Those who live a christian life, how do you feel?

Unless you lock them up in the chamber, how will you prevent this from happening?

Forcing Christianity on them won't stop the world from molding them (as well).
I will do my best, sans locking them up.

This isn't hard. I teach my 4-year-old to be nice to kids. I teach him to be tolerant of others. I don't teach him of god's wrath LOL. Christianity is a foundational belief system that is, as you have generally admitted, common to many belief systems.
Look, my kids will be able to pursue whatever it is they would like when the time comes. But I will be hot got damned if I am letting them be molded by this goofy-*** society we live in today.


At age 11, your son says, "I don't believe in this stuff. Why are you making me go to church and/or believe in this."

Do you force him to continue going to church even though he told you this isn't what makes sense to him or do you allow him to move at his own pace? (Explain why)

How do you respond/act?

Please answer directly.
I will do my best, sans locking them up.

This isn't hard. I teach my 4-year-old to be nice to kids. I teach him to be tolerant of others. I don't teach him of god's wrath LOL. Christianity is a foundational belief system that is, as you have generally admitted, common to many belief systems.

It really IS hard to raise a child to adhere to the standards you've set as a parent.

If it were easy, the world would be a better place.
I will do my best, sans locking them up.

This isn't hard. I teach my 4-year-old to be nice to kids. I teach him to be tolerant of others. I don't teach him of god's wrath LOL. Christianity is a foundational belief system that is, as you have generally admitted, common to many belief systems.
If they disagree with you will you tell them you don’t care what they think and to “keep moving”?
absolutely not if you look at the behavior of modern evangelicals.
Do not mix up the actions of man and the teachings of the bible.

I would argue that no one adheres to their religious text. And to dismiss the teachings outright because of the fallible is simply incorrect.

At age 11, your son says, "I don't believe in this stuff. Why are you making me go to church and/or believe in this."

Do you force him to continue going to church even though he told you this isn't what makes sense to him or do you allow him to move at his own pace? (Explain why)

How do you respond/act?

Please answer directly.

It really IS hard to raise a child to adhere to the standards you've set as a parent.

If it were easy, the world would be a better place.
At age 11 my son doesn't know his *** from his elbow, just as I didn't. We would have a conversation just as I have had with you. Unless you are a savant, you dont know **** at age 11 and the sooner society accepts this the sooner we can start to have real conversations.

He can move at his own pace, but according to how I choose until he is able to coherently explain his way out of it. If he pawns me as an 11-year-old I will feel kind of proud, tbh. But if my 11-year-old decided today was the day to argue about religion, I would probably treat it like him arguing about not eating his vegetables.
my in-laws are christians and they say the entire bible is literal and if you think some of it didn’t actually happen, you’re not a true believer.
igotthatstock igotthatstock

How do YOU determine what is literal vs. Figurative?
I apply common sense and contextual clues. As I posted earlier, there are a number of stories in the bible that have their roots in ancient Mesopotamian lore, where polytheism was actually promoted. After understanding the cultural influence of the OT, it helped me determine a bit better.

As an example, the origin of many Christians believing that pre-marital sex is forbidden per the bible, is actually most likely the result of the preservation of cultural norms during its writing. The lineage of families and resulting exchange of goods was critical during that time to preserve whole tribes. The point was that IF you had premarital sex you needed to adhere to the cultural norms of exchange.
my in-laws are christians and they say the entire bible is literal and if you think some of it didn’t actually happen, you’re not a true believer.
Heard plenty of people say this too. In fact, the Bible itself saws its 100% truth. But I guess not? :lol: thr Bible says if you add or subtract anything from it you’re worshiping someone else. That plug and play on what’s real goes against the book.

buts let’s play with that logic. If you think some of it isn’t literal then the concept of god could be throw out the window. Same with heaven and hell. Those are just as far fetched as flat world, great flood with a giant boat, and people Turing into salt.

Homie said context clues and common sense :lol:

also said he went deep into all the major religions and said 3 different religions :lol:
If anyone cares, has pretty good sales. I copped a New King James Version study bible with cultural background commentary.

It really helped me understand the far and near east connections to the bible. And helped me crystallize the logical faults with the text.

Thanks...just copped this ebook

this is what gets me...i’ve been told that you can live a good life, go out of your way to be kind to others, not harm anyone..not even animals, be environmentally conscious, generous, and humble and yet if you don’t believe in jesus...oh well, straight to hell. can be a crappy person and claim jesus and it’s all good. even worse, you can be donald trump the piece of **** and yet you’re basically god’s right hand man. c’mon man...i can’t get behind a belief like that. sounds stupid if you ask me.
this is what gets me...i’ve been told that you can live a good life, go out of your way to be kind to others, not harm anyone..not even animals, be environmentally conscious, generous, and humble and yet if you don’t believe in jesus...oh well, straight to hell. can be a crappy person and claim jesus and it’s all good. even worse, you can be donald trump the piece of **** and yet you’re basically god’s right hand man. c’mon man...i can’t get behind a belief like that. sounds stupid if you ask me.
I urge you to read Matthew 25 and assess your statement. I am of the belief that it reads you are saved by actions, not by words to whom you claim to worship.

This is what I choose to follow.
Every great work of literature is allegory, why should the bible be any different?

God, jesus, the devil. They are all just personifications of aspects of human nature. The battle between good and evil portrayed in the bible is an internal conflict.

But by all means, continue to dismiss men in the sky and horned creatures underground if it gives you a sense of intellectual superiority.
I urge you to read Matthew 25 and assess your statement. I am of the belief that it reads you are saved by actions, not by words to whom you claim to worship.

This is what I choose to follow.
i’m pretty sure there are tons of examples of verses in the bible that say you have to follow jesus or else. i’m glad you choose to follow your own path although you might be putting your eternal salvation in jeopardy. hopefully not though.
this is what gets me...i’ve been told that you can live a good life, go out of your way to be kind to others, not harm anyone..not even animals, be environmentally conscious, generous, and humble and yet if you don’t believe in jesus...oh well, straight to hell. can be a crappy person and claim jesus and it’s all good. even worse, you can be donald trump the piece of **** and yet you’re basically god’s right hand man. c’mon man...i can’t get behind a belief like that. sounds stupid if you ask me.
Jesus was perfect and got hung on a cross. Eve did 1 things wrong and destroyed man kind..... a killer can ask Jesus for forgiveness and be saved. I guess the stakes are kinda off?
Christianity is the biggest lie ever told on Earth.

It’s sold exactly like herbalife.

“Want to be your own boss, manifest abundance and make a lot of money (you’ll have to believe me that this is possible off the strength of nothing more than success stories of people that you can’t speak to directly and will never actually meet)? I have an opportunity for you”


“want to achieve enterenal salvation via following in the steps of 1 person and a Dr Manhattan-like being (both parties existence has only been speculated on and never verified with concrete evidence)? We have a lifestyle for you”.

At the same time (and I am guilty of this myself) the people that spend a ton of time going back and forth playing devils advocate or outright trashing organized religion are nearly as silly.

Let people do their thing. It’s THOUSANDS of years too late to battle Christianity 😂.

If you manage to convince a Christian that Jesus never actually existed they’re still gonna go to church, call you a sinner, and continue to tithe at an outrageous 10%.

So just give up because there is no gain and no point 🤣
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my in-laws are christians and they say the entire bible is literal and if you think some of it didn’t actually happen, you’re not a true believer.
Yes, if you believe in the word of God, then yes, God lead the authors to write the books that make up the bible.

You naturally are going to have doubts about something being said to be 'God's word', because you're human and you'll always have questions on legitimacy of things in life. So to for anyone to call someone not a 'true believer' because they have doubts IMO, isn't a fair assessment. You would have to understand that not everyone will have the same 'spiritual' maturity as others.

this is what gets me...i’ve been told that you can live a good life, go out of your way to be kind to others, not harm anyone..not even animals, be environmentally conscious, generous, and humble and yet if you don’t believe in jesus...oh well, straight to hell. can be a crappy person and claim jesus and it’s all good. even worse, you can be donald trump the piece of **** and yet you’re basically god’s right hand man. c’mon man...i can’t get behind a belief like that. sounds stupid if you ask me.
What you're saying is basically the groundwork of the Gospel of Jesus. Many have shared that good works is what will save your soul (Catholicism), but it says in James 2:26 that a body (person) without the spirit (accepting/having christ in their life) is dead. The bible states that accepting Christ as your Savior is the way to God. (John 14:6). From the point of acceptance, then the good works come into play as a form of worship and testimony of how God has been good for said person.

And biblically speaking, sin is sin based on Romans 6:23 (...'wages of sin is death") so, yes. If one person repents at the last moments of their life, based on the bible they would be saved.
This is funny because at the same time the Bible says you’ll suffer now for heaven later.
Yeah, I think what American Christianity focuses on is the 'good things' in life. Topics and sermons to motivate and just make people feel good or essentially preaching on the Prosperity gospel. A lot of people preach based of verses and topics taken out of context to support the message they curate. It's pretty crazy to see and hear.

Seeing a lot of televangelists preach about having blessings and blessings by putting your faith in Jesus, sure that's easy to follow. But IMO, that's fluff. There has to be more to that to understand the bible.
Yeah, I think what American Christianity focuses on is the 'good things' in life. Topics and sermons to motivate and just make people feel good or essentially preaching on the Prosperity gospel. A lot of people preach based of verses and topics taken out of context to support the message they curate. It's pretty crazy to see and hear.

Seeing a lot of televangelists preach about having blessings and blessings by putting your faith in Jesus, sure that's easy to follow. But IMO, that's fluff. There has to be more to that to understand the bible.
That’s because they’ll lose people if they go the other route. “Be kind to all” sounds a lot better than killing all gays even though it’s all in the same book. Church is a business above all. Jesus really hates paying bills so we all have to do that for him.

That’s because they’ll lose people if they go the other route. “Be kind to all” sounds a lot better than killing all gays even though it’s all in the same book. Church is a business above all. Jesus really hates paying bills so we all have to do that for him.


The "good" news lol.
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