The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Simple setup with one flash

I'll try that set up if I can get a flash, I got an extra bed sheet lying around so I'll also use that, what's behind the bed sheet to keep it from falling down? I was thinking about using duct tape but then it would look unprofessional. lol
To prevent harsh shadows you'd need that external flash and bounce it off the wall or ceiling(I chose ceiling)

To prevent harsh shadows you'd need that external flash and bounce it off the wall or ceiling(I chose ceiling)


A better way to do this would be to add a second light. Have the subject step away from the backdrop and light it behind her. Then light her. You'll get a white backdrop and her exposed too.
^Not sure if I'm understanding you correctly but you're saying take two shots and combine them?

Thanks for the help iamdef iamdef
No prob

I think he's referring to a second light source behind the subject
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Just went out and tried to practice long exposures with cars going by while I'm still in Atlanta.....and of course it started raining but this what I got that was decent.
I'm getting nervous now about this portrait shoot now. I don't have a backdrop, softbox, or lights and from everything that I'm reading online this is what many photographers use.

This is probably going to be the shoot location, get some of that light in from the sun:


I don't want to get all the details in the wall so that's my main concern right now but I have a week to practice at home.

you got this, i wouldn't worry about the wall, you can easily blow it out to white in post anyways...i guess having all the photographic accouterment would make things a whole lot easier but i would ask does it HAVE to be taken in that room (could you take these in front of the business or do full body shots where they are doing there jobs?), can you think of something/somewhere creative to have them do/pose? you're the guy with the camera so its up to you fam...

a few from last night:

_DSC4774.jpg by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

_DSC4773.jpg by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

drive slow by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr
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I only have two right now, the 24-105mm and 28mm so I was probably going to bring the 24-105mm. I don't have an external flash so I might have to borrow one from my friend but if I'm not able to then I might just position at an angle so their isn't a reflection on the wall.
They want one group photo and one headshot per person. There's actually only six people so I'm not sure how they'll fit in that room. There is a larger wall that they have but there aren't any windows nearby so the light from the ceilings is all I'll have to work with. I'll see if my friend will let me borrow his flash and I'll mess around with it but since this is my first time I don't want to disappoint especially since it's a paid shoot. Thanks for the info guys, it really helps me a lot since I'm not used to shooting people. :lol:

You can do it with no flash as well. This is all natural light inside my garage with the garage door open and seamless white savage paper as a background. If you have to shoot in a confined space like the office shown, I would use at least one speedlight with a modifier (softbox) and make sure to light all the subjects the same way to show consistency.
It can definitely be done in post but if he can avoid that work then why not go for it? He could also composite al of the staff together if space is really an issue
To prevent harsh shadows you'd need that external flash and bounce it off the wall or ceiling(I chose ceiling)


You need some work on these ...

A few things you can do ...

1. Buy a diffuser (soft box, beauty dish, etc) and have the light directed at her. The lighting wouldn't look so flat.

2. Buy another flash and do a clam one top and bottom angled at 45 and u shoot in between the flashes ... That's a simple beauty setup

3. Being that you arent using seamless paper or a flat surface. I suggest either you light the BG to blow it out or put the sub away from the BG so the is not as noticeable.

4. Shoot in RAW for additional post production power.

There are tons of other tips I can give but those would be mines for the beauty you wanted to create ....
You need some work on these ...

A few things you can do ...

1. Buy a diffuser (soft box, beauty dish, etc) and have the light directed at her. The lighting wouldn't look so flat.

2. Buy another flash and do a clam one top and bottom angled at 45 and u shoot in between the flashes ... That's a simple beauty setup

3. Being that you arent using seamless paper or a flat surface. I suggest either you light the BG to blow it out or put the sub away from the BG so the is not as noticeable.

4. Shoot in RAW for additional post production power.

There are tons of other tips I can give but those would be mines for the beauty you wanted to create ....
I appreciate the notes, but this was a quick job just so he would have an idea about what he'd need to do with that room. Since he basically has a room and possibly an external flash I left it very simple.

Camera infront of subject with external flash on camera with the flash pointed up towards the ceiling or actually toward the corner where the wall and the ceiling meet
Just went out and tried to practice long exposures with cars going by while I'm still in Atlanta.....and of course it started raining but this what I got that was decent.
When it comes to long exposures only way to foul em up is with a shaky tripod. This came out pretty good, only suggestion would be find a aesthically pleasing location

Tokes those pics are crazy nice
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I appreciate the notes, but this was a quick job just so he would have an idea about what he'd need to do with that room. Since he basically has a room and possibly an external flash I left it very simple.

Camera infront of subject with external flash on camera with the flash pointed up towards the ceiling or actually toward the corner where the wall and the ceiling meet
Oh got it ... However bouncing from the ceiling can be problematic ... If the flash is not strong enough or is not a true white it can jack everything up ... Plus like ur Pict the lighting IMHO is just flat ...
Those are very cool. How long was your exposure?

Too much crap in the sky to get decent stars like that around here....

these weren't too long, because I wanted to try to get the stars fixed in the sky rather than star trails, but I think most were around 2 minutes (with a little bit of light painting)...and actually i didn't have to go that far out; and supposedly by overexposing (even with a good amount of light pollution) - exposing to the right of the histogram - you can get stars over cities (you have to be shooting raw though), definitely going to eventually try this out...
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Oh got it ... However bouncing from the ceiling can be problematic ... If the flash is not strong enough or is not a true white it can jack everything up ... Plus like ur Pict the lighting IMHO is just flat ...
understood, i suppose I could have taken more shots with the flash firing at different angles (ceiling, left wall, right wall, direct) but I just wanted him to get a general idea which is why I wasn't really trying to get the perfect shot. I'll post some of the pics from our baby shower
What is that light at the end of the pier? Search light?

in some of the pics the light from cars is merging with whatever the light source, I couldn't see what was on the other side though...the bridge was mad creaky and long; I wasn't going to cross it on my motorcycle with it being so dark...
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understood, i suppose I could have taken more shots with the flash firing at different angles (ceiling, left wall, right wall, direct) but I just wanted him to get a general idea which is why I wasn't really trying to get the perfect shot. I'll post some of the pics from our baby shower
Cool ... Do you have beauty images you can post?
I'm going to assume by "beauty images" you mean studio model work? if so, no.

Most work I've done is events ie the poetry nights and sneaker conventions and some church services


family pictures on location


and a few senior, prom, and grad pictures


This is my lady, she's a beauty, does this count lol?

understood, i suppose I could have taken more shots with the flash firing at different angles (ceiling, left wall, right wall, direct) but I just wanted him to get a general idea which is why I wasn't really trying to get the perfect shot. I'll post some of the pics from our baby shower
Cool ... Do you have beauty images you can post?
I get what you are trying to do. And we all appreciate the help. But your examples are like a cooking show who burns or undercooks the food. Not showing the correct method/setup and final product is actually useless. You are teaching kid to shoot jumpers and you are missing all of them. And every time you brick your response is "I wasn't trying to be perfect".
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