Ugly chicks actually smash more dudes. You clearly dont know women. Ugly fat women sex numbers> Hot women sex numbers
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Im gonna be honest, several of you have made some interesting points.

50-100 partners though by say...age 30? seems excessive even for the average club-frequenting female.
100 ppl by age 30? dude thats porn star numbers. Some of yall acting like some of these women wont be in committed relationships where they only sleep with 1 guy for a long period of time.....
Idk about 30 and up but maybe 10-20 when a women is in her the early 20's ..FACT: this month,the summer,and the first 3 weeks of college is when most of the carnage goes down

A theory of mines: women are more prone to give it up on all holidays except thanksgiving and of course religious onesMy mans lubu knows..chubby women are the ones whose numbers are in the 20's and 30's you would be surprised who slides them...I know plenty of dudes hell even myself Smh who mess/have messed with cute to top notch women but would slay a fat scaliwag in a heartbeat and fell no shame the next day Lmao
Why does it matter if you're smashing? Unless she has nothing to make a home or it's a hot dog in a school hallway forget about it.

Random girl = random number.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Let me save this thread with some real info...the days of finding the virginal chick are over. Dudes %**$...women %**$'s a part of life. We need to get that double standard #!@% out of our minds.

The real answer is this...chances are the hotter the female the more partners they have had sex with...why is that you ask? Because attractive women garner more interest and have more opportunities to %**$. The average really good looking woman these days will have sex with at least 15 guys, but the number can reach well into the 50's. A woman will usually only tell you about the boyfriends they have slept with...they usually leave out the one night stands, and their homie lover friends. If you can't deal with the truth...NEVER ask.

If you are a white guy with a white woman, NEVER ask if she has been with a black dude...because automatically you are going to think she was getting reamed by a 14 inch telephone pole and that you are not adequate enough.

Disagree 100%
The average male would not have enough balls to go to a hot/attractive woman, therefore she has less chances.  She probably carries a sense of entitlement with her, she's probably arrogant as hell because men fawn over her non-stop.  

The average woman though, is probably easier to approach, not as arrogant, less pompous....etc.  They are even easier to get at once the sauce hits...
i think closer to 100 that 0 is a good guess, fambs...

just think how many biddies you downed w/ no effort...
whats the point of knowing how many or guessing in the double to triple digits? you gonna ask for a full history?
Originally Posted by Lubu1

Ugly chicks actually smash more dudes. You clearly dont know women. Ugly fat women sex numbers> Hot women sex numbers

the amount of dudes may vary but they may not necessarily be performing the act as often. i don't think it's relative
Originally Posted by oidreez

whats the point of knowing how many or guessing in the double to triple digits? you gonna ask for a full history?

This is NT, where most believe that thier perfect match is sitting in a cave some where waiting to be UN-DSed by them.
Show me the CarFax

Keep in mind beautiful women get approached by the most desirable males, and what's gonna make them NOT wanna date/sleep with some guy with good grades, attractive, good job, money etc?

Are these type of men that rare? Not really, and the level of swag or desirability is judged differently by all women on different criteria... This is why you see girls who seem and act like innocent nice girls still get splashed on by corny thug/d-bag/fratboy/promoter/rapper/hipster/hypebeast/sleezy lawyer/etc type dudes. And best believe some good girls still let "interesting" hip/artistic dudes like me have sex with them or date for a short amount of time with some guaranteed sex happening. I'm not even a badboy or lame "cool" dude, but I am an artist and girls chase what seems interesting to them, much like a dog chases a laser being flashed around a room, simply in hopes of finding out what's there..

Good looking women can smash the best guys....not that I'm judging them really, but I'm saying to yall that they have plenty of options and can be picky, but aren't always.
Originally Posted by CJ863

No man wants a woman that's been with everybody.
One in the same a mature guy knows that the woman he wants to take serious has some sexual history.
You guys don't know nothing about women, men, or life

Looks don't matter.  The better looking the woman only changes the caliber of man she can get to wife or sleep with her. 

Its all about the type of woman.  That's something that doesn't have anything to do with looks.  There's dimes that are slides and there's ugly chicks that are slides.

Only difference is the dime will get more offers from men.  And the offers from a certain type of men (rich, famous, confident) will increase. 

Its all on her personality to choose who she sleeps with.  Thats up to you to decide what type of chick she is. 
Considering the numerous amount of women I've stuck my D in, and also considering a woman regardless of looks can get laid whenever she wants...

I think the average amount of D's a 25 year old woman has taken in her life is in the 20-30 range.
If you don't think women's numbers are up there with mens' numbers, who do you think dudes are smashing? The same few women?



Smarten up.
Originally Posted by Lubu1

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Im gonna be honest, several of you have made some interesting points.

50-100 partners though by say...age 30? seems excessive even for the average club-frequenting female.
100 ppl by age 30? dude thats porn star numbers. Some of yall acting like some of these women wont be in committed relationships where they only sleep with 1 guy for a long period of time.....

Yeah thats what I was trying to tell my boy. Because most girls have a boyfriend at some point of their life. Or at least have been somebodys side piece or booty call for a a few months or a semester. They may go on slutty streak but alot times they cool down for a little bit of time.
There are some women who live their lives like that but that's not all women. Some of my female friends who are looser have some messed up self-esteem and play into that living life and %%@#@%! like a dude when they don't have to. They have been played so many times they try and be like dudes and just get short changed. Not every dude that has "swag" or money deserves the cookie. For some women 20-30 dudes may be plausible but she has to have a certain type of mentality for that.
Not sure how women believe they are empowering themselves by sleeping around. Little girls dreaming of life as a single mom now? Dreaming about spending time in court trying to get multiple baby daddies to pay CS? Dreaming about abortions? What about STDs? Think condoms will protect them from all the potential negatives that come with being promiscuous?

Might be fun while young and attractive, but when real life catches up to them they end up as some bitter middle-aged women and they no longer have the looks they did while younger.  They aren't empowering themselves, they're devaluing themselves.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Oh. Women in relationships don't get that side D? Oh.
 Yup.  I know plenty of females whom are in committed relationships/marriages and they are cheating.   It's usually a don't ask... don't tell policy that a lot of relationships have.  Sure there are those religious females that won't give it up the first or second date, but they can still easily be manipulated... remember everyone likes to *@%#.  It doesn't take much for dudes like me to turn them out.  

Personally I could care less cause my list is pretty extensive so I never bother to ask how many.  I do not discuss that with any chick.  All I know is once we start slapping, you don't even need to ask cause you already know how experience she is based on how the session was.  If it's boring missionary only crap and it's tight as hell or she won't do this or that, then the number of guys she's been with is probably low.  However when you're having that Jenna Jameson type sex session, you already know she's been around. 
Originally Posted by Lubu1

Ugly chicks actually smash more dudes. You clearly dont know women. Ugly fat women sex numbers> Hot women sex numbers

this man knows.....
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Keep in mind beautiful women get approached by the most desirable males, and what's gonna make them NOT wanna date/sleep with some guy with good grades, attractive, good job, money etc?

Are these type of men that rare? Not really, and the level of swag or desirability is judged differently by all women on different criteria... This is why you see girls who seem and act like innocent nice girls still get splashed on by corny thug/d-bag/fratboy/promoter/rapper/hipster/hypebeast/sleezy lawyer/etc type dudes. And best believe some good girls still let "interesting" hip/artistic dudes like me have sex with them or date for a short amount of time with some guaranteed sex happening. I'm not even a badboy or lame "cool" dude, but I am an artist and girls chase what seems interesting to them, much like a dog chases a laser being flashed around a room, simply in hopes of finding out what's there..

Good looking women can smash the best guys....not that I'm judging them really, but I'm saying to yall that they have plenty of options and can be picky, but aren't always.

Wrong wrong wrong. Beautiful women get approached by all kinds of men.  LOL Good grades. really plehboi? Beatiful women sleep with who they want to sleep with.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Let me save this thread with some real info...the days of finding the virginal chick are over. Dudes %**$...women %**$'s a part of life. We need to get that double standard #!@% out of our minds.

No. those days are not didn't save anything...all you did was project your ignorance.
I expect even the ugliest girl to have had at least 5-7 partners in her lifetime. Unless she's super duper weird and socially challenged.

Guys (maybe globally) are all fighting over the P and females play this power game of rationing out the P to the same typical type of males that use them up till they get in their late 30's then they want to settle cause well they aren't so in demand like they were when they were younger.

By then older guys don't want them cause they know all about them and this is where the cougar mentality comes in.
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