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I'm gonna swipe right on every chick that looks halfway decent, let's see where it gets me :lol:

But where in person do you guys like to go meet women that are worthwhile?

Been thinking about doing yoga just for the chance to meet chicks. See a few decent girls here and there at the gym so I always have my eyes open there.
Tinder sucks man :lol: Idk if it's my area or not but I never see anyone worthwhile on there.

I could deal with solidarity but it's just like, I'm ready to experience that next step in life. I'm not a fan of going out to bars since I don't drink. I just want someone to settle down with, go on double date, that kinda stuff.

Your friends girlfriends friends.
My best friend told me I don't wanna meet his girl's friends. They either have a kid or aren't worth it apparently.
The other dude with a chick is going out with a girl we were already friends with so her friends are my friends already :lol:
*Simp Rehab*

What is a Simp?

•A man that puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table.
•A man that puts too much value on a female for no reason .
•A man that prides himself with "Chivalry" in hopes of getting sexual gratification form women .
•A square with no game other than “Rolling out the Red-Carpet” for every female.


•to restore to a condition of good health, ability to work, or the like.
•to reestablish the good reputation of (a person, one's character or name, etc.).
•to restore formally to former capacity, standing, rank, rights, or privileges.

This is where once choses to constantly rehabilitate himself, into this mack mind-set and mack game.
Like an alcoholic attending an AA program that realizes he is an alcoholic. This is the equivalent to the Simp- he realizes that his Simp decisions and Simp lifestyle have taken him to the path of a broken heart, Women getting over on him, and catering to Women in hopes of getting sexual gratification always put him in a subservient submissive position under broads.

Now alcoholic rehab is gathering knowledge, having a mentor, venting out past failed experiences getting game from other people that have surpassed the habit and other ways of rehabilitating one´s self.
In this Mack game the way you rehabilitate yourself from “Simphood” is by constantly upgrading yourself out of the “Simp Mindset”. These are some examples that I have tried and have worked for me :

•Start hanging around your friends or peers that actually get ***** and accept that for what it is.-Accept THR ( “The Harsh Reality” ) All Females are NOT ladies.

•Listen to more rugged mackish music ( avoid “love” songs )

•Read more books that focus on upgrading yourself from a male´s perspective . From Men that have solid credentials and men that are thorough in life.

•Stop taking advice from Women on how to treat them,

Some Women deserve to be loved and treated with respect I´m NOT knocking that but you have to decipher between that -and a woman that just wants a Simp to cater to her- to her advantage always! Some Women swear up and down they want a "gentle man" when Women say ( Right out the gate ) “ I want a gentle-man” that really means “ I want a simp” .let´s keep it real ladies , Women really want a "rough respectful man" a dude with character.

•Stop looking at Women as "Mother Figures" just like some Women have masochistic tendencies; Men could have a co. dependency to Women as a "Mother Figure" This could cause a lot of dudes to revert back to that Simp mentality ..

but you have to be a leader ! And you don´t do that by depending on Women to be your Mom , Man up Players! ...and rehabilitate yourself.

All in all like admitting you are an alcoholic and seeking help, there is nothing wrong with realizing that simp tendencies could have been implanted from a young age.

•Chop up game with other thorough players on this thread.

All in all this post in NOT to ***** on Simp´s but rather to share some game to those who want to take heed once they receive it.

“Loving a girl that deserves it is NOT wrong, but “Simping with a passion” is NOT the business”
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flyerthandelta flyerthandelta
Fambs am I overreacting by keeping it moving if you're trying to build with someone out of town, ask them When's our next meeting, then they say after Christmas? They got family and friends birthdays and get together (understandable) and holiday parties. To me that's saying you're so far down the totem pole, a holiday party takes precedent. I hold myself to a much higher standard these days, but am I jumping the gun?I understand trips take a lot. But nah.
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A woman that is highly interested in you, will break every prior engagement they have to chill with you.
When I met my wife, it was like pulling teeth to get her to kick it with her friends instead of me[emoji]128516[/emoji]...
I understand the holidays can be stressful with the logistics but if you both are feeling each other, both parties will make a way.
Tell her how you feel and if it's that "boo-boo, blah-ze-blah", then proceed on with other endeavors.
You are an "OG"..
You know better then that[emoji]128516[/emoji]
I shot my girl down on some nasty time tonight.
She won't TTN anymore. Just straight plug and play. I don't like that ****.
Lets see how this goes. I'm about to go on strike. You not going to be having me busting in record timing.
Need the Lord to be with me so that I don't let this broad know how I really am. Maybe she needs a wake up call though?
??? what lol
Been trying to change my ways, no lies, no other yambs on the side, but given how she's recently been acting, and what she just said, I'm feeling like throw all of that out. Playing the **** out of her, hitting it a few times, and walking out of her life. Basically her supposedly "worst fear" :lol:
 It always helps me to know that I genuinely cared for every woman I have ever had sex with, from the one night stand to the rebounds to the ******, sad to say there are a lot of dead beats and insecure dudes out here who put down these women any chance they get. 
 It always helps me to know that I genuinely cared for every woman I have ever had sex with, from the one night stand to the rebounds to the ******, sad to say there are a lot of dead beats and insecure dudes out here who put down these women any chance they get. 
That's my whole thing right now, I know I could smash any chick I want, but I won't care about her, I won't give a crap about her one bit. I'm at the stage where I rather sacrifice not smashing for the waiting for that woman I care about—for that spiritual connection first and foremost.
 It always helps me to know that I genuinely cared for every woman I have ever had sex with, from the one night stand to the rebounds to the ******, sad to say there are a lot of dead beats and insecure dudes out here who put down these women any chance they get. 
I guess there's demons from my past I have to resolve some issues with, until then though, keep em coming.
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