The I want a bae - The Single Thread

Dec 20, 2000
I want a bae, no matter how annoying that word is.

Where are my single NT'ers at? How long have you been single?

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Im single and ready to mingle.

if any of yall got a cute sister, hook me up


We can be baes...
in a Young Thug kinda way. :nerd:
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You've been on 50+ dates and there was something wrong with each one of them?
jumpman247 jumpman247 :
In a similar situation. 26 and my parents definitely want grandchildren in the near future.

Technically been single for over a year (depending on how you define titles), and honestly love the bachelor lifestyle. Thoroughly enjoy casual dating in NYC and partying with the boys. I'd truthfully trade it all for the right woman, but I'm skeptical about the concept of love. Not sure I'm built for the practice of monogamy. Feels unnatural to me.
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jumpman247 jumpman247 :
In a similar situation. 26 and my parents definitely want grandchildren in the near future.

Been single for over a year, and honestly love the bachelor lifestyle. Thoroughly enjoy casual dating in NYC and partying with the boys. I'd truthfully trade it all for the right woman, but I'm skeptical about the concept of love. Not sure I'm built for the practice of monogamy. Feels unnatural to me.

You're 26 bro, start to worry when you're 31.

You're in having sex with females prime, past college, good job and your own place. Don't Worry.
Just cause im single does not mean I want bae and OP you are in Cali you should be good on meeting new chicks
jumpman247 jumpman247 :
In a similar situation. 26 and my parents definitely want grandchildren in the near future.

Technically been single for over a year (depending on how you define titles), and honestly love the bachelor lifestyle. Thoroughly enjoy casual dating in NYC and partying with the boys. I'd truthfully trade it all for the right woman, but I'm skeptical about the concept of love. Not sure I'm built for the practice of monogamy. Feels unnatural to me.

Unfortunately/fortunately this is how I am, ruined my last relationship w a girl that had it all. I'm 26 too. Its all good man we will be the ones that will be the happiest in the end, we know what makes us happy and we arent afraid to appease ourselves at the end of the day. Bend for a girl? Yes. Break? Hell naw
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Unfortunately/fortunately this is how I am, ruined my last relationship w a girl that had it all. I'm 26 too. Its all good man we will be the ones that will be the happiest in the end, we know what makes us happy and we arent afraid to appease others at the end of the day. Bend for a girl? Yes. Break? Hell naw
I'm with that. All for compromise, but will never fully alter elements that make me (all of us) unique.

We all have one that got away. I call it Gatsby syndrome. You can have all the money and success in the world, doesn't buy timing and feeling.

More time for Oz Open, I guess.
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