^ The Avengers - Official Movie Thread: Out Now!! ^

Got my tickets for tonight, I'm so pumped
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514


Just saw it. Wow......

Loki was one of my favorite superhero movie characters in recent years. This flick, he made the transition from sympathetic character to more of a malicious villain....totally developed his character. This was one of the flicks where I couldn't even believe i was watching it after years of fan hood and just to see how they incorporated all the characters was really dope.

Tony Stark was his usual self...and Ruffalo did a decent job playing Hulk....still wished Norton wasn't such a diva or he woulda had that role perfectly. Chirs Evans has great poise as Cap and choosing to play him after those F4 movies was a helluva good decision. 

Wow man. Then Thanos in Part 2? Being that Cap's shield is vibranium, hopefully they work the Black Panther in there somewhere
Is that the reason Norton didnt want to play the Hulk? i think he made the biggest mistake of his career..
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514


Just saw it. Wow......

Loki was one of my favorite superhero movie characters in recent years. This flick, he made the transition from sympathetic character to more of a malicious villain....totally developed his character. This was one of the flicks where I couldn't even believe i was watching it after years of fan hood and just to see how they incorporated all the characters was really dope.

Tony Stark was his usual self...and Ruffalo did a decent job playing Hulk....still wished Norton wasn't such a diva or he woulda had that role perfectly. Chirs Evans has great poise as Cap and choosing to play him after those F4 movies was a helluva good decision. 

Wow man. Then Thanos in Part 2? Being that Cap's shield is vibranium, hopefully they work the Black Panther in there somewhere
Is that the reason Norton didnt want to play the Hulk? i think he made the biggest mistake of his career..
He didn't state a reason all he said he was Norton was being a diva
I thought the reason Norton didn't get the role was cuz of money.

This is the statement Marvel Studios President Kevin Fiege released:
"We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the title role of Bruce Banner in the Avengers," wrote Feige. "Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members. The Avengers demands players who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our talented casts. We are looking to announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements, and is passionate about the iconic role in the coming weeks."

Norton's agent, Brian Swardstrom, told Hit Fix that the statement was "unprofessional, disingenuous and clearly defamatory."

He added that Marvel had made Norton an offer but after several weeks of discussion, they called to say they had decided to "go in another direction," which he assumed was a financial decision.

This is Norton's response:
"I am so appreciative of the outpouring of support from fans of the Hulk and The Avengers that I feel it would be rude not to respond, I sincerely hoped it could happen and be great for everyone, but it hasn't turned out as well as we hoped, I know this is disappointing to many people and that makes me sad. I am very sincerely grateful to Marvel for extending the offer and even more so for giving me the chance to be a part of the Hulk's long and excellent history"

I'm not buying that Norton won't thrive working apart of an ensemble. Sounds like slander you'd throw at RD JR.
He didn't state a reason all he said he was Norton was being a diva
I thought the reason Norton didn't get the role was cuz of money.

This is the statement Marvel Studios President Kevin Fiege released:
"We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the title role of Bruce Banner in the Avengers," wrote Feige. "Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members. The Avengers demands players who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our talented casts. We are looking to announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements, and is passionate about the iconic role in the coming weeks."

Norton's agent, Brian Swardstrom, told Hit Fix that the statement was "unprofessional, disingenuous and clearly defamatory."

He added that Marvel had made Norton an offer but after several weeks of discussion, they called to say they had decided to "go in another direction," which he assumed was a financial decision.

This is Norton's response:
"I am so appreciative of the outpouring of support from fans of the Hulk and The Avengers that I feel it would be rude not to respond, I sincerely hoped it could happen and be great for everyone, but it hasn't turned out as well as we hoped, I know this is disappointing to many people and that makes me sad. I am very sincerely grateful to Marvel for extending the offer and even more so for giving me the chance to be a part of the Hulk's long and excellent history"

I'm not buying that Norton won't thrive working apart of an ensemble. Sounds like slander you'd throw at RD JR.
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by solarius49

dog....yes.  I would love to see Drax on screen, i would also love to see an Adam Warlock storyline, or something involving the Infinity Gems

I wish Marvel had the Movie rights to X-men and FF. Infinity Gems (formation of the illuminati) can lead to World War Hulk then to Civil War then Secret Invasion... Mad. I just mapped out the next 10 marvel movies
does anybody know any details about if/when Marvel will reacquire the rights to those characters?  I think a complete reboot will be in order for the X-Men movies in the next few years as well, especially considering the complete lack of continuity from "X-Men: 1st Class".  Also if they really want to do these GIANT crossover movies, they will have to tone down some of the "star power", because paying 'A' list actors + the cost of special effects would be a real hinderance.

One thing I REALLY appreciate about the movie is the power that they showed the Hulk having, he was really shown as being near invincible as he should be.  And I appreciate how strong Cap's shield was, really did justice to the comics

I think the deal was as long as Sony and Fox keep making Xmen, Spiderman, FF movies, they keep the rights. Theres Spiderman coming out this summer, and Fox has the Wolverine movie coming out next year and First class 2 in development.
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by solarius49

dog....yes.  I would love to see Drax on screen, i would also love to see an Adam Warlock storyline, or something involving the Infinity Gems

I wish Marvel had the Movie rights to X-men and FF. Infinity Gems (formation of the illuminati) can lead to World War Hulk then to Civil War then Secret Invasion... Mad. I just mapped out the next 10 marvel movies
does anybody know any details about if/when Marvel will reacquire the rights to those characters?  I think a complete reboot will be in order for the X-Men movies in the next few years as well, especially considering the complete lack of continuity from "X-Men: 1st Class".  Also if they really want to do these GIANT crossover movies, they will have to tone down some of the "star power", because paying 'A' list actors + the cost of special effects would be a real hinderance.

One thing I REALLY appreciate about the movie is the power that they showed the Hulk having, he was really shown as being near invincible as he should be.  And I appreciate how strong Cap's shield was, really did justice to the comics

I think the deal was as long as Sony and Fox keep making Xmen, Spiderman, FF movies, they keep the rights. Theres Spiderman coming out this summer, and Fox has the Wolverine movie coming out next year and First class 2 in development.
Saw a midnight showing last night.
x infinity

Now for Ultimate Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises
Saw a midnight showing last night.
x infinity

Now for Ultimate Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises
I loved the movie!!! It didn't even seem like it was 2h and 20 mins. Marvel has a great BIG picture for their characters they own.   They really need to figure out a way to get the right's to their other characters. If they do minds will be

All the females on the movie were on point

Spoiler [+]
Director Joss Whedon is known for "killing off beloved characters", but despite Coulson's death, Gregg previously stated that Whedon confirmed Coulson would survive the events of the film.

Spoiler [+]
Just found out the Tesseract  is the Cosmic Cube. Sorry, I didn't follow the comics that closely. Also, Phase two of the Avengers character's must have some connection to the cosmos or cosmic.
I loved the movie!!! It didn't even seem like it was 2h and 20 mins. Marvel has a great BIG picture for their characters they own.   They really need to figure out a way to get the right's to their other characters. If they do minds will be

All the females on the movie were on point

Spoiler [+]
Director Joss Whedon is known for "killing off beloved characters", but despite Coulson's death, Gregg previously stated that Whedon confirmed Coulson would survive the events of the film.

Spoiler [+]
Just found out the Tesseract  is the Cosmic Cube. Sorry, I didn't follow the comics that closely. Also, Phase two of the Avengers character's must have some connection to the cosmos or cosmic.
Can someone school me on this Other character? I don't really follow the comics and couldn't find any info on the guy except for the fact that it was the creature talking to Loki.
Can someone school me on this Other character? I don't really follow the comics and couldn't find any info on the guy except for the fact that it was the creature talking to Loki.
I wasn't hype going in but it was good. I didn't enjoy Thor and Capt. America but they were tolerable as a group.
I wasn't hype going in but it was good. I didn't enjoy Thor and Capt. America but they were tolerable as a group.
Originally Posted by 4one5

Can someone school me on this Other character? I don't really follow the comics and couldn't find any info on the guy except for the fact that it was the creature talking to Loki.
He's not anyone; he's just an attendant to Thanos
Originally Posted by 4one5

Can someone school me on this Other character? I don't really follow the comics and couldn't find any info on the guy except for the fact that it was the creature talking to Loki.
He's not anyone; he's just an attendant to Thanos
^ Thank you, sir.

As far as the movie goes, I thought it was dope. Almost as good as TDK. I was expecting corny jokes but it turned out to be pretty funny (Coulson not knowing what the weapon does, Coulson and Cap convo, Hulk punching Thor, Banner in the motorcycle, etc.).

Also Captain America needs a new costume ASAP. Throughout the movie I kept thinking how terrible it was, especially with the mask on.
^ Thank you, sir.

As far as the movie goes, I thought it was dope. Almost as good as TDK. I was expecting corny jokes but it turned out to be pretty funny (Coulson not knowing what the weapon does, Coulson and Cap convo, Hulk punching Thor, Banner in the motorcycle, etc.).

Also Captain America needs a new costume ASAP. Throughout the movie I kept thinking how terrible it was, especially with the mask on.
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