To atheists/agnostics...Mature discussion please

Have not told my parents or anyone in my family who is a generation older than I...however my cousins here are much more open minded and we're pretty much all agnostic :lol:
We've decided however not to tell our parents until it becomes unbearable, things like going to church don't really bother me and if I'm making my mom and pops happy then so be it. I've expressed my views on religion with my close friends and it never ends up bitter, nobody is super one way or another so it just sparks a healthy discussion on how we view things etc...

I do plan on telling my day
what i find funny is why does non believers have to have a title at all? I mean when you think about it, there is no title for ppl who dont believe in the easter bunny, tooth fairy, santa claus. In a ironic twist the whole so called premise of atheist is in some form a stray from the norm, ie titles/labels. So shouldnt ppl (non believers) be just that?
It's okay to prey even if you don't believe in jesus as your lord a savior. I left the Catholicism a long time ago.

I believe mother nature to be my god. I prey to the energy in universe. The atoms. When ever my mom wants to prey and asks me to prey with her she'll prey to jesus christ, and i prey to mother nature. Even though the prayers are different, the goals are the same.

Sounds like a science fiction story, i know. But that's how i can make sense of the creation of life, the healing of life, and the end of life.
It's okay to prey even if you don't believe in jesus as your lord a savior. I left the Catholicism a long time ago.
I believe mother nature to be my god. I prey to the energy in universe. The atoms. When ever my mom wants to prey and asks me to prey with her she'll prey to jesus christ, and i prey to mother nature. Even though the prayers are different, the goals are the same.
Sounds like a science fiction story, i know. But that's how i can make sense of the creation of life, the healing of life, and the end of life.
which i see nothing wrong with that.... i actually think its more genuine and are making your own system and beliefs based on your own thoughts/experiences...
I personally don't see why you need to let them know. If you know it will break their hearts, just let it be. Don't say anything. Play the game. keep them happy.

Thanks for the Alan Watts video as well up above man. I will listen to it when I get a chance.
I told my parents that I don't believe and they didn't care at all. But again my family isnt never really religious. I still pray at the diner table on special events like x-mas and stuff but other than that I don't to anything else
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As an atheist how to you deal with losing a loved one?  I just found out that a family member was diagnosed with cancer and basically has
days to live.
First off; I'm sorry to hear the news. I feel that dealing with loss is the main motivator mankind created religion. We all yearn for a sense of understanding and one of the hardest things we as humans can come to grips with is that we don't know. I've dealt with the loss of both my Mother & Nana. I'm a non-believer and though I grieved for them I focused more on the great times & lessons both of these individuals shared with me. I don't pretend that they're in a magical place called Heaven because I don't subscribe to that. I guess the only thing you can really do in your situation is say your goodbyes and always hold on to the impact that family member had on you.
First off; I'm sorry to hear the news. I feel that dealing with loss is the main motivator mankind created religion. We all yearn for a sense of understanding and one of the hardest things we as humans can come to grips with is that we don't know. I've dealt with the loss of both my Mother & Nana. I'm a non-believer and though I grieved for them I focused more on the great times & lessons both of these individuals shared with me. I don't pretend that they're in a magical place called Heaven because I don't subscribe to that. I guess the only thing you can really do in your situation is say your goodbyes and always hold on to the impact that family member had on you.
that i dont get either...if they subscribe to in particular heaven...and truly believe it is a better place for them, and also deem it as god is calling them home...why be upset? I mean in its principal, they are no longer suffering, they are better off then they were, and their almight god unquestionable master said i want them. If anything ppl should be rejoiced/happy even. I mean we celebrate are happy when ppl come up, move out the ghetto etc... improve and move foward in life, why wouldnt they be even more elated that they are essentially making the greatest comeup of accordance to their beliefs.

I mean surely the believers have to think heaven is a better place and is more enjoyable then a new house, becoming famous etc... and all the other improvements/better situations that ppl experience on earth. Plus not to mention if the person was miserable here and/or suffering why would someone be sad/upset that someone is now healed and free of illness?
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Keep it to yourself and your life will be easier.  Don't lie but don't be disrespectful to loved ones.  Just play the game. 

I don't understand this ration of thinking. I mean, I understand it, but if you can't communicate you're beliefs (rational beliefs) to you're family/true friends, then whats the point?

Told my family and friends, and of course they had harsh words, but that was expected. But everyone moves on.
My family is from the Caribbean so while they are religious, they view being overly religious (like a lot of African Americans are) are kinda silly.

The worst thing about being black and atheist is telling an African american women you're dating. I can't eem count how many relationships blew up in my face when I tell the girl I don't believe in God. These females rather gave a goon how threats them bad but is "trying to get better with God" than a regular guy who threats them like a queen but is atheist/doesn't believe in god. :smh:

With friends it is simple, I just say my beliefs are my beliefs and let them know I respect their and I would hope they do the same with mine. Most do, have not problem with it. The ones who don't, well they weren't really my friends, so I just let that connection die.
I come from a black family, so everyone is Christian and I'm an atheist. I remember being in the car with my dad and I told him out of no where. He just looked at me like :smh: but he didn't think much of it and we had a conversation about it. Turns out he's agnostic. :lol:

Nobody else knows :nerd:
My family is from the Caribbean so while they are religious, they view being overly religious (like a lot of African Americans are) are kinda silly.

The worst thing about being black and atheist is telling an African american women you're dating. I can't eem count how many relationships blew up in my face when I tell the girl I don't believe in God. These females rather gave a goon how threats them bad but is "trying to get better with God" than a regular guy who threats them like a queen but is atheist/doesn't believe in god. :smh:

With friends it is simple, I just say my beliefs are my beliefs and let them know I respect their and I would hope they do the same with mine. Most do, have not problem with it. The ones who don't, well they weren't really my friends, so I just let that connection die.

This. I know the feels.

But when you find a girl that doesn't think it's all that serious.... :pimp:
My family is from the Caribbean so while they are religious, they view being overly religious (like a lot of African Americans are) are kinda silly.
The worst thing about being black and atheist is telling an African american women you're dating. I can't eem count how many relationships blew up in my face when I tell the girl I don't believe in God. These females rather gave a goon how threats them bad but is "trying to get better with God" than a regular guy who threats them like a queen but is atheist/doesn't believe in god.

With friends it is simple, I just say my beliefs are my beliefs and let them know I respect their and I would hope they do the same with mine. Most do, have not problem with it. The ones who don't, well they weren't really my friends, so I just let that connection die.
get a white women and problem is solved lol
I've told my brother about my atheists way, but we just agreed to keep it politics as usual. My mother is not longer on this planet, so I don't know how she would take this because she was very religious but a very optimistic person, I guess I'll never know. My father on the other hand would pretty much disown me.

I feel very content in my outlook now, ever since I was a kid I've had a disdain feeling about my religious upbringing. Seeing through these new eye's has opened up the world so much more for me. I try not to think about my views as important though, I feel the fact of just "Being" does enough for me.
My family is from the Caribbean so while they are religious, they view being overly religious (like a lot of African Americans are) are kinda silly.
The worst thing about being black and atheist is telling an African american women you're dating. I can't eem count how many relationships blew up in my face when I tell the girl I don't believe in God. These females rather gave a goon how threats them bad but is "trying to get better with God" than a regular guy who threats them like a queen but is atheist/doesn't believe in god.

With friends it is simple, I just say my beliefs are my beliefs and let them know I respect their and I would hope they do the same with mine. Most do, have not problem with it. The ones who don't, well they weren't really my friends, so I just let that connection die.
I have to check you there. I am African American, and my parents refused to allow me to be involved in any religion. Never allowed me to be baptized, didn't allow me to be dragged to church.  Basically, being an educated couple, they understood the need for experience before choosing to follow anyone's ISM'S.

That said, I am in the same boat in regard to dating African American women, AND Black Women from the Caribbean. I find West Indian women to be the worst when it comes to religion, as they become religious when it's convenient. I see them on the subway all the time with those little green bibles cracked open to PSALMS, after work. It's nothing but game, as they try and pretend to be these good christian women, who know how to treat their men.

Please man, I've got stories due to the presumption that I may be somehow that good christian man that they are looking for.

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The main reason people hate to see people they love die is because you can no longer experience that person in the physical sense. Yea they might be, "In a better place" but that place is a place that the person that lost someone can't be right now.

I love coochie. It's an addiction, really. As a kid when I realized that there were West Indian women who no longer wanted to deal with West Indian men, then wanting a good christian AA man, someone who'd treat them right, who was I to challenge their assumptions? Some of the best *** I have ever had, came from West Indian chicks who were trying to whip me wit' that thang. They swore up and down, they were convinced, that a good christian yankee boy like me, must have never had no cooch like they were whippin' on me! Because AA women don't get down like that! They are too frigid, they don't treat their men right.

Once I got to six figures, I lost count....I ain't ashamed either. I've enjoyed my experiences. 
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