The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

He must be sharpening his photos in post. Whenever you edit a photo down from say a 21mp camera to a 900 pixel one, the photo will always come off a little soft. I always just do a quick little sharpen but keep the thresholds minimal. It does give the photo a little bit of a zing if it was originally shot right.
some really dope work in this thread 
 i hope to be able to contribute quality stuff like this in the future

btw, do any of yall sell prints? i'm moving in a few months and want my new bachelor pad to be like a gallery. i've been looking at buying some prints from, but i wouldn't mind supporting the NT fam. feel free to post in here or PM me
He must be sharpening his photos in post. Whenever you edit a photo down from say a 21mp camera to a 900 pixel one, the photo will always come off a little soft. I always just do a quick little sharpen but keep the thresholds minimal. It does give the photo a little bit of a zing if it was originally shot right.

I was looking for the original pic but I deleted it off my memory card, smh.. I might have but I can't remember.

some really dope work in this thread :smokin  i hope to be able to contribute quality stuff like this in the future

btw, do any of yall sell prints? i'm moving in a few months and want my new bachelor pad to be like a gallery. i've been looking at buying some prints from, but i wouldn't mind supporting the NT fam. feel free to post in here or PM me

Never have but that's a cool idea. There's a lot of pics in here I'd be interested in having.
I posted this pic a few pages back but wanted to add something to it. Saw a double exposure tutorial and thought I would try it out on this image.

P.S. I don't care what mode you capture an image in, it's all about the final result.
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^^ that really makes me wanna try out double exposures. I'll def try for our maternity photos next month
The final result from shooting auto will never top the results you'll get from getting well acquainted with manual mode and shooting with it.

I mean is this the photography thread or the Snapshots thread? ya want to enhance your knowledge on the subject or just wanna look cool with a big *** DSLR around ya necks? are selling yourself short by shooting on the green box with a DSLR, would you buy a motorcycle and ride 10mph?
Decided to go out and get some pics on this stormy day. I could not get the right exposure. I either got the sky to be too bright and couldn't distinguish the clouds or the overall picture was too dark. Any tips on shooting with a gloomy day or when its too sunny?

you could maybe use a polarizer, but more likely a graduated filter (one part/side of this filter is darker than the other; I think these are also more expensive?) or an nd filter for those really sunny days...or if you want to be fancy you could bracket shots, shooting and overexposed, underexposed, and something roughly between or a few shots that in between then combine the shots with ps to get better dynamic range; I guess that's technically HDR but you could do this subtly as well...
Shooting during a cloudy day will likely result in needing to change settings as clouds change and the sun pokes in and out behind em. (Shooters using auto may benefit in speed of shots taken these days lol) Low ISO (1-500) and shutter speed 160-250 should yield a balanced photo. Sometimes shooting in raw and fixing in post is your best bet
[COLOR=#red]Dabottom, your issue can be solved by learning and understanding metering. It's how the sensor of your camera evaluates light and exposure. There are usually 3 metering modes on cams...matrix, center, and spot. Look those terms up and then experiment with the modes on challenging scenes like you described. It will help you in those situations. Metering is something usually neglected by Photogs.[/COLOR]
^^ that really makes me wanna try out double exposures. I'll def try for our maternity photos next month

I was thinking of doing the same thing with my wife (she's 8 months now). We were thinking of shooting a "mother nature" series.
So while in ATL, my camera was caught in rain!

I tookn some test shots and everything came out good. My lens cap was on and I held it under my arm until I got to a dry place and put it in my backpack. Is there any long term damage that I should worry about?
So while in ATL, my camera was caught in rain!

I tookn some test shots and everything came out good. My lens cap was on and I held it under my arm until I got to a dry place and put it in my backpack. Is there any long term damage that I should worry about?
What type of camera. My 70D is water resistant, but not waterproof. Unless submerged I think you should be fine.
@DaBottom305 do you have any tips on purchasing tripods. That's going to be my next investment. And that holiday inn pic you had was with a high shutter speed? Is that what gives you that effect with the lights?

Don't even talk to me :nthat:

Expecting to see some next level photos from you :lol:

Congrats on the hardware!

@dunksrnice Was looking through your blog and read what you posted. A lot of people don't share their life on here but I found it interesting that you went from going to nursing school to follow your dream of being a photographer instead. More power to you for chasing your dreams man! Never give up on that!

Five years ago - Vent

I don't usually vent or put out my personal life on here as much as I use to. When I do, I generally let my photographs do the talking. I'm not the best or the greatest trying to sum up things that goes on in my head but I'll try. Since Summer officially started, I was waiting to do a blog entry exactly on this day and every other day how I usually do it. When I did, I decided to check out how many spam comments my blog gets and it was so many. I clicked a few old entries and for whatever reason, it matched up today's date five years ago. In 2009 I had my fair share of good memories and a even more bad memories.

I was clicking through previous entries over and over until I finally stopped and reflected on where my current life position and situation. It was a photo of me pursing nursing and how I was miserable. I hated it honestly, I really did. I knew for a fact I was doing nursing only for two main reasons. One, because my mom is a nurse and she lives life great. Fast forward five years later, she's retiring at the end of this month along with my dad. It's a happy site to see at the same time, my parents are getting older and older each day. As for my dad, I remember exactly what happened and what he exactly said.

In 2009 I dropped out of college for the second time. I was lost, confused, and didn't have a sense of direction in where my life was heading. That was only a small amount of it. What was worse was the fact my parents just decided to basically give up on me and even getting kicked out my house for not following their dreams of being a nurse. My dad said I would never amount to anything and my mom just didn't care anymore. I wanted to pursue in gaming because that was something I was always good at.

At this time, I never thought photography as a career because I would always do it just as a hobby and I never got any encouragement to really pursue it. This is were kind words really do go a long way because I remember those who told me what my photography was something but I never really took it upon their words to actually really do something about it. In a way when I look back my parents were really just trying to push me because they knew I would be something and not some person who never did grow up, matured, and actually got my stuff together.

Towards the end of 2009, I was still unemployed and going through a lot in my life but during these rough times I was going through, made me hungry and when I got my stuff together, I knew it was all me. That I would prove those who doubted me and even proved to myself I'm going to make something out myself. At the end of 2009, Mindy and I sat in my room thinking and talking about our life together and we had all these ideas. All these ideas yet we didn't get to far but it wasn't until she finally said "Why don't you pursue photography? It's the only thing that has ever made you happy and I believe you can do it and make it." I knew it was a competitive field and I was such an amateur that I had many doubts but I stuck to it. Ever since that night, I stuck to it and worked on my photography career.

Fast forward five years. I'm constantly working everyday and ever night. Up late at night barely getting any sleep, pursuing and chasing my dreams. I lose sleep, time with family, friends and it never ends but I feel you have to be selfish in order to achieve your dreams. I believe this is why I'm so hungry and do what I do. I stopped caring for so many purposes and at times it may feel wrong but it's a goal I've been hungry five years ago which feels even longer. Listening to Big Sean's Finally Famous & Hall Of Fame albums, he has two tracks called Memories & All figured Out. Like I said I sometimes can't put into words but musicians do.
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