the thread about nothing...

Dont know if anyone will be interested, but an online event just started today on twitch called Awesome Games Done Quick 2014. It's an annual week long event where gamers come together to speed run games for charity. Last year they donated over 400k to doctors without borders and this year they are donating to the prevent cancer foundation. I decided to share this because it reminded me of Beezylocks and how some people wanted to do something like donate. If anything you can donate a buck or two here in his name.

to donate
Icy / slick as hell up here in jersey.

I'm here watching people do the James brown left and right


Reminds me of this...
Don't eem care if it's dog meat Doritos tacos are so good
Sometimes. It's a case of you not wanting to know how the sausage is made 

@Moe Fab  I'm sorry to hear that man. It's really unfortunate how people you think would be there to support you when the world doesn't, doesn't have your back. I wish you success, and when you are successful, come back and stunt on 'em like this....

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