Tila Tequila's Twitter?

Jun 14, 2006
Is this for real

I doubt it man. I just read were someone broke into her house and changed her status to all sorts of crazy stuff about her and her dog being dead. She said thedude did lock her dog in the trunk of her car tho
Probably really is her chicks a attention #+!!*. I think she actually would go through with it though so one of her friends should look out for her and informthe authorities

EDIT: Guess not. I still don't believe that story about some one hacking her. She did that herself for attention and made up a story
she's being stalked. nothing funny about that cept the mugshot that's going to surface.


Someone hacked into TilaTequila's Twitter accountand posted some of the creepiest messages we've seen in a while. "Tila Tequila is dead," read an updateposted early this morning. It was followed by another that read, "I just broke into her house, killer her and her dog. Logged onto Twitter to tell youguys. She was signed on already. Tila Tequila is dead."

Ugh - that's scarier than snacking on bull penis! The reality TV starlet finally logged into the account at around 4AM to clarify what was going on.Apparently someone broke into her house, shattered everything, and then locked her dog in the trunk of her car. She tweeted, "Then Ifound my dog locked in the trunk of my car!!!!!!!!!! I've been crying all night. THis is f*cked up. I'm sad and shocked and bye"

According to her twitter, Tila will be switching homes in order to avoid this sort of drama. She wrote, "Im moving into a different house very soonbecause I have a stalker who is very much so endangering my life at the moment." Hm. Seems like the wrong thing to publicize when there's a stalkershoving your dog in the car trunk. [Photo: GettyImages]
stick stickley
......man thats some OG stuff

this is probably a publicity stunt....i mean come on, somebody goes into her house and messes up her stuff.....and then gets on her twitter?
.....too damnrandom
wasn't a hoax..... fyi
nothing else needs to be said.
but yes she has some creepy disturbed fans/stalkers...

she's okay but needs rest and isolation from the ******ed people who did this to her house, etc
Originally Posted by BENBALLER

wasn't a hoax..... fyi
nothing else needs to be said.
but yes she has some creepy disturbed fans/stalkers...

she's okay but needs rest and isolation from the ******ed people who did this to her house, etc
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