The feeling an hour before going into work UNAPPRECIATION

Oct 2, 2011
Got me feelin like:


but when i see the paycheck 

How do you feel during that last hour? Gifs appreciated. 
How I feel when I procrastinate doing my work.

How feel when in class, knowing I didn't do the assigned reading.

not even awake an hour before work starts. i work mornings like at 6 or 5 am.
gotta get the money though
waking up in the morning and asking hourself what day it is.....

its a weekday.....ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu
avy niners FTW

but i agree, i hate that hour before work. knowing i won't be free until 8 1/2 hours later
You forgot the feeling when you're in the parking lot trying to convince yourself that running inside and telling everyone that they could %$$@ themselves with a box of wet noodles isn't the best idea
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

waking up in the morning and asking hourself what day it is.....

its a weekday.....ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

How about when you wake up late on an off day and you freak out thinking you're late for work.
usually im rushing around the house like crazy trying to take a shower, and those late showers are usually those showers are the ones that are the best where you dont want to get out of.
Honestly i dont even be thinking bout work till i step in the head be everyplace but work.
The feeling right before you go to sleep as you get ready for work tomorrow 
dat feeling when you wake up an hr to early, look at ur clock and try to go back to sleep for an hour but cant. :wow:hwell
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

waking up in the morning and asking hourself what day it is.....

its a weekday.....ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

How about when you wake up late on an off day and you freak out thinking you're late for work.

damn people really hate work like that? I actually LOVE waking up in the morning (4:30 am at that) and getting out into the world.

I just wish my job was more people/client interactive instead of straight research. ahh well, its your lives though.
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