The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Anybody watch Basilisk? I just started the anime on ep 2 and so far it is pretty interesting. I'm kinda confused as all the names are thrown around and I'm still trying to get used to who is who. :smh: :rofl:

Are y’all watching the new basilisk or the old one?

I used to have the box set of the old version. Great series!!! If anyone is interested, they made a live action film called Shinobi: Heart Under Blade. One of the first Blu-rays I owned when the PS3 came out. Same premise, but really condensed to fit into one movie...
Super yaaay. The antagonist is one of my favorite in all of anime. But I also really love the crazy psychotic love to fight characters. Also a sucker for the white hairs. And love ice powers.
It was a good anime/Manga. Brutal. And the main character isn't a cry baby type dude like deku
I finished the first episode and I liked it. I guess I'll keep going.

There's only one season? Is it going to keep going?
There is one point where the anime surpassed the Manga. so you may want to switch to the Manga, because the detail is different and it makes more sense. The anime was rushed.

Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood needs to easily be in your anime cue.
Lol my point exactly.

Joint is overrated. NT cult like it that’s about it.

It’s GOOD. Nothing more...
NTanime thread is honestly not my first place to talk anime /manga series. just more convenient because im already on here. and I like you guys.
But Akame ga kill was received very well in other places I comment at.
Hmmm. Just judging off of the word of mouth on here I'm a little worried about akame ga kill. But, I've watched up to episode five and I still like I guess I'll finish it.

I'm also up to episode two of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. More confusing than akame ka gill.

Which one is supposed to be the better show?
Hmmm. Just judging off of the word of mouth on here I'm a little worried about akame ga kill. But, I've watched up to episode five and I still like I guess I'll finish it.

I'm also up to episode two of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. More confusing than akame ka gill.

Which one is supposed to be the better show?

its good bro. its not a bad anime, just overrated on here. (akame ga kill)

keep watching bro, its not even debatable which one is better. FMAB is :pimp:
I'd vote nay. It started off pretty strong and quickly fell off. I do like the antagonist that Tdogg mentioned though and the main character isn't bad. Just felt the writing overall got weak.
The manga is so much more satisfying than the anime. General Esdeath is easily one of my top antagonists out there.
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