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How do i let this older chick  know that i mean business from the jump  , been texting her since this morning , convo is nice have her laughing and giggles but i dont wanna scared her away at the same time i dont wanna beat around the bush .
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How do i let this older chick  know that i mean business from the jump  , been texting her since this morning , convo is nice have her laughing and giggles but i dont wanna scared her away at the same time i dont wanna beat around the bush .
Next time you see here...........wio
Just saw WCIS's post. Thats my type. Tell her im your twin who feel from the bunk bed when we where 5. I didnt recover as the docs expected so we no longer look alike.

Love crazy *******!

Big Bro EWD,you know I cut for almost everything you have ever contributed to this forum of multiple opinions, thoughts and overall life experience but man that was just hard to swallow. That ish just threw me for a loop because, I'll be candid, that ish came off mad thirsty and very creepy. But at the end of it all, i can't knock your hustle and I know you have disagreed with some of my ideologies(which I hope a lot of people do because all good advice should never be taken). Sometimes you just have to experience these things on your own to see what works for you. No amount of reading compares to actual life lessons. I totally agree on the confidence thing, the job metaphor is accurate but didn't really work in this scenerio,IMO.
Hunters respect their prey. This should be the same thought process when applying for employment. Respect the hustle, sell yourself, walk tall and if they don't want you, move on until you find your niche. I think over-selling(ie braggadocios, cockiness) sets you up for failure and the same people you may see on your "Alpha" ish, will be the same waiting for your downfall and ******** on you when you back on the ground. Nothing wrong with being a go getter, but have humility in all things you encounter in your life.
We just have to agree to disagree on this one Big Homie..
Still Love Though...
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Big Bro EWD,you know I cut for almost everything you have ever contributed to this forum of multiple opinions, thoughts and overall life experience but man that was just hard to swallow. That ish just threw me for a loop because, I'll be candid, that ish came off mad thirsty and very creepy. But at the end of it all, i can't knock your hustle and I know you have disagreed with some of my ideologies(which I hope a lot of people do because all good advice should never be taken). Sometimes you just have to experience these things on your own to see what works for you. No amount of reading compares to actual life lessons. I totally agree on the confidence thing, the job metaphor is accurate but didn't really work in this scenerio,IMO.
Hunters respect their prey. This should be the same thought process when applying for employment. Respect the hustle, sell yourself, walk tall and if they don't want you, move on until you find your niche. I think over-selling(ie braggadocios, cockiness) sets you up for failure and the same people you may see on your "Alpha" ish, will be the same waiting for your downfall and ******** on you when you back on the ground. Nothing wrong with being a go getter, but have humility in all things you encounter in your life.
We just have to agree to disagree on this one Big Homie..
Still Love Though...

[COLOR=#red]Results bro results. My resume with chicks, academics, and professionally justifies my methods. What's interesting is that you like the others in here only read and see what you want to see. Many times i have said in here about this that it's rare I ever use this method, BUT when i do it's usually successful. Results bro results.

Most people can't handle the truth if what makes people successful at a higher level...that's why everyone isn't successful at a higher level...if it was easy then everyone would be. Keep believing that being good and nice in and of itself will be enough "because people will just see who you are". Yeah freaking right. You have to be able to self promite and self market. Where do you think the whole elevator speech concept comes from, and yes I've used that...it's what got me into the defense industry and the opportunity came as i was walking to get breakfast at one of my internships. I met a dude who helped me find the cafeteria...he said " tell me about yourself...I did and three weeks later i was relocating with a full time job, with all paid medical, relocation advance check, and a 10% salary bonus...all because I had the opportunity to self promote and I siezed the moment.

I don't speak out of my a**. I speak from pure experience. My track record speaks for itself. Results bro results. I mean I'll say it again.. you don't go from a H.S. dropout to where i am today without doing something right and repeatedly. So please excuse my confidence. And I'm never thirsty bro...i have too much water to be thirsty, you read that wrong. And anyway whatever I did worked...because another thing i said was that I saw her later on that night and everything is all good. I f8nd it quite amusing how y'all are more offended and turned off than the chick i said it to.

So in all realness I neither agree nor disagree with you Mugen, because there's nothing to agree or disagree about. I know myself, I know my limits, I know my boundaries. I know what I can get away with. Yes i push it to the limit sometimes, but that's because I'm not risk averse, I'm not afraid of failure, and I'm supremely confident and positively self- effacious. Losses amd misses will and do happen, but quitting never does. Results bro results. [/COLOR]
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[COLOR=#red]Results bro results. My resume with chicks, academics, and professionally justifies my methods. What's interesting is that you like the others in here only read and see what you want to see. Many times i have said in here about this that it's rare I ever use this method, BUT when i do it's usually successful. Results bro results.

Most people can't handle the truth if what makes people successful at a higher level...that's why everyone isn't successful at a higher level...if it was easy then everyone would be. Keep believing that being good and nice in and of itself will be enough "because people will just see who you are". Yeah freaking right. You have to be able to self promite and self market. Where do you think the whole elevator speech concept comes from, and yes I've used that...it's what got me into the defense industry and the opportunity came as i was walking to get breakfast at one of my internships. I met a dude who helped me find the cafeteria...he said " tell me about yourself...I did and three weeks later i was relocating with a full time job, with all paid medical, relocation advance check, and a 10% salary bonus...all because I had the opportunity to self promote and I siezed the moment.

I don't speak out of my a**. I speak from pure experience. My track record speaks for itself. Results bro results. I mean I'll say it again.. you don't go from a H.S. dropout to where i am today without doing something right and repeatedly. So please excuse my confidence. And I'm never thirsty bro...i have too much water to be thirsty, you read that wrong. And anyway whatever I did worked...because another thing i said was that I saw her later on that night and everything is all good. I f8nd it quite amusing how y'all are more offended and turned off than the chick i said it to.

So in all realness I neither agree nor disagree with you Mugen, because there's nothing to agree or disagree about. I know myself, I know my limits, I know my boundaries. I know what I can get away with. Yes i push it to the limit sometimes, but that's because I'm not risk averse, I'm not afraid of failure, and I'm supremely confident and positively self- effacious. Losses amd misses will and do happen, but quitting never does. Results bro results. [/COLOR]
But I don't care about your resume bro or results, so what you talking about doesn't benefit my lifestyle or path or purpose in life. I grind and provide daily and I live for me. This wasn't shots at you but more my honest opinion on that whole scenerio you posted, which I have a right to do so. Instead of being defensive, if you would have read that I cut for a lot of what you have said (in the previous thread) and up until this point, I dont have beef with your methods but that **** didn't sit right with me. You can talk that talk to these young cats but my ***** I am content in my life. I don't need to gloat on arbitrary **** that means nothing in the grand scheme of things in life. I got love for you and like you have called me on my ****, I have the right and opinion to do that as well.
At the end of the day, as my internet bro it's respect and what you do for yourself is okay by me because I wake up and live my life and do for my circle and my seed. I'm at a point in my life when I know when to be on my old angry **** and when to let the bs miss me. Now ****** with no experience may see things differently or even agree with you and that's all G but you not coming at me with that bs.
Too Grown and Too Blessed for the non-sense.
Like I said we can agree to disagree, no need for anymore back and forth.
I still got love and respect for you but don't play me for a poo-butt just because I'm peaceful and happy in life.
I will always wish you and others the best but trust and believe you may win the battle but you won't win the war. Too many battle scars, my *****.
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Still trying to find out what ewd did wrong, famb...

Straight up.

Did I miss a post or something?
@mugen81   See great minds think alike, couldn't have said it better. Just not trying to write paragraphs 


(Can't post the meme from this computer)
Did you fap one out before she comes over? If not, you about to bust in 30 seconds my dude! :lol:

Lol i did last night.
lol i still may bust in 30 secs.

i'm lowkey super geeked, lol but she already text saying, "this long fligh and been backpacking . I'm a be a hot mess"

lol debating if I even let her shower first though :smh::smh::smh:

(No Dambs Given)
But I don't care about your resume bro or results, so what you talking about doesn't benefit my lifestyle or path or purpose in life. I grind and provide daily and I live for me. This wasn't shots at you but more my honest opinion on that whole scenerio you posted, which I have a right to do so. Instead of being defensive, if you would have read that I cut for a lot of what you have said (in the previous thread) and up until this point, I dont have beef with your methods but that **** didn't sit right with me. You can talk that talk to these young cats but my ***** I am content in my life. I don't need to gloat on arbitrary **** that means nothing in the grand scheme of things in life. I got love for you and like you have called me on my ****, I have the right and opinion to do that as well.
At the end of the day, as my internet bro it's respect and what you do for yourself is okay by me because I wake up and live my life and do for my circle and my seed. I'm at a point in my life when I know when to be on my old angry **** and when to let the bs miss me. Now ****** with no experience may see things differently or even agree with you and that's all G but you not coming at me with that bs.
Too Grown and Too Blessed for the non-sense.
Like I said we can agree to disagree, no need for anymore back and forth.
I still got love and respect for you but don't play me for a poo-butt just because I'm peaceful and happy in life.
I will always wish you and others the best but trust and believe you may win the battle but you won't win the war. Too many battle scars, my ****

[COLOR=#red]I'm not asking you to care about my resume, you're neither a chick nor an employer, so I'm not trying to impress you bro.

And please don't tell me what I'm going to win or lose bro. I think you are starting to overstep your role in here by saying stuff like that homie. Lightweight i believe you're the type that's like "I hope EWD gets humbled oneday" as evidenced by your statements of humility and you basically telling me that I'm going to lose the war. That's the difference between you and I...another supremely confident and even brash guy doesn't bother me in the least especially if he's successful. As a matter of fact I'd RATHER be around people like that in many situations. As another matter of fact i prefer to be around people more accomplished than myself...gives me a model of success in order to learn and assimilate so i can incorporate their qualities into myw own success.

I don't even understand your "poo-butt" statement. Well i understand, but struggling to find relevancy in it. I haven't even put any thought into you and your life to be honest bro. If you're happy then great.

Last point....you're damned right I'm defensive. Downright doggedly defensive and will fight and protect against attacks to the very end. It's the reason why I usually get banned when a mother comes at me in here, and l don't care who it is. Just know that if you press Submit and that post says something slick against me prepare to either ignore me or go back and forth until the post is either locked or I'm banned. But that mentality is why I did so well in the US intelligence community, and Dept. of Defense.

To the poster WhatCanISay: Yeah we've had our differences, but one thing I've always respected about you is your ambition, your drive, and yoyr success up to this point. You seem to know what you want and are confident enough to actually go get it. That's impressive especially at a relatively young age. I see the same in Fontaine. Others in here who weren't particularly bothered by me sharing my method like JoePac and Youngdoc gets a shoutout too. Those men realize that somethings certain people can pull off that others can't, even if themselves they wouldn't use a particular method.

But still the most amusing aspect of it all is that THE CHICK WASN'T EVEN OFFENDED :lol: which I knew she wouldn't be which goes into my last point...KNOW YOUR PERSONNEL!

No peace signs at the end of my posts for me... I don't do that passive aggressive stuff. Dude gonna call me out, call me creepy, predict I'm going to lose "the war" (which is amusing being i was a part of two REAL wars and i despise analogies alluding to war), then gonna say we cool and throw a peace sign. Nah bruh OG or not OG that's not acceptable.[/COLOR]
"Got to cut the grass to see the snakes."
"You can't hide your true self forever"
Two mottos I live by.
When I first join NT I was just trying to find a thread that spoke to me on the realness. Found the OG thread and met a lot of like minded individuals that lived some of the situations I had been through. Sad to see it come to this but ****** rarely want the truth. I don't mind my opinions being dissected and dismissed,that is the beauty of debate and having your own moral code and following the own beat of your heart. We all have to wake up and live with ourselves and at the end of it all, I never ******* on anyone's ideology but I will not lie , if something doesnt sit well with me, I'm not going to hold my tongue for a friend or foe. I even hope people disagreed with me because honestly you have to find what works for you on your own path. I gave advice for those seeking, nothing more, nothing less. Funny how ****** all of a sudden want to preach TRUTH, but the first moment you have a true disagreement, they want to take shots at you because "Your happy and life is good". ***** that don't make me soft, that makes me GROWN. There ain't no need to talk about my "Resume", I know what I have done in life. Some good, Some bad but that shaped me into the Husband and soon to be Father that I am. **** I look like losing my cool on an Internet forum. **** I have to laugh at this post because in and of itself is hilarious[emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji].
What I realized is my time is truly up and I can't bring dialogue to a conversation that I'm not even part of anymore. This thread is for the single male trying to find his path and build his empire and also enjoying life and YAMBS. My services are definately not needed because I'm Good. As I finish studying for the night, my future is asleep and happy. Whether we make it or not, at this very moment, this is what I grind and live for, this is what keeps the Hulk inside of Bruce Banner. I'm going to chill and lay in the cut and let you new guns(and even the OGS) have this.
Big Homie, still got love for you. Always had your back even when ****** stayed coming at your neck in your own thread. But I know when to distance myself from the bs. It was a good run...
Wealth,Healrh and Success to all.[emoji]9996[/emoji]️
Did you fap one out before she comes over? If not, you about to bust in 30 seconds my dude! :lol:

Bussin quick is not as bad as people think...

Especially if its with your lady, and you hadn't seen her in awhile.

Its a straight ego boost... And not the gassing type they get from instagrambs...

But from a dude she cares about.

Lol i did last night.
lol i still may bust in 30 secs.

i'm lowkey super geeked, lol but she already text saying, "this long fligh and been backpacking . I'm a be a hot mess"

lol debating if I even let her shower first though :smh::smh::smh:

(No Dambs Given)

I ain't even mad.

Rumble, young man, rumble.

:lol: :lol:
lol so I'm letting her shower as we speak, it's been a long trip for her. but I just wanted to say as my weekend starts and you guys in America Weekend is approaching soon.

Have a great weekend. Flourish in your endeavors.
Let me come back Monday to some good stories. and hope the last few pages are just words in the wind and we can move on with no heated heads.


If anyone is hitting up Asia anytime soon hit me up.
Thinking of doing a big tour before I go home for good in Feb.
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What's going on in here?

Two of the best contributors in this thread are going at each other necks?
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