Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by Lubu1

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Keep in mind beautiful women get approached by the most desirable males, and what's gonna make them NOT wanna date/sleep with some guy with good grades, attractive, good job, money etc?

Are these type of men that rare? Not really, and the level of swag or desirability is judged differently by all women on different criteria... This is why you see girls who seem and act like innocent nice girls still get splashed on by corny thug/d-bag/fratboy/promoter/rapper/hipster/hypebeast/sleezy lawyer/etc type dudes. And best believe some good girls still let "interesting" hip/artistic dudes like me have sex with them or date for a short amount of time with some guaranteed sex happening. I'm not even a badboy or lame "cool" dude, but I am an artist and girls chase what seems interesting to them, much like a dog chases a laser being flashed around a room, simply in hopes of finding out what's there..

Good looking women can smash the best guys....not that I'm judging them really, but I'm saying to yall that they have plenty of options and can be picky, but aren't always.

Wrong wrong wrong. Beautiful women get approached by all kinds of men.  LOL Good grades. really plehboi? Beatiful women sleep with who they want to sleep with.
Good grades/social status/frat/college he goes to/etc might mean more to some hot chicks in college
To some, but to the majority no. Women think like us sometimes. If she thinks dude looks good, she will want to interact with him, as his appearance was the first thing to draw her into him.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Who cares, you don't wanna know the truth anyway

Speak for yourself boss. That number can tell a lot about a person. Its all about which number you feel comfortable with. A low number may mean she may only want a long term relationship where she only wants sex with just that 1 person over a period of time(in other words she wants a boyfriend, not bang buddy) while a high number could mean while she is experience, she is also wreckless with that Box and your penis is going to have a very detailed trip that could lead to a sad ending. The same analysis can be used by women on men.

All of this goes to how that individual person feels about which number is low, high, or just right.
^^^Your post then the Cosby avy
Originally Posted by Lubu1

I always find it funny when ppl be talking about chicks just be busting it open for dinner. What if dinner was good and she actually was feeling him and just felt right to have sex with him?

If a chick pays for my mcdonalds, and I bang her dinner, does that mean i had sex for mcdonalds? That logic dont make any sense. Only person I've heard of having sex for dinner was this girl on maury who stated she HAD SEX FOR A CHEESE BURGER.

Wouldn't touch her with an invisible pole

average chicks get more D than 10s cuz no matter the caliber of the guy, a dude will be a dude and try to go after girls they think they can have sex with the fastest.

10s do have more choices, but tend to deal with other guys on their level financially and socially on a consistent basis.

10s in women really wont smash 2-6 guys on the regular...

on the flip, (no ayo) 10s that are men have more choices, just like women.

however, they'll deal w/ 2-6s on the regular... smash, or even wife up a average chick that's poor, but a nice person...

Originally Posted by ricky409


average chicks get more D than 10s cuz no matter the caliber of the guy, a dude will be a dude and try to go after girls they think they can have sex with the fastest.

This is NT. Its dimes or fap!
Originally Posted by ricky409


average chicks get more D than 10s cuz no matter the caliber of the guy, a dude will be a dude and try to go after girls they think they can have sex with the fastest.

10s do have more choices, but tend to deal with other guys on their level financially and socially on a consistent basis.

10s in women really wont smash 2-6 guys on the regular...

on the flip, (no ayo) 10s that are men have more choices, just like women.

however, they'll deal w/ 2-6s on the regular... smash, or even wife up a average chick that's poor, but a nice person...

NOPE, im a man-dime and i only mess with girls 8-10
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Let me save this thread with some real info...the days of finding the virginal chick are over. Dudes %**$...women %**$'s a part of life. We need to get that double standard #!@% out of our minds.

The real answer is this...chances are the hotter the female the more partners they have had sex with...why is that you ask? Because attractive women garner more interest and have more opportunities to %**$. The average really good looking woman these days will have sex with at least 15 guys, but the number can reach well into the 50's. A woman will usually only tell you about the boyfriends they have slept with...they usually leave out the one night stands, and their homie lover friends. If you can't deal with the truth...NEVER ask.

If you are a white guy with a white woman, NEVER ask if she has been with a black dude...because automatically you are going to think she was getting reamed by a 14 inch telephone pole and that you are not adequate enough.
QFT...IT don't really matter cause there ain't way to know what it is....
Just make sure you know what it is when you show with wifey to college/high school reunion and you get the look from the dudes
It's usually the girl I'm with who will bring this subject up and start spitting out numbers. I've never asked. Being visual doesn't start and end with the initial encounter with an attractive woman and imagining things so I don't want to visualize the current woman I'm with being previously smashed by other dudes.

Man dime btw
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by cap1229

^ pics of you? Im always down to see man dimes.
ew, only mess with girls homie

She is a girl
oh, ok sure, cap did you want headshots? full body? fit-pic? posing? nudes? special requests?
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by slickp42189

ew, only mess with girls homie

She is a girl
oh, ok sure, cap did you want headshots? full body? fit-pic? posing? nudes? special requests?
Jakes on you.
Cap is pretending to be a girl, she's really a 40 yr. old dude.

Pepper your angus bro, and please

Stay safe

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