The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Now the big question.. get the d90 or d7000?

I was planning on getting the d90 this holiday season for while but it just makes sense to get the newer model.. is that the right move?
Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

Now the big question.. get the d90 or d7000?

I was planning on getting the d90 this holiday season for while but it just makes sense to get the newer model.. is that the right move?

Yes...get the D7000. I think the D90 dropped down in a price a little but the D7000 is roughly the same price as the D90 was. Not only that but it should perform better as well. But if you are seriously stressed on cash, you can get a D90 for pretty cheap. All these punks on Craigslist are messing up how much I wanted to sell my D90 for.

taken from another forum. i'm not a photographer, but thought some of you might enjoy:

This is a circa 1908 Wollensak 35mm F5.0 Cine-Velostigmat hand cranked cinema camera lens. its as cute as a button...literally...


I am a DP and photographer, 90% of the time i use my 5D for stills, professional and not. I have an upcoming photography project that needs a vintage look. Initially i was going to shoot it on 4x5 large format film, but found the equipment and processing cost prohibitive. My friend, a Russian lens technician, who loves nothing more than to frankenstein equipment, was assisting me in building the 4x5 camera. After we abandoned the 4x5 solution, i put the project on back burner. This morning he called me into his store on NYC. He has something for me.... He found in a box of random parts, hidden inside anther lens this gem. A circa 1908 ( possibly earlier) 35mm lens. Still functioning, mostly brass, and not nearly as much dust or fungus as one would think after sitting in a box for over a hundred years. This lens is a piece of motion picture history, and at this point rare beyond words. So i say to him, "Wow... what do you have in mind?" he smiles, and says, ( in the thickest russian accent you can imagine) " i can make this fit EF you know..." my eye twinkled, and then 6 nail biting hours later,he had it finished. My Russian Lens technician is a mad scientist and he took what sounded like an angle grinder to the lens to make its clear the flange distance and the mirror....... This lens' value is unclear. its sort of on loan. It's the only lens of its kind on a 5D... or any digital for that matter.

Its funny while i was shooting these, EVERY photographer i saw stopped and asked me about the lens... it just looks so goofy on there.

Check my site for more photography, and videos.

All of these images are straight Jpegs from the camera.











I will shoot some footage with it, and post it here in the coming days.

enjoy folks.
finally! been waiting for this issue for such a looong time! check it out

REAL JDM EG SIR II & RHD DC2 Turbo (converted)


I saw that lens on the MArk2 on some blog and thought it was dope. I'd like to try something like that.
Originally Posted by ako XL

taken from another forum. i'm not a photographer, but thought some of you might enjoy:

This is a circa 1908 Wollensak 35mm F5.0 Cine-Velostigmat hand cranked cinema camera lens. its as cute as a button...literally...

 am a DP and photographer, 90% of the time i use my 5D for stills, professional and not. I have an upcoming photography project that needs a vintage look. Initially i was going to shoot it on 4x5 large format film, but found the equipment and processing cost prohibitive. My friend, a Russian lens technician, who loves nothing more than to frankenstein equipment, was assisting me in building the 4x5 camera. After we abandoned the 4x5 solution, i put the project on back burner. This morning he called me into his store on NYC. He has something for me.... He found in a box of random parts, hidden inside anther lens this gem. A circa 1908 ( possibly earlier) 35mm lens. Still functioning, mostly brass, and not nearly as much dust or fungus as one would think after sitting in a box for over a hundred years. This lens is a piece of motion picture history, and at this point rare beyond words. So i say to him, "Wow... what do you have in mind?" he smiles, and says, ( in the thickest russian accent you can imagine) " i can make this fit EF you know..." my eye twinkled, and then 6 nail biting hours later,he had it finished. My Russian Lens technician is a mad scientist and he took what sounded like an angle grinder to the lens to make its clear the flange distance and the mirror....... This lens' value is unclear. its sort of on loan. It's the only lens of its kind on a 5D... or any digital for that matter.

Its funny while i was shooting these, EVERY photographer i saw stopped and asked me about the lens... it just looks so goofy on there.

Check my site for more photography, and videos.

All of these images are straight Jpegs from the camera.


I will shoot some footage with it, and post it here in the coming days.

enjoy folks.

great shot.  timeless.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

I never do shoots but did a favor for my preggo friend.





You mentioned you do a lot of PP..what are you doing to get that bright heavy saturated look in these pix?
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