The cure to your girl issues, a relief of your self-deprecation due to still having your virginity.

Sep 20, 2006
got lost on the internet smoking with a friend, she showed me this...
so much lolz. I mean i've seen Lars and the Real Girl..but I didn't know it was this serious. Loneliness is all of these things: 



ALL YOU NEED IS 6  G's....we can put a stop to the girl problem threads forEVARRR!!!!! 

Let's look at some FAQ's and Testimonials: 

[table][tr][td]13. [/td][td]
[/td][td]How does sex feel with a RealDoll?[/td][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td]When penetrated, a vacuum is formed inside the doll's entries which provides a powerful suction effect. This effect is strongest in the RealDoll's oral entry. Some of RealDoll's users have reported intense orgasms due to this specific feature. If you are especially interested in oral sex with your doll, we recommend faces with larger mouths such as the faces 12 (Britney) and 16 (Gabrielle).

[table][tr][td]Tell me more about the doll's entries.[/td][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The inside of the vaginal and anal entries are molded as part of the dolls and have texture and shape which make them feel very much like a real person. A RealDoll's vaginal lips can be stretched apart very realistically and the newly sculpted labia are even more realistic than our old style labia. All new dolls delivered after February 2008 will have the new, ultra-realistic labia. The oral entry has very soft, stretchy lips, ultra soft tongue, soft silicone teeth, and a hinged jaw that opens and closes very realistically. The tongue can be removed to allow for more space and easy cleaning. The inside of the mouth is ribbed for a very pleasurable effect.


[/td][/tr][/table]"We are some days further now and I can say: it is getting better and better. The things you discover... The things you can or must do: go shopping for her, taking care of her (washing, powdering), dressing her up, moving her,... Kissing her, caressing her, cuddle her, laying next to her, holding her hand, brushing her wig,... too much to mention :smile:"

"Jenny's presence here has had a dramatically positive effect on me psychologically and emotionally. A far more positive effect than I had ever expected. During this time, I have done many things that I feel I would never have done if I didn�t have Jenny. I cannot recall any other purchase that has given me as much enjoyment as this sweet angel.

You made her for me to love and for that, once again, I thank you. You have created something truly wonderful."

The realism of the doll depends a lot on your life and your experience with real girls. She�s just a doll, but as I never had a real close relationship, she�s a bit more, some level of its own somewhere in between a doll and a real girl. Well, it seems like I ended up as a lonestar, and somehow I could never get this beauty goddess I always hoped to bump into some day... But Abyss gave me this doll, the closest thing to my ideal female beauty I have. This one will even allow me to kiss and hug her, to even have sex with her. As I lack the comparison to real girls, for me it�s best sex I ever had...

Dolls are fun and nice to look at, you can enjoy their presence. Meanwhile Vanessa has a little sister, and if Mrs. Right still doesn�t show up, the doll family may grow, because dolls can alleviate loneliness quite a bit. This stupid urge to find Mrs. Right at all costs is gone, so I will find her one day, or not. Until then, dolls are a good alternative and an amazing thing to have."


6 stacks for a fake girl?

It only takes less than 20 dollars on a date to get with a real one b.
Originally Posted by megatron

6 stacks for a fake girl?

It only takes less than 20 dollars on a date to get with a real one b.

she'll never say no tho

Yo when the page loaded, immediately i was like %%+

Those things look so real

$6,000 is cheap, if you're thinking long term

Fake girl- $6,000
Real girl- Range $500 - $2.5 Million

honestly, these things should be given away.

there would be so many less rapist psychopaths in the world.

"that %!%%% didn't say thank you when I held the door for her today!!! For 3 years I've been watching her, plotting to hold the door today and NOTHING!! I'll teach that %!%%% some manners!!!!"
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Those things look so real

$6,000 is cheap, if you're thinking long term

Fake girl- $6,000
Real girl- Range $500 - $2.5 Million

@ 2.5 million
Maybe that kid who stabbed his bully to death will buy one of these in 10 years from now...
 sad world we live in. I feel for those dudes who have given up on human companionship.
How would you explain this to anybody that came over. But I guess if those guys are buying these I doubt they have many friends if any at all.
Originally Posted by DecemberLove

How can you have sex with this thing and not be spooked? What if she moved her eyes or talked?

Seriously I dont like dolls.Im not interested but, do they get wet?
I would be willing to bet the owner has made millions off these dolls. There are a lot of lonely people in the world not to mention people who would purchase based on fetishes.
They should have these in prisons.
I'm not saying this would totally eliminate man-butt-rape, but it would certainly curtail it.
We are some days further now and I can say: it is getting better and better. The things you discover... The things you can or must do: go shopping for her, taking care of her (washing, powdering), dressing her up, moving her,... Kissing her, caressing her, cuddle her, laying next to her, holding her hand, brushing her wig,... too much to mention :smile:"

ho-ly crap. that is sad man.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

We are some days further now and I can say: it is getting better and better. The things you discover... The things you can or must do: go shopping for her, taking care of her (washing, powdering), dressing her up, moving her,... Kissing her, caressing her, cuddle her, laying next to her, holding her hand, brushing her wig,... too much to mention :smile:"

ho-ly crap. that is sad man.

Does that read serial-killerish to anyone else?
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