Thoughts on the Johnathon Martin - Ritchie Incognito situation?

Anyone heard of Martin having some kind of mental illness? Just curious.

Read an article on deadspin yesterday, apparently Richie's dad was posting on a phins board ranting about some personal thing's in Martin's life. Don't know how accurate it is though. Seems like the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree in the Richie's household.
yeah white guys have it rough these days

that poor ritchie incognito. can't stand that this gentleman is being maligned

i mean, he only called someone half a n

this is the face of hate, but that's another topic. rush definitely fits the culture of football well though (ie: standards for one person/group vs standards for everyone else)
this kind of excuse is basically condoning irrational and unsocial behavior

and the "i can tell you guys never played football before" thing is lame. so what? that holds absolutely no weight on whether or not one thinks this kind of behavior should be acceptable or not

This is absolutely relevant to the conversation at hand...........

This coming from an Offensive Lineman who played in High School..........I was hazed (had to take the next Train Home after Varsity, carried their equipment, had to do pushups in front of girls in the hallway, would get snuffed, yelled at, you name it) and did the hazing to JV........... It toughened you up because your opponents would say worse things to you on the line and you had to learn to focus that out or you start getting false starts or you miss your assignment....... You guys cant play both side of Evolution, the weak will get preyed and eliminated, pretty sure Incognito did push around EVERYBODY, you as a man have to establish to your teammates what you will tolerate........

Football players have always garnered the reputation of being mindless monkeys, Incognito is a jerk, a punk and an overall mean person, it sucks he's the one that did this because this is COMMON practice to bully rookie/JV........... I think this whole bullying thing is way out of hand and pretty soon you gonna hear of someone killing their big brother or sister because they were "being bullied", name calling is name calling......... I haven't heard anything of Incognito physically attacking Martin in any way.......... So basically this is a grown man who folded under pressure..............

I'm sorry this had to happen to this man, but you get very little sympathy with football players.....
Gambit - there is innocuous hazing, which I think you did and many of us did as well who played ports in HS/college.

There was a line crossed by Incognito.

*To kinda piggyback off of AMP's point, why are people expecting Martin to fight back? Is it b/c he plays football and that's what you expect him to do? Why is it so bad that he went to his coaches?
[h1]  [/h1]
[h1]Antrel Rolle On WFAN: Martin ‘Just As Much To Blame’ As Incognito[/h1][h4]'At This Level, You’re A Man — You’re Not A Little Boy'[/h4][h6]November 5, 2013 12:37 PM[/h6]
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Jonathan Martin (Photo by Joel Auerbach/Getty Images)

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NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – The Richie Incognito-Jonathan Martin story continues to be the talk of the NFL.

Martin, an offensive tackle on the Miami Dolphins, has left the team after Incognito allegedly harassed him with threatening text messages and voicemails that were racially-charged in nature.

Incognito has been suspended by Miami, and according to a report he may have played his last game as a Dolphin.


  • Antrel Rolle On Dolphins Controversy
  • Joe & Evan



Giants safety Antrel Rolle joined WFAN co-hosts Joe Benigno and Evan Roberts in his weekly spot on Tuesday to offer his thoughts on the controversial situation.

“Richie Incognito, is he wrong? Absolutely,” Rolle told Joe & Evan. ”But I think the other guy is just as much to blame because he’s allowed it to happen.”

Further elaborating, Rolle said he would never allow himself to get involved in such a situation.

“First of all, know something like that would never, ever happen to myself, because I wouldn’t allow it to happen,” the two-time Pro Bowler said. “… You know, at this level, you’re a man. You’re not a little boy. You’re not a freshman in college. You’re a man. So I think everything has its limits. So there’s no way that another man is gonna make me pay for something that I choose not to pay for.”

Rolle hopes that Martin is able to get back on the field, but again, he reiterated he believes the second-year player deserves some blame.

“Hopefully he’s able to bounce back and recover from all that has happened and understand it, and take awareness of, you know, that, you’re a grown-a– man,” Rolle said. “You need to stand up for yourself.”


  • Complete Rolle Interview
  • Joe & Evan



Rolle added that the controversy in Miami is “absolutely not” an indication of a league-wide issue.

“Hazing is hazing,” the 30-year-old said. “You’re gonna go through it at the collegiate level, you’re gonna go through it at the professional level. But once it gets beyond that point and once it becomes a personal thing, that’s where the problems (happen). As teammates, it’s extremely important that you respect one another. … Respect is a must within a locker room.”
Damn if I'm Martin's size, Im at least going down swinging at that clown Incognito


all this just make martin look like a ***** cat. how could he as an adult male let another man talk to him like that? all he had to to was tell that man he dont play like that & if he still wanna play f it beat his ***. & if he cant beat his *** he got nfl mills he coulda jut payed his homeboys a lil sumthin to just mob up & jump incognito big ***
Jonathan Martin is 24 years old. This is a grown *** man with a degree from Stanford. He is 6'5 315 pounds and gets paid millions of dollars to knock people on their ***. We're sitting here talking about some damn "bullying"....cry me a river.
*To kinda piggyback off of AMP's point, why are people expecting Martin to fight back? Is it b/c he plays football and that's what you expect him to do? Why is it so bad that he went to his coaches?
For me, when I say fight back, I may or might not mean to fight back physically, unless Incognito and company were to first lay hands on Martin.  I mean to fight back in the sense to not just give in to any and every demand that Incognito had for or of Martin.  Not to just roll over and play dead, and to not just walk away from the sport football if that is what Martin truly loved to do and enjoyed. 

Also, and more importantly for Martin not get his pockets ran for $15,000.  Absolutely no excuse for that and for the money issue alone I find fault more with Martin than I do Incognito.  Martin was out there working for free and he was pretty much cool with it, SMH.  
How do you know that he didn't talk to Richie though? I believe he went to management and everything. Let's just say Martin kept it moving and one day Richie gets to him and he ends up shooting Richie or killing some people. The same people in here calling him a wussy or whatever will be same people condemning for killing or "losing it".

Rolle is an idiot, not everyone is built for confrontation and it seems like martin took the steps needed to stop the harassment.
For me, when I say fight back, I may or might not mean to fight back physically, unless Incognito and company were to first lay hands on Martin.  I mean to fight back in the sense to not just give in to any and every demand that Incognito had for or of Martin.  Not to just roll over and play dead, and to not just walk away from the sport football if that is what Martin truly loved to do and enjoyed. 

Also, and more importantly for Martin not get his pockets ran for $15,000.  Absolutely no excuse for that and for the money issue alone I find fault more with Martin than I do Incognito.  Martin was out there working for free and he was pretty much cool with it, SMH.  
I still don't see why Martin is becoming vilified here.

Trust me...I don't get the money thing. However, do you know the timeline on the trip? Did he give the money before or after he spoke to his coaches? It might put things in a little better context.

Rolle is an idiot, not everyone is built for confrontation and it seems like martin took the steps needed to stop the harassment.

This is EXACTLY what a lot of people don't understand. I don't care how big Martin is, not everyone is wired the same. It's easy to sit back and say what YOU would have done...however, no one knows what Martin mental make up is.

Say what you want about Martin for letting this go on for so long, but I think it's absolutely insane that he's being vilified to an extent. :smh:

Guess I understand why many of the guys on the Eagles let Riley Cooper's comments slide...
LOL @ 6'5" 315 pound guy crying to his mommy about being bullied.

I literally cannot believe that $15k Vegas trip story.

Knock dude in his mouth & continue collecting your millions.

No need to run away like a scared child.

Antrel Rolle is 100% correct
Jonathan Martin is 24 years old. This is a grown *** man with a degree from Stanford. He is 6'5 315 pounds and gets paid millions of dollars to knock people on their ***. We're sitting here talking about some damn "bullying"....cry me a river.

real talk

dude needs to go home, go into his closet, search deep and try to find his balls. come back to football when he's found them.
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this kind of excuse is basically condoning irrational and unsocial behavior

and the "i can tell you guys never played football before" thing is lame. so what? that holds absolutely no weight on whether or not one thinks this kind of behavior should be acceptable or not

This is absolutely relevant to the conversation at hand...........

This coming from an Offensive Lineman who played in High School..........I was hazed (had to take the next Train Home after Varsity, carried their equipment, had to do pushups in front of girls in the hallway, would get snuffed, yelled at, you name it) and did the hazing to JV........... It toughened you up because your opponents would say worse things to you on the line and you had to learn to focus that out or you start getting false starts or you miss your assignment....... You guys cant play both side of Evolution, the weak will get preyed and eliminated, pretty sure Incognito did push around EVERYBODY, you as a man have to establish to your teammates what you will tolerate........

Football players have always garnered the reputation of being mindless monkeys, Incognito is a jerk, a punk and an overall mean person, it sucks he's the one that did this because this is COMMON practice to bully rookie/JV........... I think this whole bullying thing is way out of hand and pretty soon you gonna hear of someone killing their big brother or sister because they were "being bullied", name calling is name calling......... I haven't heard anything of Incognito physically attacking Martin in any way.......... So basically this is a grown man who folded under pressure..............

I'm sorry this had to happen to this man, but you get very little sympathy with football players.....

no, it holds no relevance at all. like i said there's no such thing as one rule for "regular" people and another set of rules for "athletes"

hazing is a part of sports culture. yeah i get that. i think it's stupid, but this wasn't what we've come to know as "hazing" and instead meant to inflict psychological intimidation of the worst kind into a fellow teammate. what's the endgame here? you're gonna beat a person down into submission mentally or physically for what? that's not normal behavior whether it's inside or outside of sports venue. football players don't get a pass

"the weak will get preyed and eliminated" - just read those words back to yourself until they sink in. maybe you've been improperly conditioned to actually believe that and that's too bad if that's the case, but this isn't some roman gladiator arena. this isn't some battle zone in some war-ravaged part of the world. this is just sports. football

this is dumb
Channing Crowder was on CNN saying Richie is known to push, test people.

I need to re-watch the full segment in its entirety.
We're sitting here talking about some damn "bullying"
That's another thing as well, until now I have never heard the word "bullying" associated with a grown man or grown people.  More so associated with kids in elementary school, children on the playground or something along those lines.  

Also, I'm not sure why folks are bringing up Martin having mental issues.  Keep in mind that is the same Martin that graduated from highly touted Stanford University as many of you have said.  So Martin having mental issues or lacking mental toughness doesn't really fly with me in that regard looking at the larger picture. 
Trust me...I don't get the money thing. However, do you know the timeline on the trip? Did he give the money before or after he spoke to his coaches? It might put things in a little better context.
I hear you and everything but from my perspective I don't care if money was given before the trip, during the trip, after the trip, or after he spoke to his coaches about the situation.  There is absolutely no excuse for Martin WILLINGLY giving 15 stacks to Incognito, none.  Sounds like Martin was down with the program, on some pimp versus the *** type of relationship. 
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*To kinda piggyback off of AMP's point, why are people expecting Martin to fight back? Is it b/c he plays football and that's what you expect him to do? Why is it so bad that he went to his coaches?

No, people think the locker room is the street and dont understand that it is a work place enviroment. This dude was on the "leadership committee", obviously the team acknowledged him to be a leader.

Chain of command.

"leadership council" -> coaches -> upper management

This wasnt a rift between 2 unknown players. It was a "higher up" and an average employee. What are people expecting? Meet him outside? Fight him in the locker room at the risk of being suspended without pay?

Like I said previously, Martin handled this professionally. The chain of command knew something was going on and did nothing, so he went above their head after options were exhausted.
This situation is bigger than it should be, all they had to do was throw the gloves on and end it at that, one of the leaders of the dolphins shouldve handled it better
I hear you and everything but from my perspective I don't care if money was given before the trip, during the trip, after the trip, or after he spoke to his coaches about the situation.  There is absolutely no excuse for Martin WILLINGLY giving 15 stacks to Incognito, none.  Sounds like Martin was down with the program, on some pimp versus the *** type of relationship.


martin knew ritchie's backhand was strong.
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“Hazing is hazing,” the 30-year-old said. “You’re gonna go through it at the collegiate level, you’re gonna go through it at the professional level.

I'll never understand why hazing needs to be something people go through. It's honestly one of the stupidest functions of American society and really quite bewildering. Why I never was interested in that frat stuff in college or played any of that during high school sports. Why go through any of that for acceptance? And why if you do want to do those activities, must you basically accept the fact that you will have to be someone's ***** to do so.

Maybe Martin is soft...if so that's not a crime. Not everyone is a bad *** tough guy and last time I looked, that isn't a crime nor is there anything wrong with that. I know NT likes to promote machismo at all times but being is far more attractive than being a racist, moronic, white trash moron like Incognito. Its easy to see why he handled things the way he did. He is the Stanford educated son of two Harvard educated lawyers, he prolly is the smartest guy in the locker room where most of the people are like Incognito. If he declines the 15k, something a lot of rookies are forced to do, not just him, he comes off as causing dissension in the locker room and possibly costing himself a job down the line.

Lot of dumb, short-sighted commentary in here.
Incognito seen the b****ness in martin from a mile away, all martin had to do was stand up for himself, you only get bullied if the bully knows you wont retaliate
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