This is hilarious and sad about DC

Sep 16, 2010
This is too funny! What are your thoughts about this?

What's funny about it
How MPD(DC police) is notorious for firing people unlawfully and when they do audits, they have to bring them back and pay them years of back pay Lmaooooo! They do this to “satisfy” the general public in a very liberal city that hates law enforcement. That’s why it’s funny to me.
Full Article:

Bad, trigger happy, psychopathic cops being forced back onto the streets is hilarious.

After multiple internal reviews and a two-day administrative trial known as an adverse action hearing, a three-person panel of MPD brass concluded that Thomas “cannot be rehabilitated,” and that his actions “raise serious concerns about his judgment as a police officer.
How MPD(DC police) is notorious for firing people unlawfully and when they do audits, they have to bring them back and pay them years of back pay Lmaooooo! They do this to “satisfy” the general public in a very liberal city that hates law enforcement. That’s why it’s funny to me.
It’s not a DC thing, it’s all police in this country…Punishing a cop is extremely difficult so most circumstances they get suspended with pay or transfer somewhere else but the end result is they usually get back to work

You think this dude shouldn’t be fired ? You ok with wild cops running around unchecked cuz it’s won’t be “liberal” and that’s supporting law enforcement?
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You think this dude shouldn’t be fired ? You ok with wild cops running around unchecked cuz it’s won’t be “liberal” and that’s supporting law enforcement?

Yea I thought this was an troll thread. Just ignored it at first.
That cop is deuce king deuce king type of cop.

In fact he probably wants more cops just like that one.

Lies. However, what we do know to be true is that you continue to advocate for criminals. Even repeat offenders at that. Why is that you support criminals and not the innocent victims?? You think it’s cool and acceptable for kids to run around town and commit robberies like the story below. WASHED KING WASHED KING explain yourself champ.

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