things your pops did for you that you wont forget

Originally Posted by TeemOhtee

the best thing he ever did was die..

no lie..he left me and my moms before i was born...douche bag
may sound mean but hes better off dead to me then i will collect some insurance money.
Taught me how to be considerate, he has always supported me (physically, mentally, and financially) throughout my 18 years. I do not know what I would dowithout him.
I agree F that guy
All he ever did was get drunk beat the +%$+ out of my mom, slammed my head into a car windshield my head went thru it I was only 6. I have a daughter do on jan17th and I will be there for her no matter what.
Not a damn thing.

I dont even know where he is right now, prolly the same way with him.

Originally Posted by CasperJr

me and one of the guys was chilling thinking about how much our pops have done for us and how thankful we are we had one in our lives compared to some other people

- growing up watching cartoons every saturday while eating fruit loops etcs

- playing checkers during the weak cartoons and during breaks

-teaching me how to play chess and the life lessons that go alone with learning it

-when we had "that talk" he said"when you find a good girl never let her go cuz the older you get the fewer there are"

-always being a pops to all my friends from taking them out with us to leting them stay for dinner even putting a lil money in they pockets when he put some in mine

more to come later
got to show some love to yo pops sometimes why not now

Even though I'm furious right now and not talking to him, that's all stuff I experienced and appreciate as well. You gonna make me start a"Momma" post
The best thing my sperm donor did was leave my mom b4 I was born. My mom was only 16 and I think the deadbeat was 19. Luckily there was a guy who had been inlove with my mother for the longest. He has been there since I was born and still to this day. He is my father. The best thing he ever did was accept me as hisson at such a young age. He introduced me to sports, wrestling, and Jordans. He made sure I stayed clean. He also gave me street knowledge. He would take me toHarris Homes Projects everyday so I could become tough.
This is a repeat of that "what are you getting him for Father's Day?" post
mostly negative comments

as for me, He was the best father he could have been. Yeah, we had our disagreements but I learned alot from his work ethic. Matter of fact, he also use to buyme almost anything that I wanted/needed since childhood up until the start of college for me. I guess I was lucky to have him as a father.
back in the day my best friend's (twins) parents were going through a divorce and their dad was a real piece of crap and they were over my house and wewere hanging out when my dad walked in and asked if we wanted to go to the park and take some batting/infield practice
it really meant a lot for me because my dad works crazy hours and instead of coming home from work and relaxing like he should have he went out of his way tomake 3 boys happy
Originally Posted by Air Kalo

$@$% that +@!*$ @#! %*!@%
Originally Posted by MBen32

Not a damn thing.

I dont even know where he is right now, prolly the same way with him.

Originally Posted by kangaroobombs

I don't even know my dad
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

whats a dad?

This is an problem that needs to be fixed.

Hopefully people in such situation can realize what they missed
and not leave a child of their own with that void.
Straight up raise me, the thing is im not even his biological son
and my mother and him were divorced but since my biological father aint want no parts of my life (even tho he raised 4 kids prior to me)
my dad stepped up to the plate, he raised me and my older brother(also not biological son) by himself while my moms pocket'd the child support money.

Love you dad

PS: you guys might call what he did "taking an L" but i call it being a REAL man
my father's the most instrumental person in my life and saved me from going down the wrong path. but most notably, he gave me the $850 to get an abortionwhen i had no money to do so. saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars in the near future with that.
Pops used to say !*##, but never to me much
was like he wasn't even there cuz we aint agree much
although he's has had his missteps thru life, my dad has pulled through to be respectable man in my eyes. I can most appreciate all the years that heworked to make sure my family had everything that we needed. Although I feel that me and him are sorta distant because of all of the years that I didnt see himmuch, i think he's been more of a father to me in the past 3-4 years than he has for most of my earlier years. He's a wise old man-he's stillmentally sharp as a sword and is getting better as he ages. His clarity in life, obviously, is beyond mine...but the times when he opens his heart and mind upto me are the times when I learn from him the most. Thats also what I appreciate about him: everything that's he's taught me about life; directly orindirectly; intended or unintended. I strive to be just as great and hopefully even better than my dad.
-Supporting me financially...letting me eat free food, and stay under his home.

-I failed him so many times and dude still has my back. He never was that talk to you type of dad, like i cant think of anything he personally taught me that ididnt force him to teach me by me making mistakes.
my dad wasnt around much but for whatever reason, I still have the utmost respect and love for him. He barely taught me anything because of his absence but Ilearned so much the few times he was around just by being around him and listening to his words and watching his actions. My uncles would always tell me talltales about him as if he were a mythical creature. We are all human so I also understand that he has also made mistakes and I try no to make the same ones.

He is a man of principle so here is what I gathered without him saying.

-God, Family, Friends above all and in that particular order.
-Say what you mean and mean what you say. Talk is cheap.
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

my father's the most instrumental person in my life and saved me from going down the wrong path. but most notably, he gave me the $850 to get an abortion when i had no money to do so. saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars in the near future with that.
don't want to be a negative part of this thread
but this does show how many people didn't/don't get along with their dads or even grew up with out having one
I'm in the statistic of being raised with out a father though...Luckily I have such an independent, hard working mother whom raised me well
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

my father's the most instrumental person in my life and saved me from going down the wrong path. but most notably, he gave me the $850 to get an abortion when i had no money to do so. saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars in the near future with that.

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

but most notably, he gave me the $850 to get an abortion when i had no money to do so. saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars in the near future with that.

Forreal dude? your pops coulda had that work done on you
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