The girls you meet at college Vol. realize what they looking for

May 27, 2009
trying to wife one of these females, so i can focus on my grind.

just need a big booty *** to hold me down.

but i was having a hard time realizing which girl i was coming across.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, has a party side. but they also have a side where they would like someone to hold them down.

Females who were single and females who were taken would hit me for different reasons.

Some wanted to chill/some wanted to party.

where I was messing up at, was that I was only showing them 1 side. when u should show them both. they admire that you mature and that you can grind, your stable. but it's also a good look to see that you can party and wild out with the right circumstances.

which guy are you? (stable/or partyer) which girl are you trying to attract?

be both, show both. realize that book worms find it attractive that a dude can grind but still party. and realize that partyers like dudes who about that life, but at the same time mature enough to take serious where you can tell them what your working toward and they believe in your grind.

NT agree? disagree? discuss what these college females about.
trying to wife one of these females, so i can focus on my grind.

just need a big booty *** to hold me down.

but i was having a hard time realizing which girl i was coming across.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, has a party side. but they also have a side where they would like someone to hold them down.

Females who were single and females who were taken would hit me for different reasons.

Some wanted to chill/some wanted to party.

where I was messing up at, was that I was only showing them 1 side. when u should show them both. they admire that you mature and that you can grind, your stable. but it's also a good look to see that you can party and wild out with the right circumstances.

which guy are you? (stable/or partyer) which girl are you trying to attract?

be both, show both. realize that book worms find it attractive that a dude can grind but still party. and realize that partyers like dudes who about that life, but at the same time mature enough to take serious where you can tell them what your working toward and they believe in your grind.

NT agree? disagree? discuss what these college females about.
Don't do it.
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Don't do it.
Why not? If you're looking to find someone to settle down with there's no better choice than to do it with someone you went to college with. After you graduate, playing the field is that much harder. Seeing how many of my friends from school are getting married, its something I'm starting to think about more often.

Everyone, including the girls that you'd like to wife, has a party side. College is probably the only time in life for most people to go nuts with little responsibility. There aren't many opportunities to continue to still live the reckless lifestyle when its over. Everyone is getting it out of their system now so that they have no regrets.
Why not? If you're looking to find someone to settle down with there's no better choice than to do it with someone you went to college with. After you graduate, playing the field is that much harder. Seeing how many of my friends from school are getting married, its something I'm starting to think about more often.

Everyone, including the girls that you'd like to wife, has a party side. College is probably the only time in life for most people to go nuts with little responsibility. There aren't many opportunities to continue to still live the reckless lifestyle when its over. Everyone is getting it out of their system now so that they have no regrets.

You get married because you love someone and want to spend the rest of your lives together; not because your buds are also doing it.
Don't worry about looking for wifey, it'll happen naturally. Just go with the flow and not worry for now, it'll happen when its time. For me, I ran into all sorts of garden tools when I was actually looking for someone to settle with. 

Don't worry about about what you're friends are doing, worry about yourself. In the meantime, just stack $$$
I've never met someone who regretted leading a single/playboy lifestyle in college.  But I've met A LOT of dudes who regret having stuck with the same girl 3-4 years only to have it end in a bitter way.

In my opinion, college isn't the time to lock down with one girl.. it's the time to experience as many different opportunities and women as you can. 

OP, I believe getting a girl locked down won't help you focus on your grind.. that's only something you can do intrinsically.  A lot of times people who get in relationships in college get stuck in their ways and get complacent.  Keep your school work and your social life as separate grinds and try to master both.  The ones who figure that out tend to have the best college experience.
You get married because you love someone and want to spend the rest of your lives together; not because your buds are also doing it.
That's not what I meant and I should have went on. I meant that, like them, I should have settled down after getting all the partying and hanging out, out of my system like they did. Now that my friends from college, both guys and girls, are getting married/engaged, its starting to put life in perspective and that I need to get a move on regarding my career and love life.
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Not gonna front; I'm not about that party life while trying to get good grades. At this stage in my life, I know I only have this window to really learn something useful and make a successful career out of it. Its cool if you want to work hard and party hard but I just don't see it helping me get where I want to be. I already struggle enough with classes and I can't imagine dealing with petty drama coming from socializing all the time.

TL;DR I'm pretty anti social and like studying/browsing NT and that's good enough for me.
if u talk to 10 girls in college your lucky if 2 of em are even girlfriend material
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Don't worry about looking for wifey, it'll happen naturally. Just go with the flow and not worry for now, it'll happen when its time. For me, I ran into all sorts of garden tools when I was actually looking for someone to settle with. 

Don't worry about about what you're friends are doing, worry about yourself. In the meantime, just stack $$$

Real life! good advice bruh

I've never met someone who regretted leading a single/playboy lifestyle in college. But I've met A LOT of dudes who regret having stuck with the same girl 3-4 years only to have it end in a bitter way.

In my opinion, college isn't the time to lock down with one girl.. it's the time to experience as many different opportunities and women as you can.

OP, I believe getting a girl locked down won't help you focus on your grind.. that's only something you can do intrinsically. A lot of times people who get in relationships in college get stuck in their ways and get complacent. Keep your school work and your social life as separate grinds and try to master both. The ones who figure that out tend to have the best college experience.

this is true in a couple of cases. but a lot of successful people have been able to focus with having that roc by their side. a wifey to hold me down while working on my undergrad to keep me focused away from these jumps that are a distraction.

Not gonna front; I'm not about that party life while trying to get good grades. At this stage in my life, I know I only have this window to really learn something useful and make a successful career out of it. Its cool if you want to work hard and party hard but I just don't see it helping me get where I want to be. I already struggle enough with classes and I can't imagine dealing with petty drama coming from socializing all the time.
TL;DR I'm pretty anti social and like studying/browsing NT and that's good enough for me.

you ain't alone on this.
90% of girls that get wifed in college cheat.

some simps get back together. some don't.

i had this one class where there was 3 of us that had banged this dude's girl throughout the semester and we were all in the same class.

I didn't know she had a boyfriend and she never told me.

college girls drink and get loose, especially when they feel they might be missing out by having a boyfriend.

and you should be doing the same.
Real life! good advice bruh
this is true in a couple of cases. but a lot of successful people have been able to focus with having that roc by their side. a wifey to hold me down while working on my undergrad to keep me focused away from these jumps that are a distraction.
you ain't alone on this.

this is such backwards thinking to be completely honest. i can't tell you what to do.

but missing out on the easiest golden years of your life is ludicrous to me. you gotta find a way to balance work and play. if you can't do it now how the hell do you expect to do it when you have a 9-5. going to be leading very dull lives.

what is your field of study if you don't mind me asking?
agreed. everyone is complicated and has multiple parts to their character and to show all parts allows someone to become closer with you and feel the real you and appreciate it.
Don't get all wifed up in college man.. worry about that when you graduate and settle into your life. You're still young, got tons of **** to experience and tons of yambs to see.

You wanna get that girl who has a good job and livin on her own, knows where she's going and knows what she wants. Hard to find that in college. Just chill and realize that just because your friends are doin it don't mean you got to. Marriage and long term relationships aren't a joke like 80% of the females in college are.
College doesn't offer any prestige to a female's romantic resume, it does say that she's willing to commit to something or has a goal. That goal may change like most often do. So to define your love life by a female's enrollment in college is kinda of self-destructive.

There's intelligent females who never entered a college classroom. I would say you can tell a lot about a female by what major she's taking. It can give you an edge on her interests and future goals.

Me personally I've found that females with the most sense of self have attended community college. They respect people more, and have more realistic expectations of a man. 

Sometimes women go away for 4 years and comeback a totally different person, and out of touch with reality.

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Everyone telling him to wait until after college forgets that it's even harder to meet and talk to girls after college.  Look at all the threads about how to talk to girls or where to meet girls.
Cosign what A 5th of August said. There's a ton of bad advice being given in this thread. For every skeezer, there's a good woman on campus who is faithful and is looking for a companion. Nothing wrong with dating in college especially in your junior/senior year. You'll see how true this is when you're in the real world and the quality of single women dips dramatically.
I'm actually a bit confused on what you're asking, but I'll just tell you something based on what I saw in 5 years of college.

Late freshmen year, tons of people will be settling down thinking they've found their soul-mate, then fast forward 3-4 years later, and they're divorced, only to immediately hook up with somebody else and basically make the same mistakes. Also (just going by the male POV), you'll come across a chick whose been taken down by every fraternity or the entire football team for a good 2-3 years. Then here comes an out of state transfer who marries the chick after like 2 months, and precedes to make a fool of himself until he figures out she's not some brand new chick, and he wises up and moves on (or on the flipside, he never figures it out, that's a whole different story).

The point, you don't know who has done what, and it's best to make the best judgment you can when dealing with women. It's much better to just do you and be patient, then to be fiending and pining for a chick, only to be left with regrets and egg on your face after certain decisions.
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Don't do it.

Why not? If you're looking to find someone to settle down with there's no better choice than to do it with someone you went to college with. After you graduate, playing the field is that much harder. Seeing how many of my friends from school are getting married, its something I'm starting to think about more often.

Everyone, including the girls that you'd like to wife, has a party side. College is probably the only time in life for most people to go nuts with little responsibility. There aren't many opportunities to continue to still live the reckless lifestyle when its over. Everyone is getting it out of their system now so that they have no regrets.

Many people meet their future S/O in college but a lot don't get serious until after college. 2 of my close friends are both married to people we went to college with. Neither couple started dating in college. Both of my friends were able to enjoy that single life in college and settle down post-college 2-3 years later.

You don't realize it now but the post college years in your mid 20's are pretty formative as well and people can change a lot. I would never date any of the chicks I dated back then now. And my only regret from college is being in a serious relationship for 1 year.
Cosign what A 5th of August said. There's a ton of bad advice being given in this thread. For every skeezer, there's a good woman on campus who is faithful and is looking for a companion. Nothing wrong with dating in college especially in your junior/senior year. You'll see how true this is when you're in the real world and the quality of single women dips dramatically.
I wouldn't say that the quality of single women dip after you graduate, but the number of quality single women available to you do.  You have access to a lot more women in college than you will in "the real world", assuming how most people only have work, a small weekend life, and maybe a hobby.  Good women are present everywhere, but they are hard to find.  If you're trying to find a good woman, I would think that your chances are a lot better in college than after college.
Cosign what A 5th of August said. There's a ton of bad advice being given in this thread. For every skeezer, there's a good woman on campus who is faithful and is looking for a companion. Nothing wrong with dating in college especially in your junior/senior year. You'll see how true this is when you're in the real world and the quality of single women dips dramatically.

Word. Listen to NT if you want to :lol:
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