise u the world would be jus fine if he never existed
You cry about ppl "slobbing" over the matter yet you're making an even bigger, more irrelevant rant about  it yourself.

The irony
RIP to Steve Jobs.. Many blessings to him and his family. Typing this on my iPhone 4 says enough about this man's legacy. Shame on the haters who are so unhappy with their own circumstances and lifestyle to not be able to give props where props are due. Even in death... Smh
Jobs was seen as a visionary and head of Apple but what is Steve Wozniak's reputation?  I know he's not with the company anymore but he's the co-founder and I never hear much about him.
In my house hold there are 4 iphones and 3 ipods.

Dude most def affected millions.

Originally Posted by MR J 858

Ducktales !


NT is about that life of being first and sensationalizing everything.

Have you ever been right about anything?

Anyway, RIP.
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