the most painful thing in the world...

Getting soap in your mushroom tip.
I can't remember the last time that I've gotten a headache.
What you posted seems like hell.

Another painful thing that I've experienced is waking up in the middle of the night with something stuck in my eye. Short story even shorter, It was horrible.
Ear infection. I literally thought my eardrum was seconds away from exploding and leaving me deaf.

Any type of tooth pain.

Canker sores aren't thee worst but they sure are annoying.

An eyelash on your eyeball feels like a razor blade.
Waking up after the surgery to have my spine fused was the worst pain I've ever felt..
just read the wiki article cluster headaches  sound insane. I don't wish that on anybody.
I heard they were experimenting with giving people shrooms to help with the headaches.. kinda cool
I had a kidney stone last year and that was wild. I can't even describe it - totally delirious with the pain.
Worse than child birth,burns and broken bones?? Miss me with that bull 
...also toof/teef pain

i get migraines from the lights at work. they have those idiotic fluorescent lights, which are bad enough, but when you mix that AND natural light, it causes a headache. the old ***** in my office always turn on the office lights even though where i sit is next to windows with a good amount of natural light.
I don't think I've had cluster headaches, but the headaches I get when my teeth are hurting is enough to make be wanna drill a bullet in my head. OMG they are the worst.
I thought it had something to do with that guy who shoved a glass dildo up his peehole......
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I don't recall ever having a runny nose from a headache, but I think I get these.
I heard they were experimenting with giving people shrooms to help with the headaches.. kinda cool
It works. Saw a special on discovery a while back on pyschadelics and they were showing regular people (including very conservative/religious people) growing and taking them because they swore it was the only thing that helped.
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