things your pops did for you that you wont forget

Sep 21, 2008
me and one of the guys was chilling thinking about how much our pops have done for us and how thankful we are we had one in our lives compared to some otherpeople

- growing up watching cartoons every saturday while eating fruit loops etcs

- playing checkers during the weak cartoons and during breaks

-teaching me how to play chess and the life lessons that go alone with learning it

-when we had "that talk" he said"when you find a good girl never let her go cuz the older you get the fewer there are"

-always being a pops to all my friends from taking them out with us to leting them stay for dinner even putting a lil money in they pockets when he put some inmine

more to come later
got to show some love to yo pops sometimes why not now
the best thing he ever did was die..

no lie..he left me and my moms before i was born...douche bag
Originally Posted by TeemOhtee

the best thing he ever did was die..

no lie..he left me and my moms before i was born...douche bag
[gucci]well damn[gucci]

i can see how a thread like this can hit a sore spot

but theres always a bright side i hope you find one
Being there for me and my siblings is good enough for me. I see how emotional some people get when they mention how their fathers were never in their lives andI'm just happy my pops was always there for us.
-Harsh negative verbal abuse that has motivated me, when that probably wasn't his intention.
-Supporting me financially...letting me eat free food, and stay under his home.
It's sad that I when I read the title of this thread, I only remembered the %*+$%* up things my dad did or when he took the +@$+* route in situations...

Now he apologizes for things he did like it matters at this point.
man.. the most important thing i learned from my pops was not to let anything get to me.

whenever i would take an L as a kid he would always reassure me that it's not the end of the world and it wasn't a big deal. even the first time i gotjumped he just wanted to make sure i wasn't gonna be traumatized or anything. he basically taught me how to brush off any negativity that came my way.

plus like OP said my pops was like a pops to the whole neighborhood, he showed love to a lotta my boys who didn't have fathers around and they allappreciated it. i miss that man to death.
-Not being around and cheating on my mom and giving her an STD which lead to a divorce when I was 6 months old.

Taught me the kind of man and father I don't want to become!!!
Man my dad always know how to make me laugh.
I could be steaming and dude would have me cracking up.

Dang...just thinking about it make me wanna go to his house.

We never had an good strong consistent relation-ship until recently...
but I don't know what I will do when that day comes.

Appreciated for setting the example of the struggle and surviving the struggle.
after having brain surgery, the day he was cleared by the doctor, he drove all night from Mayo Clinic in Minnesota to Oklahoma City to be there to support meat a performance.
being at work basically all day, but it never bothered me as a kid because I knew he loved to work
, if I asked for 1 dollar when the ice cream truck camearound he would give me 10, never ever laying a hand on me, and I remember back in the day before going to work he would gather all the kids at the park andthrow a football in the air sooooooo high, who ever caught it won a dollar
he would throw a whole buncha times, that game was fun as hell
Originally Posted by Biggie62

-Not being around and cheating on my mom and giving her an STD which lead to a divorce when I was 6 months old.

Taught me the kind of man and father I don't want to become!!!
see theres the bright side
Originally Posted by B0SSLDY

Giving us a better life..

he passed 6 years back.. r.i.p. daddy.
Pops passed away 5 years ago

Dude was everything for me and I wont forget any of it
I got a nice lil inheritance when he died. I blew it all in like 3 years, but it was the best 3 years of my life (money wise)

real talk, dude was an example of what/who NOT to be when I became an adult. nto to say he was a bad guy...I didnt hate or really resent him, but just seeingthe end result of some of the decisions he made let me know the paths not to go down
give me life.. that's about it. i'm not even happy about that.. surely won't ever forget though
Too much to list out right now, especially since I find myself finally understanding some things he told me when I was younger. Strange how that works.
Originally Posted by TeemOhtee

the best thing he ever did was die..

no lie..he left me and my moms before i was born...douche bag

i second that but he left after he beat my moms and my uncle got his +%# byt the neck
and told him to leave. i saw him die in mexico couple yrs back, i had no feelings toward da guy.
my pops was great

frequent trips to NYC, hence why im way more cultured than your avg. CT cat

coached Pee Wee and Basketball growin up, matter fact everybody liked/knew my pops.

MUSIC, i was never censored, (he listened to wu, biggie, etc, all that) my pops stayed at then tunnel in NYC back in the day, along with his corporate gig hewas a DJ on the side........we had records shipped to the house every 2 weeks or something like that from his record pool "FOR DJS ONLY"
, i tagged along for plenty weddings and events.

kept my sister an I fly, back to school shopping dude had no problem taking out the American Express, literally throw it in the bag status.

yea man he was great pops for real.
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