Suit Accusing Harvard of Capping Asian-American Admissions Could Be Tried This Summer

They can hold their own nuts. Those pats on the head from the white man they idolize so much isn't working out anymore. Got cheating down to a science sommuch that it is blowing up in their faces.

You guys got away with hating Black people for years unchecked when Dirty was in charge. Don't cry victim now.

I can't say I like them. I'd never bring one home to meet my parents.

Step back with the Hate and Generalizations if you can't carry a mature Conversation. You're flippant posts just to take shots at people aren't appreciated. So grow a pair so I can tell you to F yourself.

First, don't downplay what I said. It didn't need fixing. EVERY race holds negative stereotypes of African Americans.
Second, no one is talking about school shootings so that is irrelevant to the discussion of the cons of having your children go to school with low income students. You don't assume a shooting is going to happen at a school regardless of demographic or income.
Third, it's not about the white man using anyone. It's about a door that was opened for everyone, by blacks... then exploited by asians.. then having them close the door behind them leaving blacks (and hispanics) out. That is the essential issue in the article.

When we talk about the racial divide in good schools, it is blacks that have had the most trouble getting equal opportunity for success. Asians believe that blacks need to behave more like "model" minorities to assimilate. That's why we have other threads about whether they are worshipping whites. White people don't care if Asians suddenly account for 70% of the student body. Because Asians do not make them feel uneasy. But if it was blacks they would've started hollering about merit at 25% when kyle and chad got rejected. And likewise Asians are not saying whites need to study more if they want their seats in the classrooms back... rather they would change the rules to allow more Asians in even if it means Blacks and hispanics have 0 seats afterward... even though it could result in less asians and more whites anyway. They are acting like rural poor republicans who always vote republican even though they have zero benefit doing so.

They believe our failures are a result of us not doing that "bootstraps" thing. Ignoring the fact that their (1st and 2nd generation) parents are not subject to the same barriers to success as blacks. We can talk about business loans. We can talk about cultural degradation by the media. We can talk about the perpetuation of broken families through incentivized welfare doled out by family courts that rewards single mothers more than two parent homes. When you don't have access to financial education, jobs that provide stable income, and the media (and US Government) profits from poisoning your culture, you cant say well I had a choice to do better. Our people are literally numbers on a spreadsheet. Some will make it through sheer luck and making connections to pull them up, and others... no matter how hard they try... will not achieve social mobility. If for no other reason, a white man feels threatened or awkward in the workplace with blacks.

The fact is Asian culture has a significantly stronger sense of the group vs. the individual. White or "western" culture is significantly biased toward the individual vs the group. This distinction is important because African Americans are essentially a product of white American culture. Black societal indoctrination focuses on individual success like whites. This is why we see blacks pull each other down so much. And it is why black success means something different to whites than Asian success. Its funny to say every race holds negative stereotypes of OTHER races... because our rich and famous black stars seem to have no problems leaving behind black culture and dating outside the black race. And poor blacks given the opportunity would no doubt do the same. It's only other races where dating black is a stigma... so much that black women feel threatened to see interracial couples. They arent mad at Becky though. They're mad at Tyrone for choosing becky. Contrast that with other races. Asians would rather hate white men for "stealing" their women. White men will bash the lusty negro and claim he brainwashed her with sex before accepting that the woman chose him. Blacks have been taught a self hate to an extent that no other race has. And all the other races were taught the same things.
You’ve stereotyped low income students as being bad and more well to do students as being good. I attended low income and high income highschools, my family moved to an area where I had to attend a rich school. The school with rich kids was far worse than the low income schools I attended, kids were doing and selling hard drugs way more than the kids at low income schools, and kids often brought weapons to school. I actually felt safer at the low income school.
Man, foreigners don't know the difference. They're new words they've never heard before and would hear it the same regardless of A or ER.
Racial slurs aren’t hard to learn or understand :lol:. Just like cuss words. I don’t know much Spanish but I know all the curse words in Spanish lol.
What happen with students that don't have access to stuff like AP classes, or after school activities, or parents that can facilitate their after school activities, and SAT prep classes, who can't pay for tutors and whose schools don't offer extra help.

Given the structure of our society, your system inherently helps the affluent and white.
Education should be free and we should have open admissions. Everyone deserves a high quality eduacation if they want one.
Oh man, i bet.

Add the fact that some people try and take advantage of you when you dont speak the language well (or at all) and dunno what's what.

Yeah man, it's like you have to be on your toes 24/7 for the first few months until you can safely gauge when things are okay.
We are seeing an abundant amount of flagged posts coming from this thread and if certain members can not keep things civil and mature, we will take steps to clearing out anyone who is out of line.

Racial, prejudice, or any sort of inappropriate posts are not tolerated.

Everyone is entitled to their own freedom off speech and can post their point-of-views but, we ask you do it in a sensitive and delicate manner.

Thank you for understanding
You’ve stereotyped low income students as being bad and more well to do students as being good. I attended low income and high income highschools, my family moved to an area where I had to attend a rich school. The school with rich kids was far worse than the low income schools I attended, kids were doing and selling hard drugs way more than the kids at low income schools, and kids often brought weapons to school. I actually felt safer at the low income school.

I can parent well enough to teach my kids the consequences of drug use. What I cant do is spend hours and hours tutoring my daughter to pass standardized tests because shes stuck in class sizes of 30+ and the teacher is a glorified babysitter who doesn't cover $#!%
Education should be free and we should have open admissions. Everyone deserves a high quality eduacation if they want one.
I agree

Another thing that gets lost is that America treats a college education as ticket to the middle class. Now that ticket is overly expensive and does guarantee entry.

Kids should have a choice where they go to school but as a society we should be making sure all kinds and get access to post K-12 education and training for little to no up front cost.
Racial slurs aren’t hard to learn or understand :lol:. Just like cuss words. I don’t know much Spanish but I know all the curse words in Spanish lol.

My dude....we American born and folk who have been here a while know the difference between the N word ending in A and ER. People new to this country don't know the difference in pronunciation of the word nor even have a clue as to the 2 ways it is used.

Edit: They don't even KNOW it's a curse word, lol
I can parent well enough to teach my kids the consequences of drug use. What I cant do is spend hours and hours tutoring my daughter to pass standardized tests because shes stuck in class sizes of 30+ and the teacher is a glorified babysitter who doesn't cover $#!%
Bad teachers aren’t just in low income schools.
I agree

Another thing that gets lost is that America treats a college education as ticket to the middle class. Now that ticket is overly expensive and does guarantee entry.

Kids should have a choice where they go to school but as a society we should be making sure all kinds and get access to post K-12 education and training for little to no up front cost.

It gets even more ridiculous when you compare the cost worldwide. My friend went to the top university in Taiwan for $2000 a semester. The same quality school over here would easily be $30K+ a year here, and that's on the cheaper end.
Bad teachers aren’t just in low income schools.

Nope but the teachers at low income schools are paid less. Meaning your percentages are much higher. I get that you're defending that high income schools don't mean better environment. But the school is broke they can only do so much to open doors for you. We generally judge a school by its test scores and after school programs and poor schools just dont do well in that department. I'm not trying to say the kids are better human beings. They're not. But its all boils down to statistics.
I defenately believe that us (minorities) need there own schools for there own people,especially African Americans. It's needs to happen to rewire the mindset/thinking/loving your own culture/race perspective in that specific race to have progress within that nationality/race. Them same people will act and live differently for the better. Then after school,they can build up there own communities for there own people.

As long as everybody follows the one specific same ideology in America,then we're going to get the same results no matter what your race is. The self hating people in there own race is who keeps the machine/beast steadily going. The people who only date or do business with people who arent the same skin tone as themselves. They want to live and love another culture thats nothing close to theres. Chiron summed it up in his last paragraph.

Also like David Banner and SaRa Suten Seti have said before. With all of these famous minority millionaires out here. Theres no reason why it isnt atleast 1 Black Wall Street in every state right now. Cats out here making millions but don't want to rebuild there own communities/people back up to level out the playing field. They're just going to spend all of there money up with the powers that be,while giving half of what there worth to someone thats not from the same genetics as them.

This country did a nice job on my people. Nothing has changed for nobodies race in its entirety. Because everyone wants to be apart of a culture/race that doesn't care about them or want them to be around in the first place.
Celebrities/millionaires only look out for themselves. They could care less about funding money for education. It's not a race thing but more a greed thing. Especially when we're talking large sums of money for long periods of time.
It's deeper than just being selfish. I think the majority of these celebrities are literally controlled in some type of way for the worse. Look at people like Jay,Bey,Puff, and other Black millionaires. You mean to tell me that they can buy paintings or make investments worth millions in worth. But they can't build up a community for there own people starting with schools,stores,and businesses.

Iunderstand that they dont want to lose out on future income from there professional career. But bro were losing by alot as a people out here. That's why i hate hearing income numbers on people like Dre,Hov,Bey,Diddy, and others in that bracket. I dont believe any of these celebrities are really for there own people. I dont care about there conscious songs here and there or anything.

These people can reach 5 billion a piece and still wouldn't build an all black community to better there own people. Thats how i know there not for there people when it comes to advancement of there race. There speaking about knowledge just because Black Panther just came out and its the cool thing to act like your into right now. Pac had homeless people staying with him in L.A. before he passed. He's the only 1 i could see doing that. Everybody else is just talking out here.
And what do u do when u get out of class?

Mind you i never said TV exclusively right?

you talking about foreigners living here or in their own country?

cause then they consume media in their own language if they're in their home country
What happen with students that don't have access to stuff like AP classes, or after school activities, or parents that can facilitate their after school activities, and SAT prep classes, who can't pay for tutors and whose schools don't offer extra help.

Given the structure of our society, your system inherently helps the affluent and white.

America voted for this society. The society with poor sociaty safety nets, the society that frowns upon on Universal Health Care and a hint of socialism.

That same attitude leads leads to poorly funded public service like your high schools. It's funny when people talk about lack of AP and IB programs in their public schools. It really does sound 3rd world.
The lawsuit, begun in 2014 by a conservative advocate who has long challenged affirmative action that benefits blacks and other historically disadvantaged racial minorities, could affect who gets a place on the selective Ivy League campus.

I don’t think affirmative action should be done away. It’s the only way it can level the playing field for minorities on all colleges, not just Ivy League.
My two cent as a '06 Stuy grad. Deblasio and co has been pushing the narrative that the specialized high school exam is unfair to low income minorities. However, they are trying their hardest to ignore the stat that majority of the Asian-American students are first generation student from poor families. By implementing a Harvard like admission, he is doing the exact opposite of what their goal is.


everything that's ever written about this topic as far as "being unfair to minorities" ALWAYS omits da facts that asians not only are also a minority, also poor, but that they massssssively overpopulate and outnumber anyone else, including white people which writers always use as an implied reality thats actually not happening, but ironically will happen if da text entrance exam is dismantled.
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