Suit Accusing Harvard of Capping Asian-American Admissions Could Be Tried This Summer

:lol: how tf would richard pryor know what the first word foreigners learn is?

Man get outta here with that bs
It prob is true. Many foreigners subscribe to this ideology, even Black foreigners.
It prob is true. Many foreigners subscribe to this ideology, even Black foreigners.

Well as a foreigner who learned english at the age of 5-6 i can tell you its bs and you talking out your ***.

We come to a new country where we dunno the language, culture, customs and dunno anyone. Trying to find a place to live and a job/income... And the first word we wanna learn is a racial slur?

:lol: ok man
Well as a foreigner who learned english at the age of 5-6 i can tell you its bs and you talking out your ***.

We come to a new country where we dunno the language, culture, customs and dunno anyone. Trying to find a place to live and a job/income... And the first word we wanna learn is a racial slur?

:lol: ok man
Not just a racial slur but the social ladder in his society that Blacks are at the bottom of society and you want to do everything to avoid them and not be like them. Anecdotally soaking Many of my immigrant friends share with me how racist their parents are.
Not just a racial slur but the social ladder in his society that Blacks are at the bottom of society and you want to do everything to avoid them and not be like them. Anecdotally soaking Many of my immigrant friends share with me how racist their parents are.

Lets be real here tho a lot of older people, regardless of their race, are racist or ignorant at the very least. Especially when theyve never lived or interacted with different races. Foreigners about non foreigners and vice versa. Theres stereotypes and these "images" painted of every group of people. When people have never seen or interacted with those folks they tend to believe that those are true.

Too many people filled with hate for people they dont even know.
My parents arrived in the 70's so if they 1st ever heard the N word from TV..... It was from this man's show.

Thread about Asian-Americans turns into thread about Asian-Americans being used as pawns by the white man to keep the black man down :smh:
Low income students aren’t the ones shooting up schools though.


Obviously not every person but people of every race hold negative stereotypes of other races. Youd be a liar and a damn fool if you think otherwise.[/QUOTE]

First, don't downplay what I said. It didn't need fixing. EVERY race holds negative stereotypes of African Americans.
Second, no one is talking about school shootings so that is irrelevant to the discussion of the cons of having your children go to school with low income students. You don't assume a shooting is going to happen at a school regardless of demographic or income.
Third, it's not about the white man using anyone. It's about a door that was opened for everyone, by blacks... then exploited by asians.. then having them close the door behind them leaving blacks (and hispanics) out. That is the essential issue in the article.

When we talk about the racial divide in good schools, it is blacks that have had the most trouble getting equal opportunity for success. Asians believe that blacks need to behave more like "model" minorities to assimilate. That's why we have other threads about whether they are worshipping whites. White people don't care if Asians suddenly account for 70% of the student body. Because Asians do not make them feel uneasy. But if it was blacks they would've started hollering about merit at 25% when kyle and chad got rejected. And likewise Asians are not saying whites need to study more if they want their seats in the classrooms back... rather they would change the rules to allow more Asians in even if it means Blacks and hispanics have 0 seats afterward... even though it could result in less asians and more whites anyway. They are acting like rural poor republicans who always vote republican even though they have zero benefit doing so.

They believe our failures are a result of us not doing that "bootstraps" thing. Ignoring the fact that their (1st and 2nd generation) parents are not subject to the same barriers to success as blacks. We can talk about business loans. We can talk about cultural degradation by the media. We can talk about the perpetuation of broken families through incentivized welfare doled out by family courts that rewards single mothers more than two parent homes. When you don't have access to financial education, jobs that provide stable income, and the media (and US Government) profits from poisoning your culture, you cant say well I had a choice to do better. Our people are literally numbers on a spreadsheet. Some will make it through sheer luck and making connections to pull them up, and others... no matter how hard they try... will not achieve social mobility. If for no other reason, a white man feels threatened or awkward in the workplace with blacks.

The fact is Asian culture has a significantly stronger sense of the group vs. the individual. White or "western" culture is significantly biased toward the individual vs the group. This distinction is important because African Americans are essentially a product of white American culture. Black societal indoctrination focuses on individual success like whites. This is why we see blacks pull each other down so much. And it is why black success means something different to whites than Asian success. Its funny to say every race holds negative stereotypes of OTHER races... because our rich and famous black stars seem to have no problems leaving behind black culture and dating outside the black race. And poor blacks given the opportunity would no doubt do the same. It's only other races where dating black is a stigma... so much that black women feel threatened to see interracial couples. They arent mad at Becky though. They're mad at Tyrone for choosing becky. Contrast that with other races. Asians would rather hate white men for "stealing" their women. White men will bash the lusty negro and claim he brainwashed her with sex before accepting that the woman chose him. Blacks have been taught a self hate to an extent that no other race has. And all the other races were taught the same things.
And what do u do when u get out of class?

Mind you i never said TV exclusively right?

I wasnt only talking bout school aged kids. My parents would go to adult ESL classes at the local highschool in the evenings after work or before work.

We didnt have TV for a long time, didnt have money to spend on that stuff at first. I would go out in the neighborhood and play with the other kids. Play soccer and basketball and whatever else. I would bring books from school to learn and get better at reading. Id work on writing in english.

My parents would do the same when they werent at work.
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that untaxed endowment loot they sitin on da stuff of legends thou :lol:

True the size matters, but their performance past few years is lowest among the League. Portfolio got everything and kitchen sink. Can't put accurate enough value on some stuff.
Crazy concept. Just thought of this. Tell me if there are any flaws.

Prior to college admissions, all applicants must be tested(SAT, ACT, etc.) prior to applications. At this point, they will create an encrypted, randomaly generated username that willl be used for the entire application process. Race, sex, identity will not be revealed. Now these applicants must go in and fill out the previous accolades from academics, extracurricularactivites, etc, school ranking, courses took, AP credit. Now at this point, when submitting their history of work, which will now be locked into the blockchain that’s properly records all applicants and which schools they applied to and which schools accepts them. The schools accepting these encrypted usernames will not know their identities prior to accepting them. Risky, but is that a more fair way of doing it? All schools must accept this process in order to receive public government assistance.
First, don't downplay what I said. It didn't need fixing. EVERY race holds negative stereotypes of African Americans.

I wasnt downplaying it. The way you feel, we (other races) feel the same way. Its not unique to any one race.
Lets be real here tho a lot of older people, regardless of their race, are racist or ignorant at the very least. Especially when theyve never lived or interacted with different races. Foreigners about non foreigners and vice versa. Theres stereotypes and these "images" painted of every group of people. When people have never seen or interacted with those folks they tend to believe that those are true.

Too many people filled with hate for people they dont even know.

I'd say 75% of people 40+ are racist/ignorant, and you're right, they tend to be that way since they didn't grow up with the exposure or access to information we did. The information they received was often without context. What they saw were things like "Black people have the lowest rates of education and highest rates of incarceration" without also seeing facts about systemic issues on police discrimination/brutality, redlining, intentionally underfunding majority black schools, job discrimination, etc. So when all they see are the "concrete" facts, they form negative stereotypes based on skin color.

I usually take that into account when I give my relatives a chance to get educated and change their ways, and if they still insist on being ignorant after being presented with the truth, then @#$@ them. Most of my ignorant/uninformed relatives (including my own mom) changed their views after realizing they were brainwashed or after they actually started living near the people they viewed negatively, so it's not a lost cause to try to educate them.
I think my parents told me their first words were simple things like "help, thank you, work, hungry, thirsty, bathroom, please...etc

Fam my pops told me a story, thats hilarious now but back then was definitely frustrating for him.

I think he said he called some job from a payphone. The lady tells him "hang on a second", hes like hang on? What? He sees the thing you hang the receiver on and hes like hmm hang on? Ok and hangs up the receiver :rofl:

Hes like i immediately realized i hung up the call and start cursing cuz he didnt have any more change for another call :lol:
Crazy concept. Just thought of this. Tell me if there are any flaws.

Prior to college admissions, all applicants must be tested(SAT, ACT, etc.) prior to applications. At this point, they will create an encrypted, randomaly generated username that willl be used for the entire application process. Race, sex, identity will not be revealed. Now these applicants must go in and fill out the previous accolades from academics, extracurricularactivites, etc, school ranking, courses took, AP credit. Now at this point, when submitting their history of work, which will now be locked into the blockchain that’s properly records all applicants and which schools they applied to and which schools accepts them. The schools accepting these encrypted usernames will not know their identities prior to accepting them. Risky, but is that a more fair way of doing it? All schools must accept this process in order to receive public government assistance.

The test is the flaw. Wealthier kids.... and I would guess Asians regardless of wealth... will score better on the test. It is a valid process in regards to academic fairness and should be perfectly reasonable to implement IF there are enough schools with competitive curriculum, resources, and extracurricular programs for students living within the area to go to schools in their neighborhood without fear that they are receiving a lesser education and less chance at attending the college of their choice with equal academic effort. That's why in my first post I said that we need to stop looking at testing and race and start looking at putting money into education that makes a statement saying "we want ALL American children to get access the best education programs in the world and not have to be bussed 50 miles to and from to get it"

Honestly we need more specialized high school programs and less preaching that college is for EVERYONE. its not for everyone and without federal intervention the United States is going to consume the economic buying power of the next two generations (at least) with student loan debt. think about it. Entire generations that cant invest in business, technology, or land because they're paying of student loans with stagnant wages in the face of looming inflation all because we want to occupy every corner of the globe with military posturing. We are really hustling backwards.
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Fam my pops told me a story, thats hilarious now but back then was definitely frustrating for him.

I think he said he called some job from a payphone. The lady tells him "hang on a second", hes like hang on? What? He sees the thing you hang the receiver on and hes like hmm hang on? Ok and hangs up the receiver :rofl:

Hes like i immediately realized i hung up the call and start cursing cuz he didnt have any more change for another call :lol:


**** like that happens man especially when you're so new to a different surrounding.

You know my mom was told that the border patrol uses brown for a she ran like hell screaming when a UPS driver walked out of his truck all reckless to deliver a package. Aside from the uniform color she thought UPS stood for United States patrol . She cracks up about it now but back then it was serious.
Crazy concept. Just thought of this. Tell me if there are any flaws.

Prior to college admissions, all applicants must be tested(SAT, ACT, etc.) prior to applications. At this point, they will create an encrypted, randomaly generated username that willl be used for the entire application process. Race, sex, identity will not be revealed. Now these applicants must go in and fill out the previous accolades from academics, extracurricularactivites, etc, school ranking, courses took, AP credit. Now at this point, when submitting their history of work, which will now be locked into the blockchain that’s properly records all applicants and which schools they applied to and which schools accepts them. The schools accepting these encrypted usernames will not know their identities prior to accepting them. Risky, but is that a more fair way of doing it? All schools must accept this process in order to receive public government assistance.
What happen with students that don't have access to stuff like AP classes, or after school activities, or parents that can facilitate their after school activities, and SAT prep classes, who can't pay for tutors and whose schools don't offer extra help.

Given the structure of our society, your system inherently helps the affluent and white.

**** like that happens man especially when you're so new to a different surrounding.

You know my mom was told that the border patrol uses brown for a she ran like hell screaming when a UPS driver walked out of his truck all reckless to deliver a package. Aside from the uniform color she thought UPS stood for United States patrol . She cracks up about it now but back then it was serious.

Oh man, i bet.

Add the fact that some people try and take advantage of you when you dont speak the language well (or at all) and dunno what's what.
They check to see who your parents are,where they work and live,there past if they have anything on record. If your married,they're checking the checking the background of your mate. Some of these board members are older white people who are going to profile you no matter how good your grades are.

Trust me ive heard stories about who they chose to get in. Youll defenately have an upper hand if your parents either went to that same university,or donated large amounts of money to that specific university behind the scenes. If your from a lower class family with an exceptional GPA going up against an affluent kid (especially white),who parents have relationships and donations to that school with a lower GPA.

Most of the times the barely passing average rich kid is getting up in there. I dont care about peoples opinions on here. Because this comes from a member that im related to who chooses to accept students in there university.

Obviously not every person but people of every race hold negative stereotypes of other races. Youd be a liar and a damn fool if you think otherwise.

First, don't downplay what I said. It didn't need fixing. EVERY race holds negative stereotypes of African Americans.
Second, no one is talking about school shootings so that is irrelevant to the discussion of the cons of having your children go to school with low income students. You don't assume a shooting is going to happen at a school regardless of demographic or income.
Third, it's not about the white man using anyone. It's about a door that was opened for everyone, by blacks... then exploited by asians.. then having them close the door behind them leaving blacks (and hispanics) out. That is the essential issue in the article.

When we talk about the racial divide in good schools, it is blacks that have had the most trouble getting equal opportunity for success. Asians believe that blacks need to behave more like "model" minorities to assimilate. That's why we have other threads about whether they are worshipping whites. White people don't care if Asians suddenly account for 70% of the student body. Because Asians do not make them feel uneasy. But if it was blacks they would've started hollering about merit at 25% when kyle and chad got rejected. And likewise Asians are not saying whites need to study more if they want their seats in the classrooms back... rather they would change the rules to allow more Asians in even if it means Blacks and hispanics have 0 seats afterward... even though it could result in less asians and more whites anyway. They are acting like rural poor republicans who always vote republican even though they have zero benefit doing so.

They believe our failures are a result of us not doing that "bootstraps" thing. Ignoring the fact that their (1st and 2nd generation) parents are not subject to the same barriers to success as blacks. We can talk about business loans. We can talk about cultural degradation by the media. We can talk about the perpetuation of broken families through incentivized welfare doled out by family courts that rewards single mothers more than two parent homes. When you don't have access to financial education, jobs that provide stable income, and the media (and US Government) profits from poisoning your culture, you cant say well I had a choice to do better. Our people are literally numbers on a spreadsheet. Some will make it through sheer luck and making connections to pull them up, and others... no matter how hard they try... will not achieve social mobility. If for no other reason, a white man feels threatened or awkward in the workplace with blacks.

The fact is Asian culture has a significantly stronger sense of the group vs. the individual. White or "western" culture is significantly biased toward the individual vs the group. This distinction is important because African Americans are essentially a product of white American culture. Black societal indoctrination focuses on individual success like whites. This is why we see blacks pull each other down so much. And it is why black success means something different to whites than Asian success. Its funny to say every race holds negative stereotypes of OTHER races... because our rich and famous black stars seem to have no problems leaving behind black culture and dating outside the black race. And poor blacks given the opportunity would no doubt do the same. It's only other races where dating black is a stigma... so much that black women feel threatened to see interracial couples. They arent mad at Becky though. They're mad at Tyrone for choosing becky. Contrast that with other races. Asians would rather hate white men for "stealing" their women. White men will bash the lusty negro and claim he brainwashed her with sex before accepting that the woman chose him. Blacks have been taught a self hate to an extent that no other race has. And all the other races were taught the same things.[/QUOTE]
You’ve stereotyped low income students as being bad and more well to do students as being good. I attended low income and high income highschools, my family moved to an area where I had to attend a rich school. The school with rich kids was far worse than the low income schools I attended, kids were doing and selling hard drugs way more than the kids at low income schools, and kids often brought weapons to school. I actually felt safer at the low income school.
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