The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Fingers crossed glen dies but not before being abused in the bed by the doctor.

Did I mention I don't like glen?

As much as I'd like a love scene between Daryl and Tdog
Someone needs to tell this broad there's a time and a place for everything - word to getting someone else killed for a hot bottle of E&J.
well the rumored script was right again

If you wanna know the out come and save time here ya go

"Still" starts off with Daryl and Beth climbing into the trunk of a car.

In the next scene we see Daryl picking up the snake. Beth tells Daryl that she wants a drink. That's something that Hershel never let her do. They head out on a light mission for "drinks".

They make their way through the country club ground picking up drinking supplies. They come across walkers hanging from the ceiling and the "rich *****" walker. Daryl practice his gold swing on a walker.

They don't seen to like the alcohol selection at the club. Daryl takes Beth to a cabin he and Michonne found while on a run. They find moonshine. Beth wants to play a drinking game of "I Never". Daryl doesn't seem interested but eventually she convinces him to play.

During the game we learn that Daryl and been to jail but Beth hasn't. The drinking game leads to a fight with Beth thinking that Daryl doesn't care about the people lost from the prison. She says that she's just another dead girl.

Daryl tells her he could have killed Governor and saved Hershel. They come to a moment of understanding and eventually hug it out. Later, Daryl tells Beth that before all the walkers, he didn't do anything except followed Merle and what Merle said.

Beth wishes and regrets her dad not being able to grow old and have grandchildren. She then tells Daryl that he's going to be the last man. The last one standing when she is dead and gone. That he was built to survive in this world.

The final scene is Daryl and Beth burning down the cabin and flipping it off before heading into the woods.
darryl knockin ****** heads off........

i think tthat darryl deep inside is afraid that if he is left alone with her for too long.......esp with that alcohol that he might want to eat Beths candied yambs.
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