Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heres something random. my old band covering Nerdy by Poison The Well. someones been posting our old videos on fb lately so i figured id throw this up here
im blocked out most of the time but if you see a fat dude with a white guitar and a Hundreds shirt, thats me

(dont mind the slayer referenced band name. sounded like a good idea at the time)
^Saw you, but also saw the black guy twirling around like a ballerina at 1:44

Been waiting for a while to show you this but the guy who's been putting up/editing it is taking way too long. Here's a couple of videos featuring my brother's band Demon Seed. They won Battle of The bands ($1000) and beat out some signed bands too. Let me know what you honestly think about them, I won't tell them cuz they don't want there feelings hurt
, mainly cuz they're young, the Drummer is 15, my bro/bass is 16, main singer/guitarist is 13, rhythm/singer is 12

couldn't watch the Pac-Man fight cuz they played in Richmond
Pac-Man fight was ehh the Arcer vs. Lopez fight before that though 

Arcer is a crazy dude, he ate all his punches and almost KO'd him 12th round till his dad stepped in.

Also Bratz, I hate you, I've been trying to pick up that LTD for the longest...closest thing I'll ever get to an Explorer 

Here's my boys band, I posted one of their shows a while back, this is their instrumental "In The Jizz" and "Officer Dickhead" they're a Southside Crossover band
Met him last year at my first Megadeth show then after the show I found out we went to school together and started kicking it.
M4rioL wrote:
^Saw you, but also saw the black guy twirling around like a ballerina at 1:44

yea that dudes out of his mind. he's a tattoo artist. worked on a couple of my friends. decent work too.

Originally Posted by ErickM713

Also Bratz, I hate you, I've been trying to pick up that LTD for the longest...closest thing I'll ever get to an Explorer�

thats my other guitarist. we all made fun of him when he got that since he idolizes Dethklok. said he's still not as metal as Toki
. im on the other side with the white LTD Eclipse.

heres one of us actually playing one of our own songs. added breakdown to end our set. im closest to the camera. same white Eclipse and the cool starry guitar strap.
Oh damn, I was just looking out for a white guitar, 

An LTD Eclipse is still at the top of my too though, ESP can sure make a great guitar. 

The only thing that bothers me from those vids are the hardcore dancers, those guys always ruin pits at thrash show, they usually end up getting dropped or pushed out the pits 
well that was a pretty calm show for our standards
. were from NYC so these kids try to one up each other in pits. who can hit harder, take out the most kids, crowd bash, all that nonsense. "crews" that try and start problems at shows like its an east coast vs west coast rap war. we've played shows in CT, NJ and PA and atleast they respect eachother while their dancing and after/between bands. alot of NY kids DGAF.

as dumb as it is, its fun as hell to watch from the stage. we didn't promote it, but it made us perform better to see kids getting into it.
good stuff bratz

we had someone else here who was in a band (a damned good one at that) but he like many of our members disappeared

whatever happened to matt anyways?
Thanks dude.

Yea for 175 pages, it seems like there's only 5 or 6 of us that post now. And I'm the new kid on the block. Where'd everyone go?
Originally Posted by BRaTZ DoS

Yea for 175 pages, it seems like there's only 5 or 6 of us that post now. And I'm the new kid on the block. Where'd everyone go?
That's what I want to know!
In all honesty I've been wondering where BCF went off to and his update on the Maiden thing, he was the only San Antonio member I knew here, I saw him recently in the Mosley/Pacquiao thread.
Anton is still active but MIA from the team.

Did ninjallama ever make a new account?

But for those who stuck around, props guys, I'm still a newbie to the team but it's nice to know that I'm contributing in some way.
well, bcf and rust have been here since page 1

mace (from the last page) has also been here since page 1 or 2 and appears sporadically. great taste that guy has

ive been here since page 15 or so. learned ALOT since then

ninja was here about...i dunno a loooong time as well. dude is
and helped us reach 100 pages. i have him on facebook. i think he's been IP banned for what he did and meth always blocks his other accts from being registered

j1 has been here for awhile as well and steadily drops some great punk among other stuff and has helped me alot in finding new music

matt who i was referring to before was here frequently promoting his band and sharing thoughts but i havent seen him for 50 pages or so. he was cool guy too

ummmm...doncoryson...what the $$%! happened to that guy

anton as you know comes in with his beloved brutal-tech death every now and then

johnstaysfresh was our leader and OP but left after he sold all his sneakers
i see him on but havent pm'ed him to say whats up

troublesome666 i havent seen in awhile. cool dude

theres some others like drock, onlyjaysp etc that i remember. deadsetace and TPOB drop in once in a while and are regulars on the site

i remember when we hit 100 pages we were all
and its crazy that we're about to hit 200 soon too. thanks to you guys (m4riol, erick, bratz etc)
Try to contain your excitement, bros. I realize this is much like when Jordan returned from retirement (the first time, not that Wizards filth). Joking aside, I'm glad to be back on here. To be completely honest, I'm not sure why I stopped posting. I never consciously "left", though I did kinda stop participating in the sneaker collecting, which subsequently led to me not being active on here or %*!%!*#*!%##!. I also reformatted my hard drive somewhere in that time period, which left me without my bookmarks. Regardless, I'm back on here and don't intend to leave again. It's oddly ironic that you guys were just talking about the dudes who had left, so I'll assist in keeping this thing more active because metal is such a superior genre to everything else out there. While I do like other styles of music, nothing conveys the raw emotion that extreme music does. So that out of the way, here's what I've been up to. My band recently played with Kataklysm, All Shall Perish, Decrepit Birth and others in March, and since then have been on a hiatus. Our bass player quit cause he doesn't want to play metal anymore, our other guitarist can't tour due to legal obligations for at least seven months, and we have the least reliable drummer on the planet. I'm the social ambassador for this band, as I'm the only one who goes out, parties with other bands/fans and supports the scene around here. I'm pretty burned out on being the only one, so I welcome this break with open arms. I may do some other project soon, or perhaps return to VOV, but until then, I'm finishing school and working out/training hardcore. Tired of being lazy lol. Long story short, there it is, and I'm glad to be back.

So who's going to some shows this month? I'm gonna be hitting the Avenged Sevenfold/BFMV show next Thursday (heaviest of the heavy, I know lol). I'll probably have flashbacks of opening for both of them in 08.
where you from dude? post some links to your band. my old band opened for Kataklysm back in 08, with A Life Once Lost and Tony Danza. terrible show. no one came

seeing The Deftones this friday
Dillinger Escape Plan is opening but i could care less about them.
I was going to see Devildriver this past Friday but some friends convinced me to see Cavalera Conspiracy and Lazarus A.D. this week, and now one of them bailed and the other one can't leave the city due to legal reasons.
I think I'm gonna end up going either way without them, I don't care how bad they wanted to see them, they bailed on me twice 
yeah I would say that I'm on of the youngsters of this thread, so stoked when I came to the music section the first time and found a metal section. Always the odd one out with my friends, into rap and such even DJ around while I go to Oakland for Punk shows, Never met our OP, he was way after my time starting here but happy to keep the thread going for the love of metal
Alright guys I'm back lol. Sorry for the disappearance. I did make a small brief return on that Mosley/Pacman fight which was awful. I'm hoping for Pacman/Marquez III. Anyway Ive had a lot of stuff going on. School got increasingly hard. Went through a break up with my girl a week before the Maiden show which made things terribly hard and still trying to get over it! And work is insane especially that my contract ends at the end of this month and its time to find a new job. So I'm at a horribly low point in my life but still going.

Props to you new guys and Rust and Physicx for keeping this thread going. You guys kick %!$! My fellow San Antonian metal head Erick. We still gotta go to some shows bro. I missed out on Sepultura and Accept. Mothersday had me broke so I had to miss them.

Dang Matt nice to see your return. Sorry bout your band. You guys had some potential man but thats how it goes. I say we should start our own band. I'll play some bass and do vocals if I have too haha.

Anyway review and pics are coming I just have to remember and get it all together haha!
Damn dude, suck to hear that

I hope things get better and go in your favor.

As for the thread,
 a few members who have been MIA suddenly return when mentioned 

Nice to see some of the founding members come back.
I have links to our myspace, facebook and in my sig, last I checked, but in case it isn't there, managed to catch about half of Between the Buried and Me's set last night and was pretty impressed. I've been to shows they've played two or three times but never managed to catch their set. I didn't like them that much in the past, but that's because everybody and their *!$*!$@ cousin overhyped them. Took awhile to grow on me, but I dig them quite a bit now.
Originally Posted by ErickM713

Damn dude, suck to hear that

I hope things get better and go in your favor.

As for the thread,
 a few members who have been MIA suddenly return when mentioned 

Nice to see some of the founding members come back.
I know it blew up after someone said something haha.
Yea Ninja keeps getting the no go for a new s.n I think. JSF will be missed. 

BCF- sorry to hear about it man. Jam to some metal and surround yourself with good friends. When stuff hit the fan between me and mine friends and fam were the only thing that kept me from a seriously dark place.

Matt - its good to hear from you broski. Sorry to hear about the band, but im sure you'll bounce back.

Im saving up for my trip back to San Diego so im not going to be hitting shows anytime soon. Which sucks but money is tight.
Originally Posted by matttherippersanchez

I have links to our myspace, facebook and in my sig, last I checked, but in case it isn't there, managed to catch about half of Between the Buried and Me's set last night and was pretty impressed. I've been to shows they've played two or three times but never managed to catch their set. I didn't like them that much in the past, but that's because everybody and their *!$*!$@ cousin overhyped them. Took awhile to grow on me, but I dig them quite a bit now.

BTBAM is severly underrated to me. Colours was amazing. 
 But then again not many people I know are into them. But their live shows are tops in my book.
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