The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

I get what you are trying to do. And we all appreciate the help. But your examples are like a cooking show who burns or undercooks the food. Not showing the correct method/setup and final product is actually useless. You are teaching kid to shoot jumpers and you are missing all of them. And every time you brick your response is "I wasn't trying to be perfect".
Wait what? Im not sure what you are trying to imply but on my original post I gave example and positions for better images. What else you want me to do?
he's talking about me
Oh ... He quoted me though ... LoL

Anyways ... Here are some basic and more advance lighting technics

You should use this as a starting point ... You arr the shooter and untimely know what your final result should look.
thanks, contrary to my apparently terrible examples I've studied light setups and have been setting up studio lighting equipment since I was 12 but I too only have an external light which is why i do a lot of work outside and why I know how to get a somewhat decent setup.

I do have a studio that I can rent whenever but just never got around to taking time to play around in it
thanks, contrary to my apparently terrible examples I've studied light setups and have been setting up studio lighting equipment since I was 12 but I too only have an external light which is why i do a lot of work outside and why I know how to get a somewhat decent setup.

I do have a studio that I can rent whenever but just never got around to taking time to play around in it
LoL but I wasn't trying to help you since you made it clear that you was just trying to help someone else ... LoL

It's cool though bruh ... You been setting lighting since 12 and how old are you now? What brand you use most?

You should be taking advantage when you ate there and sneak a few shots and develop you profile.
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whoops lol i'm just stepping all out of my bounds lol

i'm 25 now, when I first started out with my aunt we were using pbl lights i think, it was such a long time ago lol

I should go out there and take pics but usually i'm the only one who wants to take pics and i don't always wanna take selfies lol
thanks for the tips on my last post. watched a couple of youtube videos but still have no idea what im doing lol.
have to say its pretty fun  getting on your bike with a couple friends, beers and finding spots to chill and shoot.
can i get a decent tripod for bout 50-100? 

you can definitely get a serviceable tripod for $50, but if you plan to continue & progress it might be better to invest in something that will be really sturdy (i definitely wish i did, the tripod i rock with now is a little flimsy) for those times you REALLY ned it to be super steady....yea it is nuts how much info there is out here...get an introduction to a technique a go out & shoot with right after, the thing i'm trying to do is slow myself down and find more interesting angles, definitely prefer shooting at night though

tokes99 tokes99 think that first one was shot at a 13 second exposure at ISO 50?

yup, technically my camera's native iso is 100 but it does some in camera magic to drop toan extended 50 iso (which i guess is technically its native iso underexposed like a 1/2 or 1 full stop #techspecs), i just wanted the least amount of sensitivity as to not blow out the sky while getting movement in the clouds...and i don't have an nd filter for that lens, but its hella slow with an f5.6 widest aperture
you got this, i wouldn't worry about the wall, you can easily blow it out to white in post anyways...i guess having all the photographic accouterment would make things a whole lot easier but i would ask does it HAVE to be taken in that room (could you take these in front of the business or do full body shots where they are doing there jobs?), can you think of something/somewhere creative to have them do/pose? you're the guy with the camera so its up to you fam...

a few from last night:

I was going to use that room for the portraits, just have them sit on the chair and strike a pose (the cable wires and clock are removable) and this room for the group shot. The wall is bigger so everyone will be able to fit but I'm not sure about the lighting so I'll have to figure that part out.

Great shots btw! Always love your work!


You can do it with no flash as well. This is all natural light inside my garage with the garage door open and seamless white savage paper as a background. If you have to shoot in a confined space like the office shown, I would use at least one speedlight with a modifier (softbox) and make sure to light all the subjects the same way to show consistency.

Once I get there next week I'll take a few practice shots and figure out what works best, maybe a slightly higher shutter speed will work then edit the exposure in LR, idk I'll figure it out.

it's just so much easier shooting cars and editing them :lol: I'll have to watch some videos on retouching portrait shots in the meantime.
Simplify your life bro, no need for softboxes and crap, space is limited as is...just aim your flash back and up at angle, bounce it of the ceiling and you'll get a nice even flush light.

Today I had this little man in the studio

Simplify your life bro, no need for softboxes and crap, space is limited as is...just aim your flash back and up at angle, bounce it of the ceiling and you'll get a nice even flush light.

Today I had this little man in the studio

I suppose ... Is it going to be the same ... No is not ... Period.

There are plenty of portable studio flashes IE AlienBees and portable softboxes or beuty dishes. Quick simple and will render good results ... That flat lighting is flat ... But then again I do a lot of beauty and fashion and that bouncing joint ain't cutting it.
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Say @yanky  browsing your flickr now and crazy lovely shots and I'm thinking about doing some freelance work with automobile photography, any tips on composing shots and such?
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I suppose ... Is it going to be the same ... No is not ... Period.

There are plenty of portable studio flashes IE AlienBees and portable softboxes or beuty dishes. Quick simple and will render good results ... That flat lighting is flat ... But then again I do a lot of beauty and fashion and that bouncing joint ain't cutting it.

What flat light you speak of bro? Bouncing a flash renders a nice soft light on the subjects....

Of course an AB with a diffuser will do a better job, IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT, otherwise you'll be just complicating your life and spending unessesary money.

But hey [emoji]9749[/emoji]️[emoji]128056[/emoji]
What flat light you speak of bro? Bouncing a flash renders a nice soft light on the subjects....

Of course an AB with a diffuser will do a better job, IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT, otherwise you'll be just complicating your life and spending unessesary money.

But hey [emoji]9749[/emoji]️[emoji]128056[/emoji]
Naw man ... I'm good ... I don't know what I'm doing ... The only bounce I use on any beauty shoot is from main light hitting the v flats as fill ... But I guess this aint beauty what we are talking about but rather work portrait ...

There's nothing complicated about setting a beauty dish with a disfuser and using a light meter ... Get perfect even lighting across the face instead of complicating your life with bouncing light, ceiling heights, color temp. Un even lighting, etc.

But hey .. It's cool ... You have your view on things and I have other views ... Just saying that I have never ever seen a fashion/beauty photographer bounce their flash of a wall .. Maybe use and umbrella and bounce it back but from walls? That's that club, event, wedding technique
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Wait what? Im not sure what you are trying to imply but on my original post I gave example and positions for better images. What else you want me to do?
he's talking about me
Yeah my bad keko jones keko jones

But iamdef iamdef I appreciate your contributions. But I would like to see the final product. I'm learning a lot from this thread. And from someone who takes everything said in here and tries it, I have to say your advice and examples leave a lot to be imagined. Keep contributing but let's see the end product.
Naw man ... I'm good ... I don't know what I'm doing ... The only bounce I use on any beauty shoot is from main light hitting the v flats as fill ... But I guess this aint beauty what we are talking about but rather work portrait ...

There's nothing complicated about setting a beauty dish with a disfuser and using a light meter ... Get perfect even lighting across the face instead of complicating your life with bouncing light, ceiling heights, color temp. Un even lighting, etc.

But hey .. It's cool ... You have your view on things and I have other views ... Just saying that I have never ever seen a fashion/beauty photographer bounce their flash of a wall .. Maybe use and umbrella and bounce it back but from walls? That's that club, event, wedding technique

Of course a beauty/fashion photographer needs to know his ins and outs with lighting, strobes, reflectors, diffuser...but take a second to understand who you are advising here, you are legit telling this man to go buy an AB (400$) a softbox (150$+) btw gotta be a huge one to evenly light a group which I think he mentioned he planned on shooting, and that's just 1 strobe....maybe he can cut corners and buy a really large reflector to fill in whatever shadows he might have...let's not forget triggers, now look at the space he plans on shooting in :rofl: AND he has to teach himself how to properly set up and operate these things, to you it may be simple because well you've been doing so a while, but I'm sure you didn't learn how to manage strobe lighting over night...I get it man, ideally what you suggested would render nice results, but don't rush dude into going out and buying things he won't have time to learn how to use, end up frustrating himself and ruining his gig.

And don't get defensive man, wth is it about photographers who feel their ego is being attacked each time someone else shows up with an opposite opinion?...geez man..
I've been working with an Einstein for sometime and decided to go back to natural window light for today's shoot, legit got the same results with less clutter :lol:

Of course a beauty/fashion photographer needs to know his ins and outs with lighting, strobes, reflectors, diffuser...but take a second to understand who you are advising here, you are legit telling this man to go buy an AB (400$) a softbox (150$+) btw gotta be a huge one to evenly light a group which I think he mentioned he planned on shooting, and that's just 1 strobe....maybe he can cut corners and buy a really large reflector to fill in whatever shadows he might have...let's not forget triggers, now look at the space he plans on shooting in :rofl: AND he has to teach himself how to properly set up and operate these things, to you it may be simple because well you've been doing so a while, but I'm sure you didn't learn how to manage strobe lighting over night...I get it man, ideally what you suggested would render nice results, but don't rush dude into going out and buying things he won't have time to learn how to use, end up frustrating himself and ruining his gig.

And don't get defensive man, wth is it about photographers who feel their ego is being attacked each time someone else shows up with an opposite opinion?...geez man..
My ego? How you figure you hurting it? I gave my opinion and you gave yours. I'm looking at it in a beauty pro shooter way and you are looking at it in a event "easy" way. But never that ... Suggesting a flash and bounce the light of the wall or the ceiling is equally as ridiculous. The same scenario about equally distributing light would apply to one strobe and I don't know about you but flashes like I use 580 cost more than an AB ... In addition everything that he will need to know about the strobe he will need to know about the flash.

Plus you don't need a softbox that was just my first recommendation and he doesn't need a beauty dish that was my second. There are tons of other space saving diffusers.

I also get what u saying and that's why we all give our opinions .. There's no need to try and knock each others down to persuaded ur opinion because at the end of the day he might have more success with the others.

If I was to do that gig and all I had was flashes ... I would just buy a couple of umbrellas and place both flashes on each corner at a 45 degree angle and bounce the light back. It will render equally spread light and covet all.

IMHO like u stated ... He doesn't have much experience and just by saying bounce the light of ceiling us just not going to cut it and the images most likely going to look like anyone could of have taken them with a regular camera.

If I was getting advice I would want to know what would yield the best results then read up on them and test them at home before going out.
I've been working with an Einstein for sometime and decided to go back to natural window light for today's shoot, legit got the same results with less clutter :lol:

If u understand lighting u can get good results with just about any type of lighting ....

However you using certain lighting for certain things ..

You just arent going to get these results with a window


Again you don't need to drag your entire studio to a photoshoot.

Simple small flash or strobe a good portable diffuser and reflector and you are in business. If you are into the natural feel then u don't even need that ... But if I'm shooting portraits for a business ... No way in hell that I'm using window lighting as Ita not even a proffesional look.

PS shot in smaller places with just what i describe and got super results because everything is located wherebit needs to.
Well whichever method he chooses, best of luck, photography is always evolving and we are constantly learning....shooting with strobes is awesome once you understand it, if you don't, that **** will frustrate the crap out of anyone :lol:
that last pic of the baby with the beanie tho so dope 

tokes99  thanks for the tip and man those last pics are insane 

late night mission tonight. i had my shutter speed at 8" because i dunno lol but i was able to find

a gate to set my camera still 
^^^ I'll take it .... 

It's never a bad idea to see what others are doing ...

You should just uploaded to like a sendspace/megashare and post the link or you can PM it.
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